An extensive boilerplate React App and Express Server using Firebase v7 + Google Cloud, and the PayPal Developer SDK.
- Basic Navbar with Customized Routes.
- App route is left empty.
- Sidebar Menu toggle with logout button and subnavs for settings pages.
- Settings subnavs are both empty with no styling.
- Main settings page contains 2FA Option.
- Sign up, log in, add name, bio info, profile picture, upgrade to pro membership.
- Authenticate with Email/Password or Google Account.
- Basic account management; change email, password, etc.
- Optional 2-Factor Authentication with Phone Number.
- Conditional Private Routes for User Account Tiers.
- Recurring Payments for Pro Membership using PayPal.
Firebase account, PayPal developer account.
You can run the client react app without needing the server, unless you want to make external API calls.
git clone
cd base
npm run full-install
Open Firebase and create a new project.
Open the Google Cloud Console, access your project, go to the Identity Platform > MFA, and enable Multi-Factor Authentication.
Inside the client folder, create a
containing the keys to your firebase app:
Open the PayPal Developer Dashboard and create a new app. Make a note of your App's Client ID and Client Secret.
It is recommended to start with the sandbox first.
To do this, use your sandbox app's Client ID, ensure that "sandbox." precedes "api" in all REST API calls, and change PRODUCTION to SANDBOX in client/src/account/Upgrade.js and client/public/index.html.
The easiest way is to go to and create a subscription plan using the interface.
Otherwise you can generate an access token and follow this guide to create your subscription plan via the REST API.
Note: It is recommended that you use your SANDBOX credentials for testing before production.
You can now use react-scripts commands to run the client app or build and deploy.
cd client
npm start
If you want to use the server, you will need a separate .env file inside server/ containing your API keys.
For the example, I've used REACT_APP_CMC_API_KEY
which will enable you to make calls to the coinmarketcap API.
You can then make fetch/axios requests from anywhere in the client app which can directly reference the routes in the express server.
To deploy, you will need to replace the proxy URL (localhost:5000) inside client/package.json with your server's heroku URL or wherever you decide to host your server.