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Decimal Expansion with Recurring Decimals

npm install react-decimal-expansion pnpm add react-decimal-expansion yarn add react-decimal-expansion

import { DecimalExpansion } from "react-decimal-expansion";


<DecimalExpansion numerator={1234} denominator={1235} />

Renders an internationalized locale-formatted recurring/repeating decimal of the given rational.


  • Vinculum for US/Canada, India and select European countries
  • Dots for UK, Australia, New Zealand, People's Republic of China, and select Middle Eastern and South-east Asian countries
  • Parentheses for other parts of Europe / Scandinavian countries, Vietnam and Israel
  • Arc for Spain and Latin America
  • Ellipsis as another option
  • Rounded as yet another display option

The options prop supports:

  // Specifying the region or locale tag, otherwise the navigator.language will be used
  tag?: Intl.UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier | Intl.Locale;

  // Specifying the format to use for recurring decimals, otherwise inferred from the locale
  format?: "vinculum" | "dots" | "parentheses" | "arc" | "ellipsis" | "rounded";

  // Number format options, same as using:
  //   new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, formatOptions).format(...)
  formatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions;

  // If using the "rounded" format, how to round
  rounding?: {
    method?: "round" | "floor" | "ceil";
    digits?: number;

    renderRounded?: React.FC<PropsWithChildren>;
    renderExact?: React.FC<PropsWithChildren>;

  // Custom renderers for recurring parts
  renderRecurring?: Record<
    "vinculum" | "dots" | "parentheses" | "arc" | "ellipsis" | "rounded",


pnpm run dev to run the demo app.


Let me know via Github Issue if there's any regions that have the wrong format, and we'll update the list.