is an application that is used with an
SDN controller. OFTEE
sits between and OpenFlow device and the OpenFlow
controller and tees-off OpenFlow PacketIn messages to external SDN
applications over various protocols, as well as provides a mechanism for
external SDN applications to send OpenFlow PacketOut messages back to the
managed switch.
This project is a sample workspace that has been used to help develop, test,
and experiment with OFTEE
$ git clone http://github.com/dbainbri-ciena/oftee_workspace
$ cd oftee_workspace
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ make env
$ make images
$ make up
This example contains support for both the Open Networking Operating System
) and the OpenDaylight (ODL
) controllers. To select which controller
is used an environment variable, CONTROLLER
is used. If this variable is not
set the ONOS
controller is used by default.
To use the ODL
controller, for example, the same commands are run as above
with the exception in the make up
command. That last command should instead
$ CONTROLLER=odl make up
All other command, including the test commands described later, are identical.
After these commands are completed the test environment is up and running. The
test environment includes an Open Virtual Switch (ovs
), OpenFlow controller
), oftee
, RADIUS server, DHCP Server, AAA SDN application, DHCP L3
proxy SDN application, and a client (host) from which the applications can be
tested. After make up is completed, the following Docker Swarm services should
be active:
$ docker service ls
xflhclbxkgq9 oftee_aaa replicated 1/1 aaa:local *:8005->8005/tcp
a5grjcir8tso oftee_dhcpd replicated 1/1 networkboot/dhcpd:latest
icp1fuuffp2v oftee_host replicated 1/1 host:local
13qd9yb8omkc oftee_oftee replicated 1/1 oftee:local *:6654->6654/tcp, *:8000->8000/tcp
yy8viqa914ed oftee_onos replicated 1/1 onosproject/onos:1.13.1 *:6653->6653/tcp, *:8101->8101/tcp, *:8181->8181/tcp
63bvz5og8g71 oftee_radius replicated 1/1 freeradius/freeradius-server:latest
ubnw94c56ptx oftee_relay replicated 1/1 dhcp-relay:local *:5000->5000/tcp
And the Open Virtual Switch:
$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
Bridge "br0"
Controller "tcp:"
is_connected: true
Port "e22c270effc44_l"
Interface "e22c270effc44_l"
Port "br0"
Interface "br0"
type: internal
ovs_version: "2.5.4"
Issuing the make wpa
command will execute a wpa_supplicant
on the host
machine. This will issue EAPOL messages which will be converted to RADIUS
requests with EAPOL responses sent back to the client host. The output should
be similar to the following (NOTE: the command will not automatically
terminate and ctrl-c
will need to be used to stop the command)
$ make wpa
docker exec -ti 9dfe4ed31d4efeaefd55a194febf1bad41a5ac84cd192ca74734468ec326d39b wpa_supplicant -i eth2 -D wired -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -ddd
wpa_supplicant v2.4
random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Initializing interface 'eth2' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'wired' ctrl_interface 'N/A' bridge 'N/A'
Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'
Line: 5 - start of a new network block
EAP: EAP entering state SUCCESS
eth2: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state RECEIVE
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state SUCCESS
EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
Issuing the make dhcp
command will execute a dhclient
on the host machine.
This will issue a DHCP request which will be proxied to the DHCP server with
responses sent back to the client host. The output should be similar to the
following (NOTE: the command will not automatically
terminate and ctrl-c
will need to be used to stop the command)
$ make dhcp
docker exec -ti 9dfe4ed31d4efeaefd55a194febf1bad41a5ac84cd192ca74734468ec326d39b dhclient -4 -v -d -1 eth2
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.3
Copyright 2004-2015 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted
Listening on LPF/eth2/92:ed:c8:01:0b:e9
Sending on LPF/eth2/92:ed:c8:01:0b:e9
Sending on Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on eth2 to port 67 interval 3 (xid=0x51298e44)
DHCPDISCOVER on eth2 to port 67 interval 5 (xid=0x51298e44)
DHCPREQUEST of on eth2 to port 67 (xid=0x448e2951)
DHCPACK of from
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted
mv: cannot move '/etc/resolv.conf.dhclient-new.44' to '/etc/resolv.conf': Device or resource busy
bound to -- renewal in 269 seconds.
To stop the containers used for the demonstration the following command can be used:
$ make down
If you want do destroy the Vagrant MV
, first exist the VM login shell then
issue a destroy
to Vagrant
$ vagrant destroy -f
This project contains a Vagrantfile
that will instantiate a virtual
machine (VM) that can be used as a test environment. While the specifics may
change over time the general characteristics of this VM are:
- Ubuntu LTS based
- OVS Switch Installed
- Docker installed
- Starts a single node Docker Swarm cluster
- ovs-docker tool installed (used to add containers to the OVS bridge)
- golang installed
The VM can be created using the Vagrant
Please see the associated web site for documentation about using the tools.
This project contains a Makefile
that provides a mechanism to quickly
invoke useful commands for developing and testing. Simply running make
display the possible targets (as listed below):
$ make
aaa.image build the Docker image for the aaa SDN app
aaa.logs tail -f the aaa SDN app logs
aaa.shell start a shell in the aaa container
add-iface add an interface to the ovs bridge for the host container
controller.logs tail -f the onos or odl logs
bridge create the ovs bridge
del-bridge delete the ovs bridge
deploy start the Docker Swarm stack (all the containers)
dhcp start a dhcp request in the host container
dhcp.logs tail -f the DHCP server logs
dhcp.shell start a shell in the DHCP server container
down tear down everything
env clone the source to oftee and aaa into workspace
flow-aaa-wait push the EAP packet in flow repeated until success
flow-dhcp-wait push the DHCP packet in flow repeated until success
flow-wait same as flows, but waits for success
flows push the EAP and DHCP flows to packet in to the controller
host.image build the Docker image for example client host
host.shell start a shell in the host container
images build or pull all required Docker imagges
oftee.image build the Docker image for the oftee
oftee.logs tail -f the oftee logs
odl.logs tail -f the odl logs
pull.images pull all standard images from dockhub.com
radius.logs tail -f the radius logs
radius.shell start a shell in the radius container
relay.image build the Docker image for the DHCP L3 proxy app
relay.logs tail -f the DHCP relay logs
relay.shell start a shell in the DHCP relay container
undeploy delete the Docker Swarm stack (all the containers)
up bring up everything
wpa start a wpa_supplicant in the host container
This target help set up the development environment by cloning two projects into the work space. This allows you to build the containers locally as well as develop modifications to the projects.
The up
target turns up the workspace environment to the point you can start
issuing EAPOL
and DHCP
requests from the host (oftee_host
Self evident.
This can be used to test / demonstrate the AAA application
This can be used to test / demonstrate the DHCP L3 relay application