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A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed

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A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed

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๐Ÿ  Contents


Name Description Author Stars
1 local-font-access Web API for enumerating fonts on the local system WICG 82

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Name Description Author Stars
1 grocy ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home grocy 7336

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Name Description Author Stars
1 dragon Drag and drop source/target for X mwh 1362
2 mupdf mupdf mirror ArtifexSoftware 1913
3 esm-potrace-wasm A modern ESM build of the Potrace library for use in the browser. tomayac 76
4 boxologic 3D Bin Packing: A set of C programs that calculate the best fit for boxes on a pallet, and visualize the result. thebitpusher 44
5 libvips A fast image processing library with low memory needs. libvips 10146
6 nip2 A spreadsheet-like GUI for libvips. libvips 381
7 thirdparty-lcms2 ArtifexSoftware 10
8 robotjs Node.js Desktop Automation. octalmage 12497
9 yodaos Yet another Linux distribution for voice-enabled IoT and embrace Web standards yodaos-project 1197
10 headless-gl ๐ŸŽƒ Windowless WebGL for node.js stackgl 1793
11 oyranos Colour Management System oyranos-cms 21
12 HummusJS Node.js module for high performance creation, modification and parsing of PDF files and streams galkahana 1153
13 PDFium.js coolwanglu 163
14 nanosvg Simple stupid SVG parser memononen 1765

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Svg.Skia An SVG rendering library. wieslawsoltes 534
2 CoreWCF Main repository for the Core WCF project CoreWCF 1698
3 WcfRestContrib The WCF REST Contrib library adds additional functionality to the current WCF REST implementation. mikeobrien 50
4 OpenType-SVG-Font-Editor A user-friendly tool for adding SVG to OpenType fonts microsoft 175
5 SharpGLTF glTF reader and writer for .NET Standard vpenades 494
6 DynamicExpresso C# expressions interpreter dynamicexpresso 2072
7 csunits C# framework for Units of Measurement cureos 48
8 PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity microsoft 116547
9 Lottie-Windows Lottie-Windows is a library (and related tools) for rendering Lottie animations on Windows 10 and Windows 11. CommunityToolkit 653
10 cad-in-unity Loading CAD into Unity 3D applications i2e-haw-hamburg 107
11 NoteCAD Unity3d CAD system with C# Geometric Constraint Solver NoteCAD 184
12 DXFLib C# Library for reading (and writing in future) DXF files mkernel 50
13 geometry3Sharp C# library for 2D/3D geometric computation, mesh algorithms, and so on. Boost license. gradientspace 1768
14 LibTessDotNet C# port of the famous GLU Tessellator - prebuilt binaries now available in "releases" tab speps 323
15 DXF2Diecut Simple command line executable that helps converting a dxf file to either cf2 or ai (format used for diecut documents) treeDiM 6
16 Sharp3DBinPacking C# version of 3d bin packing algorithms translated from krris/3d-bin-packing treeDiM 2
17 electrino Desktop runtime for apps built on web technologies, using the system's own web browser engine pojala 4396

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Name Description Author Stars
1 js-angusj-clipper Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library (Javascript) - a port of Angus Johnson's clipper xaviergonz 168
2 gpt4all GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use. nomic-ai 72899
3 tesseract Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) tesseract-ocr 65604
4 rectangle-bin-pack Fast (in native c++) implementation of bin packing algorithm for Node.js. vladimirgamalyan 12
5 podofomemo reading source code of podofo Universefei 5
6 NoPoDoFo node pdf native bindings corymickelson 26
7 node-podofo NodeJS bindings for the PoDoFo PDF library yjwong 7
8 pdfcook Prepress preparing tool and PDF editor ksharindam 17
9 cyan Cyan Graphics rodlie 95
10 scribus Community mirror of the official Scribus SVN svn:// Please submit PRs & Bugs to . scribusproject 441
11 paps A text to postscript converter through pango dov 53
12 OpenSceneGraph OpenSceneGraph git repository openscenegraph 3331
13 RectangleBinPack Source code for performing 2d rectangular bin packing. juj 894
14 svg-native-viewer SVG Native viewer is a library that parses and renders SVG Native documents adobe 157
15 arion Fast thumbnail creation and image metadata extraction snapwire-media 19
16 multipass Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances canonical 8162
17 dvisvgm A fast DVI, EPS, and PDF to SVG converter mgieseki 328
18 FBX2glTF A command-line tool for the conversion of 3D model assets on the FBX file format to the glTF file format. facebookincubator 2153
19 neutralinojs Portable and lightweight cross-platform desktop application development framework neutralinojs 7679
20 thrust Chromium-based cross-platform / cross-language application framework breach 2769
21 robogen RoboGen - Robot generation through artificial evolution lis-epfl 27
22 dust3d Dust3D is a cross-platform 3D modeling software that makes it easy to create low poly 3D models for video games, 3D printing, and more. huxingyi 3028
23 solvespace Parametric 2d/3d CAD solvespace 3364
24 brig User Interface Toolkits for Node.js BrigJS 314
25 node-printer Native node.js printer tojocky 1544

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Name Description Author Stars
1 wave Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ’ฐ thedevdojo 5928
2 LinkFree A free and open source alternative to LinkTree MichaelBarney 647
3 curatedseotools Best SEO Tools Stash sneg55 426
4 logo_maker Open Source Logo Maker From Decabits Lab decabits 28
5 pace Automatically add a progress bar to your site. CodeByZach 15676
6 ngx-spinner A library for loading spinner for Angular 4 - 19. Napster2210 839
7 radzen-examples Sample applications created with Radzen Studio radzenhq 165
8 graphql-ide โšก๏ธ GraphQL IDE - An extensive IDE for exploring GraphQL API's andev-software 997
9 nodejs-ecommerce-store An ecommerce store built in NodeJS mrmodise 160
10 tabler-react React components and demo for the Tabler UI theme. tabler 2298
11 animsition A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions. blivesta 3824
12 WebPDF.js Foxit webpdf.js provides a world-class JavaScript library for viewing PDF files in web browsers. foxitsoftware 64
13 NaturalLanguageForm An experimental form that uses natural language instead of the usual form layout. Values are entered using custom input elements. codrops 302

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Name Description Author Stars
1 logomatic A simple generator for logo-like shapes. jackrusher 62

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Name Description Author Stars
1 fabricjs-viewport allows zooming and viewport manipulation in fabricjs SoftwareBrothers 130
2 hanzo.js ๐Ÿš€ Hanzo JavaScript SDK. Hanzo is a data-driven launchpad for business. hanzoai 131
3 el.js โœจ Higher-order elements powered by transclusion. eljs 34
4 color-books Easily use color books in Javascript. jacobbubu 8
5 vibrant.js Extract prominent colors from an image. JS port of Android's Palette. jariz 4609
6 svgttf NodeJS library to convert Illustrator or Inkscape SVG drawings to SVG and TTF fonts loveencounterflow 31
7 fold FOLD file format for origami models, crease patterns, etc. edemaine 328
8 meteor-autocomplete Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collections and reactivity. Meteor-Community-Packages 350
9 twindle A set of utilities to track and mine Twitter streaming API data pudo 46

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Name Description Author Stars
1 printed Generate PDF/SVG/HTML with D, with a Canvas-style API. Now with a flow document emitter. AuburnSounds 37

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Name Description Author Stars
1 colors_ai Color scheme generator that uses deep learning from Colormind and Huemint APIs ๐Ÿค– UI is made with Material Design 3 (Material You). tsinis 136
2 mobile Mobile App for Frappe built on Flutter frappe 242

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Name Description Author Stars
1 lambda-ubuntu Create a docker image of a Ubuntu environment compatible with lambda. newdeal123 14
2 poppler-aws-lambda-layer Poppler on AWS Lambda TOKIUM 1
3 aws-lambda-poppler-layer AWS Lambda Poppler Layer jeylabs 58
4 nodebestpractices โœ… The Node.js best practices list (July 2024) goldbergyoni 102128
5 awesome-cloud-run ๐Ÿ‘“ โฉ A curated list of resources about all things Cloud Run steren 850
6 gm-lambda-layer AWS Lambda layer with GraphicsMagick binaries. rpidanny 70
7 pdfium-wasm Building PDFium for Web Assembly urish 74
8 bpy_lambda ๐ŸŽฅ A compiled binary of Blender-as-a-Python-Module (bpy) for use in AWS Lambda bcongdon 66

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Name Description Author Stars
1 dynamodb-admin GUI for DynamoDB Local or dynalite aaronshaf 1381

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Name Description Author Stars
1 email โœ‰๏ธ email dashboard to track deliverability and engagement stats in our App ๐Ÿ“ˆ dwyl 43
2 avia open source e-commerce framework aviacommerce 527

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Name Description Author Stars
1 imgproxy Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images imgproxy 9397
2 pagespeed_exporter Prometheus pagespeed exporter foomo 244
3 chanify Chanify is a safe and simple notification tools. This repository is command line tools for Chanify. chanify 1296
4 infracost Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ“‰ Shift FinOps Left! infracost 11341
5 ledger A Programmable Core Ledger formancehq 937
6 open-match Flexible, extensible, and scalable video game matchmaking. googleforgames 3235
7 authelia The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps authelia 23205
8 matterbridge bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (mattermost not required!) 42wim 6894
9 nuclio High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform nuclio 5413
10 up Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS. apex 8806
11 pulumi Pulumi - Infrastructure as Code in any programming language ๐Ÿš€ pulumi 22709
12 AutoSpotting Saves up to 90% of AWS EC2 costs by automating the use of spot instances on existing AutoScaling groups. Installs in minutes using CloudFormation or Terraform. Convenient to deploy at scale using StackSets. Uses tagging to avoid launch configuration changes. Automated spot termination handling. Reliable fallback to on-demand instances. LeanerCloud 2349
13 wsl-ssh-pageant A Pageant -> TCP bridge for use with WSL, allowing for Pageant to be used as an ssh-ageant within the WSL environment. benpye 636
14 wsl2-ssh-pageant bridge between windows pageant and wsl2 BlackReloaded 370
15 platform-aws-vpn Serverless OpenVPN Certificate Authority running on AWS empathyco 116
16 mjau Mjau is a simple, fast, and flexible web font server. huwenshu 5
17 ejson EJSON is a small library to manage encrypted secrets using asymmetric encryption. Shopify 1402
18 cost-optimization AWS Infrastructure cost optimization ๐Ÿ’ธ with AWS Lambda mlabouardy 25
19 primitive Reproducing images with geometric primitives. fogleman 12947
20 dispatch Dispatch is a framework for deploying and managing serverless style applications. vmware-archive 531

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Open-Agent-Studio rohanarun 255
2 react-image-editor React + Konva / image editor / like Figma or Canva swimmingkiim 435
3 mosaico Mosaico - Responsive Email Template Editor voidlabs 1727
4 grad-school-portfolio Machine learning and data science related projects completed by Bea Stollnitz bstollnitz 6
5 Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Generator Character Generator based on Universal-LPC-Spritesheet LiberatedPixelCup 575
6 Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Generator Character Generator based on Universal-LPC-Spritesheet sanderfrenken 423
7 Spritesheet Character Generator based on Universal-LPC-Spritesheet 9236312 14
8 free-for-dev A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev ripienaar 93061
9 nestjs-sentry Provides an injectable client to provide enterprise logging nestjs modules ntegral 383
10 ephtracy 2720
11 aisvg2sprite Convert illustrator(ai) SVG to pretty SVG sprite dolymood 12
12 url-to-pdf-api Web page PDF/PNG rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content. alvarcarto 7050
13 erpnext_print_format print format samples for ERPNext sbkolate 41
14 sovereign A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more. sovereign 10436
15 logomator An online logo maker that uses machine learning to make you feel like you're working with a real designer. Logomator 28
16 angular-universal Angular Universal 100% powered by Angular CLI enten 153
17 tiny-slider Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes. ganlanyuan 5291
18 infinite-scroll ๐Ÿ“œ Automatically add next page metafizzy 7450
19 logo_builder Free AI powered logo builder launchaco 390
20 awesome-angular ๐Ÿ“„ A curated list of awesome Angular resources PatrickJS 9668
21 flex-splitter-directive Dead simple panes splitter control based on flexbox. JS + CSS < 1kB (gzipped) with no dependencies. luncheon 27
22 colcade Lightweight masonry layout desandro 491
23 microweber Drag and Drop Website Builder and CMS with E-commerce microweber 3233
24 redmine_dmsf Fork of svn repository for redmine_dmsf danmunn 430
25 brick Open-source webfont service alfredxing 2860
26 node-colorvert-api A node+express JSON HTTP API to interact with the colorvert node module. Requests against this API produce a response that contains all the converted color values for most available color spaces. jpederson 5
27 storefront An Angular 2 storefront app for Magento 2 (unmaintained) rocwang 33
28 ComputationalGeometry-P5 Computational Geometry Processing Library cloudlab 27
29 fonts ํ•œ๊ธ€ ์›นํฐํŠธ ๋ชจ์Œ gshn 50
30 Pantone-CMYK-RGB-Hex Conversion table for Pantone PMS to CMYK, RGB, and Hex values. adonald 31
31 vaadin-grid vaadin-grid is a free, high quality data grid / data table Web Component. Part of the Vaadin components. vaadin 404
32 Cerberus A few simple, but solid patterns for responsive HTML email templates and newsletters. Even in Outlook and Gmail. emailmonday 5054
33 foundation-emails-template Official template for new Foundation for Emails projects. foundation 504
34 admincast The Most Advanced Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. HTML & Angular 5+ versions. admincast 58
35 jsrsasign The 'jsrsasign' (RSA-Sign JavaScript Library) is an opensource free cryptography library supporting RSA/RSAPSS/ECDSA/DSA signing/validation, ASN.1, PKCS#1/5/8 private/public key, X.509 certificate, CRL, OCSP, CMS SignedData, TimeStamp, CAdES and JSON Web Signature/Token in pure JavaScript. kjur 3317
36 jquery-visible A jquery plugin which allows us to quickly check if an element is within the browsers visual viewport regardless of the window scroll position customd 985
37 penthouse Generate critical css for your web pages pocketjoso 2655

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Stirling-PDF #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files Stirling-Tools 54805
2 vectorgraphics2d Graphics2D implementations to export various vector file formats eseifert 108
3 questdb QuestDB is a high performance, open-source, time-series database questdb 15008
4 JDFLibJ CIP4 JDF Library for JDF 1.x cip4 7
5 XBinPacking A 3D bin packing application that uses the guillotine heuristic. xsignati 28
6 react-native-callkeep iOS CallKit framework and Android ConnectionService for React Native react-native-webrtc 957
7 react-native-caller-id React Native Caller ID module pkhien95 4
8 viro ViroReact: The library for building AR and VR applications and experiences with React Native. Made with โค๏ธ by Morrow. ReactVision 1514
9 aws-cost-miner Application to extract usefull information from Aws Billing Report robsonbittencourt 43
10 FabricView A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out antwankakki 1035
11 d0427 FEFCO 0427 designs produced in DXF drawing format. bikinon 1
12 manifold-3D-API-clients Clients for the Manifold 3D API web service. meta-matic 6
13 caliko The Caliko library is an implementation of the FABRIK inverse kinematics algorithm in Java. FedUni 165
14 android-pdfview [DEPRECATED] A fast PDF reader component for Android development JoanZapata 2842
15 ShowcaseView [Archived] Highlight the best bits of your app to users quickly, simply, and amlcurran 5590
16 SlidingMenu An Android library that allows you to easily create applications with slide-in menus. You may use it in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app. Thanks! jfeinstein10 11061
17 ListViewAnimations [DEPRECATED] An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items nhaarman 5551

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Name Description Author Stars
1 memo_generator Tool that generates AI startup investment memorandums dforwardfeed 67
2 svg-to-pdf pre-press oriented node.js module to transform a SVG string into printable PDF file arnaudjuracek 15
3 OpenSign ๐Ÿ”ฅ The free & Open Source DocuSign alternative OpenSignLabs 4441
4 react-konva-to-svg Extend Konva's functionality to export stages as SVG. Enhance the quality of exported images with SVG format. dendrofen 15
5 polotno-studio Free online Design Editor. polotno-project 1065
6 Coloris A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker. Written in vanilla ES6, no dependencies. Accessible. mdbassit 519
7 react-grid-layout A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React. react-grid-layout 21014
8 artdraw SVG editor online - Vector drawing and graphics editor sysmaya 17
9 responsively-app A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool. responsively-org 23152
10 pipedream Connect APIs, remarkably fast. Free for developers. PipedreamHQ 9417
11 canvas-engines-comparison Performance comparison of different canvas rendering engines. slaylines 829
12 triangle-wasm Javascript wrapper around Triangle - A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator brunoimbrizi 100
13 stable-diffusion-webui-vectorstudio GeorgLegato 600
14 react-dashboard ๐Ÿ”ฅReact Dashboard - isomorphic admin dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync) ๐Ÿ”ฅ flatlogic 1620
15 nextacular An open-source starter kit that will help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features. Built on top of popular and modern technologies such as Next JS, Tailwind, Prisma, and Stripe. nextacular 1187
16 ZzSprite Pixel Art Sprite Generator KilledByAPixel 151
17 pixel-sprite-generator JavaScript procedural sprite generator zfedoran 600
18 bp3d.js JS 3D Bin Packing library olragon 8
19 tailwind-dashboard-template Mosaic Lite is a free admin dashboard template built on top of Tailwind CSS and fully coded in React. Made by cruip 2516
20 pwa-studio ๐Ÿ› Development tools to build, optimize and deploy Progressive Web Applications for Magento 2. magento 1077
21 binpackingjs 2D, 3D, 4D Bin Packing JS Library olragon 162
22 react-storefront React Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, Apache-2.0 license. Join us as contributor ( storefront-foundation 812
23 react-web-component Create Web Components with React LukasBombach 286
24 freight-packer Freight packing solver & visualizer chadiik 55
25 xflp-ui Web renderer for 3D load planning results hschneid 14
26 hotkeys-js โžท A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies. jaywcjlove 6806
27 ThreeStudio 3D game editor based on Three.js and Electron. adamsol 173
28 univac Generate AST of lots of common programming languages using antlr4. JavaScript API and CLI tool. cancerberoSgx 76
29 SVGcode Convert color bitmap images to color SVG vector images. tomayac 824
30 potrace-wasm Potrace Porting in Web Assembly IguteChung 40
31 beanstalk-deploy GitHub action (and command line script) to deploy apps to Elastic Beanstalk einaregilsson 638
32 ghostscript4js Ghostscript4JS binds the Ghostscript C API to the Node.JS world. NickNaso 70
33 handsontable JavaScript Data Grid / Data Table with a Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team โšก handsontable 20755
34 x-spreadsheet The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table myliang 14346
35 Doodle3D-Core Core functionality of Doodle3D Transform Doodle3D 8
36 omni The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity โŒจ๏ธ alyssaxuu 7418
37 javascript-testing-best-practices ๐Ÿ“—๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿšข Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (July 2023) goldbergyoni 24298
38 json-logic-js Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in JavaScript jwadhams 1313
39 svg-merge robdodson 10
40 svgshelf A simple CLI for merging multiple svg into a single file bitinn 18
41 ToolJet Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. ๐Ÿš€ ToolJet 35130
42 synp Convert yarn.lock to package-lock.json and vice versa imsnif 769
43 grouparoo ๐Ÿฆ˜ The Grouparoo Monorepo - open source customer data sync framework grouparoo 752
44 node-soap A SOAP client and server for node.js. vpulim 3004
45 saasify The easiest way to monetize your API. ๐Ÿš€ saasify-sh 1159
46 Cover-Image-Generator ๐Ÿ“• Generate a cover image for your blog post ๐Ÿ“ PJijin 271
47 datastudio.instagraminsights Instagram Insights connector for Data Studio intk 6
48 Manta ๐ŸŽ‰ Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates. hql287 5302
49 node-autotrace A simple interface for converting raster images into vector graphics using AutoTrace. zacbarton 29
50 three-plotter-renderer An SVG renderer with occlusion for plotters and SVG editors neurofuzzy 44
51 rapen experimental web based svg editor hi104 9
52 svg-filter-editor An SVG filter editor written in SVG+JS thelonious 6
53 Sozi A "zooming" presentation editor sozi-projects 1616
54 hotdraw.js HotDraw.js is a JavaScript Graphical User Interface (GUI) framework for developing structured drawing editors websemantics 22
55 JSYG.FullEditor Full SVG editing API with JSYG framework YannickBochatay 28
56 the-graph SVG custom elements for FBP graph editing and visualization. Used in noflo/noflo-ui flowhub 1013
57 node-canvas Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS. Automattic 10381
58 xeogl A WebGL-based 3D engine for technical visualization. Not actively maintained. xeolabs 1155
59 3d-model-element A custom element for rendering inline 3D models in a HTML document and allowing them to be transformed with CSS. keithclark 219
60 webpack-gulp-wordpress-starter-theme A WordPress theme with Webpack & Gulp oguilleux 153
61 pdf-bot ๐Ÿค– A Node queue API for generating PDFs using headless Chrome. Comes with a CLI, S3 storage and webhooks for notifying subscribers about generated PDFs ImgBotApp 67
62 react-admin-nestjsx-crud-dataprovider Data provider which integrates React Admin with NestJS CRUD library FusionWorks 132
63 dynamodb-oop Speak fluent DynamoDB, write code with fashion, I Promise() ๐Ÿ˜ƒ awspilot 119
64 electrodb A DynamoDB library to ease the use of modeling complex hierarchical relationships and implementing a Single Table Design while keeping your query code readable. tywalch 1056
65 dynamoose Dynamoose is a modeling tool for Amazon's DynamoDB dynamoose 2203
66 serverless-dynamodb-local Serverless Dynamodb Local Plugin - Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless 99x 626
67 open-source-saas-boilerpate Free SaaS boilerplate (Python/PostgreSQL/ReactJS/Webpack) saasforge 831
68 node-potrace JavaScript port of Potrace, for NodeJS tooolbox 403
69 addons ERPNext addons app, extra doctypes, customizations, more.. ascorbic-acid 21
70 changeDPI Javascript library that allows you to change an image's DPI settings in the browser shutterstock 234
71 rewrite-png-pHYs-chunk rewrite the pHYs chunk of a PNG in JavaScript murkle 13
72 trymodule โžฐ It's never been easier to try nodejs modules! victorb 1136
73 google-fonts-complete A complete list of Google Web Fonts and their sources jonathantneal 126
74 node-lcms A little wrapper over LittleCMS utilities danburzo 5
75 Demo_CMYKImageUploader Demo for CMYK Image upload and color process using Node.js yourtion 4
76 gl-matrix Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps toji 5479
77 preact โš›๏ธ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. preactjs 37269
78 egjs Javascript components group that brings easiest and fastest way to build a web application in your way. naver 939
79 inko ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท์˜ํƒ€๋ฅผ ํ•œ๊ธ€๋กœ, ํ•œํƒ€๋ฅผ ์˜์–ด๋กœ ๋ณ€ํ™˜ํ•ด์ฃผ๋Š” ์ž๋ฐ”์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŠธ ์˜คํ”ˆ์†Œ์Šค ๋ผ์ด๋ธŒ๋Ÿฌ๋ฆฌ 738 229
80 google-fonts Use any of the 1000+ fonts (and their variants) from in your Expo app. expo 838
81 node-potrace JavaScript port of Potrace, for NodeJS iwsfg 186
82 node-html-pdf This repo isn't maintained anymore as phantomjs got dreprecated a long time ago. Please migrate to headless chrome/puppeteer. marcbachmann 3561
83 illustrator-scripts Adobe Illustrator scripts alexander-ladygin 1118
84 adobe-scripting A guide for learning how to write scripts for use in Adobe Illustrator rjduran 199
85 Adobe-Export-Scripts Photoshop and Illustrator scripts bronzehedwick 111
86 VSCode-Adobe-Script-Runner Run Adobe scripts from VSCode rendertom 91
87 prepress-adobe-scripts Essential Illustrator and Photoshop scripts for commercial printshop hanggrian 24
88 powercalculator Calculator to define runtime of experiments bookingcom 88
89 origami.js Powerful and Lightweight Library to create using HTML5 Canvas raphamorim 764
90 alien.js ๐Ÿ‘ฝ MVC design pattern and render pipeline alienkitty 965
91 cypress-mailhog Cypress Commands for MailHog ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ— SMenigat 31
92 cypress-plugin-snapshots Plugin for snapshot tests in meinaart 499
93 viro ViroReact: AR and VR using React Native viromedia 2351
94 react-native-canvas A Canvas component for React Native iddan 1011
95 casl CASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access stalniy 6287
96 thetool thetool is a CLI tool to capture different cpu, memory and other profiles for your node app in Chrome DevTools friendly format sfninja 222
97 kefir A Reactive Programming library for JavaScript kefirjs 1877
98 glsl-lighting-walkthrough ๐Ÿ’ก phong shading tutorial with glslify stackgl 463
99 shader-school ๐ŸŽ“ A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming stackgl 4345
100 stargazed ๐Ÿ“‹ Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! abhijithvijayan 479
101 notion-clone Edit Notes like in Full-Stack App using React/Express. konstantinmuenster 2953
102 hygen The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project. jondot 5757
103 mockgen Generates device mockups for a given URL using Puppeteer and Facebook Devices. astronomersiva 5
104 moqq Node.js Device Mockup generator. andreemic 1
105 askJames-serverlessCrawler A naive serverless web crawler using Lambda and DynamoDB. jbesw 43
106 chromda ฮป ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Chromda is an AWS Lambda function for capturing screenshots of websites. lufzle 510
107 es-check Checks the version of ES in JavaScript files with simple shell commands ๐Ÿ† yowainwright 180
108 es-check Checks the version of ES in JavaScript files with simple shell commands ๐Ÿ† dollarshaveclub 458
109 You-Dont-Need-Momentjs List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin you-dont-need 13337
110 serverless-sharp Serverless image optimizer for S3, Lambda, and Cloudfront venveo 170
111 lambda-watchtower Serverless HTTP(S) Endpoint Monitoring With AWS Lambda & CloudWatch wmnnd 76
112 THREE.UpdatableTexture spite 74
113 via.js Write JS code that runs in a different context. E.g. use the DOM in a Web Worker. AshleyScirra 498
114 vaadin vaadin 557
115 logo-generator Mesos Framework logo generator remembertoplay 18
116 angular-react-pwa Angular 19 & React 19 Examples PWA (Progressive Web App) ganatan 62
117 serverless-jetpack A faster JavaScript packager for Serverless applications. FormidableLabs 279
118 prerendercloud-lambda-edge Pre-render CloudFront with this Lambda@Edge function. Powered by (formerly named from 2016 - 2022) sanfrancesco 208
119 fabricPublisherTools Extensions for fabricjs to add better layout capabilities mtrudw 15
120 relax New generation CMS on top of React, Redux and GraphQL relax 8156
121 imagemagick-aws-lambda-2 ImageMagick for AWS Lambda 2 runtimes serverlesspub 257
122 Server-side-FabricJs-using-Puppeteer Using not-node-module FabricJs server side with Puppeteer radiolondra 30
123 tui.image-editor ๐Ÿž๐ŸŽจ Full-featured photo image editor using canvas. It is really easy, and it comes with great filters. nhn 7230
124 aws-cloudfront Deploy an AWS CloudFront distribution for the provided origins using Serverless Components serverless-components 27
125 immer Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one immerjs 28177
126 fontto-server fontto server for real service twiiks 4
127 google-font-to-svg-path Create an SVG path from a Google font danmarshall 816
128 bootstrap-slider A slider control for Bootstrap 3 & 4. seiyria 2986
129 potrace A javascript port of Potrace kilobtye 310
130 type Type for PIXI is a powerfull tool for working with texts on HTML 5 canvas. abraaobuenotype 31
131 canvas-text-opentypejs-shim Consistent text rendering for <canvas> (backed by opentype.js) shyiko 20
132 fabricjs-opentypejs-demo Demo of fabricjs rendering fonts using opentypejs Q42 22
133 moment-business-days This is a momentJS plugin that allows you to use only business days (Monday to Friday) eduolalo 243
134 lebab Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6. Lebab does the opposite of what Babel does. lebab 5631
135 colorpicker A mininal but complete colorpicker desktop app Toinane 1698
136 ejson EJSON - Extended JSON from Meteor available for Node.js and the front-end in one handy neat package. Made compatible for Primus. primus 87
137 median-cut-js A JavaScript implementation of the median-cut algorithm. mwcz 37
138 ColorPal A JavaScript-based palette generation tool mwcz 18
139 iro.js ๐ŸŽจ Modular color picker widget for JavaScript, with support for a bunch of color formats jaames 1343
140 image-js Image processing and manipulation in JavaScript image-js 730
141 pablito An HTML 5 Canvas Drawing Tool. britannica 3
142 Canvas-Drawing-Tool Canvas Drawing Tool build by PBS KIDS Digital pbs 22
143 EventSource a polyfill for Yaffle 2151
144 color-thief Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. lokesh 12978
145 fabricjs-color-matrix-filter a simple implementation of the ColorMatrixFilter as a fabric.js filter pixolith 6
146 fabric-history Fabric.js history plugin alimozdemir 189
147 ngraph.fabric Fabric.js graph renderer anvaka 40
148 fabric-brush Crayon is a canvas brush based on an awesome framework Fabric.js tennisonchan 312
149 serverless-auth-strategies How to handle authentication with serverless functions DavidWells 140
150 serverless-http Use your existing middleware framework (e.g. Express, Koa) in AWS Lambda ๐ŸŽ‰ dougmoscrop 1754
151 undom ๐Ÿฉ 1kb minimally viable DOM Document implementation developit 681
152 ml5-library Friendly machine learning for the web! ๐Ÿค– ml5js 6531
153 Awesome-Design-Tools The best design tools and plugins for everything ๐Ÿ‘‰ goabstract 35365
154 warpjs Warp, distort, bend, twist and smudge your SVGโ€™s directly in the browser benjamminf 503
155 gekko A bitcoin trading bot written in node - askmike 10128
156 BitVision Trade Bitcoin and run forecasting models from the terminal shobrook 1215
157 Gekko-Strategies Strategies to Gekko trading bot with backtests results and some useful tools. xFFFFF 1368
158 currency.js A javascript library for handling currencies scurker 3257
159 backgrounder Dynamic SVG Backgrounds Generator Using SVG.js mspanish 11
160 hummusRecipe A powerful PDF tool for NodeJS based on HummusJS. chunyenHuang 346
161 wire-o AWS Lambda function for PDF binding standard-library 18
162 rsvg-convert-aws-lambda-binary Convert SVG images easily to PDF and PNG using AWS Lambda serverlesspub 33
163 svg2pdf CLI tool to batch convert SVG files to PDF. Savjee 9
164 illustrator-point-exporter โœจ JSON exporter for Adobe Illustrator: get point coordinates from paths by layer. elcontraption 86
165 extendscript-library ExtendScript-library is a JavaScript library. This library has been created in order to support people who'd like write automation scripts for Adobe Creative Suite bastienEichenberger 68
166 illustrator-scripts Some powerfull JSX scripts for extending Adobe Illustrator creold 743
167 CC-Extension-Builder-For-Visual-Studio-Code A Visual Studio Code Extension that lets you create HTML based extensions for Adobe Creative Cloud applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Hennamann 46
168 vanilla-lazyload LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, backgrounds, videos, iframes and scripts to when they will enter the viewport. Written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages IntersectionObserver, supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. verlok 7773
169 panzoom Universal pan and zoom library (DOM, SVG, Custom) anvaka 1877
170 lottie-web Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. airbnb 30957
171 serverless-webpack Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpack serverless-heaven 1728
172 aws-lambda-chrome AWS-compatible Chrome build ubio 15
173 serverless-chrome ๐ŸŒ Run headless Chrome/Chromium on AWS Lambda adieuadieu 2873
174 lambda-puppeteer-webgl-swiftshader apalchys 13
175 puppeteer-lambda-starter-kit Starter Kit for running Headless-Chrome by Puppeteer on AWS Lambda. sambaiz 581
176 tensorflow-lambda run tensorflow on lambdas (aws, vercel, ...) lucleray 47
177 three-png-stream streams ThreeJS render target pixel data Experience-Monks 67
178 examples Serverless Examples โ€“ย A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more. serverless 11482
179 generateSVG convert all images,such as png to svg,font to svg path,svg to jpg,svg to png,svg to eps,svg to pdf zmisgod 21
180 semantic-prerelease A set of semantic-release scripts that allow publishing of prerelease versions behind dist-tags. telerik 8
181 glide A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. Itโ€™s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more glidejs 7584
182 split Unopinionated utilities for resizeable split views nathancahill 6190
183 angular-7-webpack-4-boilerplate Ready to use Angular 7 project with webpack 4 configuration for development and production samteb 105
184 artillery The complete load testing platform. Everything you need for production-grade load tests. Serverless & distributed. Load test with Playwright. Load test HTTP APIs, GraphQL, WebSocket, and more. Use any Node.js module. artilleryio 8317
185 serverless-gitlab-ci Simple serverless gitlab ci template bvincent1 19
186 ngx-owl-carousel-o owl-carousel for Angular >=6 vitalii-andriiovskyi 185
187 SyliusShopApiClient JavaScript client on top of SyliusShopApiPlugin to build integrations with ease. LIN3S 10
188 expressCart A fully functioning Node.js shopping cart with Stripe, PayPal,, PayWay, Blockonomics, Adyen, Zip and Instore payments. mrvautin 2260
189 jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js ๐ŸฆŽ A jQuery plugin for extracting the dominant color from images and applying the color to their parent. briangonzalez 6526
190 basil.js The missing Javascript smart persistent layer Wisembly 1978
191 notie ๐Ÿ”” a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies jaredreich 6303
192 nylas-mail ๐Ÿ’Œ An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome! nylas 24818
193 zoomooz An easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making zooming web pages. jaukia 1783
194 apostrophe A full-featured, open-source content management framework built with Node.js that empowers organizations by combining in-context editing and headless architecture in a full-stack JS environment. apostrophecms 4411
195 example-storefront Example Storefront is Reaction Commerceโ€™s headless ecommerce storefront - Next.js, GraphQL, React. Built using Apollo Client and the commerce-focused React UI components provided in the Storefront Component Library (reactioncommerce/reaction-component-library). It connects with Reaction backend with the GraphQL API. reactioncommerce 611
196 ngx-slick angular6 a wrapper for slick plugin devmark 108
197 EventEmitter2 A nodejs event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, works in the browser EventEmitter2 2865
198 serverless-image-resizing ARCHIVED amazon-archives 825
199 husky Git hooks made easy ๐Ÿถ woof! typicode 33269
200 ThreeCSG CSG plugin for Three.js chandlerprall 455
201 ghostHunter A Ghost blog search engine jamwise 593
202 lunr.js A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright olivernn 9037
203 ghost-search A simple but powerful search library for Ghost Blogging Platform. HauntedThemes 118
204 combokeys Web browser keyboard shortcuts. CommonJS, NPM. avocode 674
205 magento2-frontools Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 based on Gulp.js SnowdogApps 429
206 node-transicc A nodejs wrapper for LittleCMS's transicc command line utility. Perform true ICC profile color conversions in your node apps! Used by multiple other node modules, and projects (like jpederson 30
207 nw-app-example Example app based on nw-skeleton framework nwfw 2
208 node-convict Featureful configuration management library for Node.js mozilla 2359
209 lazysizes High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration. aFarkas 17635
210 webglstudio.js A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more. jagenjo 5268
211 webpack-node-externals Easily exclude node modules in Webpack liady 1298
212 claygl A WebGL graphic library for building scalable Web3D applications pissang 2825
213 gltf-avatar-threejs A glTF-based 3d avatar system shrekshao 268
214 FILTER.js Video and Image Processing and Computer Vision Library in pure JavaScript (Browser and Node.js) foo123 400
215 nw-builder Build NW.js applications for Linux, MacOS and Windows nwutils 1695
216 joint A proven SVG-based JavaScript diagramming library powering exceptional UIs clientIO 4866
217 fabric-clipping-demo A clipping demo with Fabric.js SabatinoMasala 37
218 nw.js Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. nwjs 40527
219 carlo Web rendering surface for Node applications GoogleChromeLabs 9303
220 jeelizFaceFilter Javascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...). jeeliz 2747
221 mies A simple Vector Graphics Drawing tool using PaperJS tamg 15
222 path-daddy Luke, I'm your pather burakukula 8
223 Method-Draw Method Draw, the SVG Editor for Method of Action methodofaction 2885
224 svgedit Powerful SVG-Editor for your browser SVG-Edit 6920
225 oroboro Svg editor app for Meteor v.0.1.0. oro8oro 8
226 imagemin Minify images seamlessly imagemin 5621
227 micro-outline-stroke UI and endpoint for svg-outline-stroke elrumordelaluz 12
228 graphql-upload Middleware and a scalar Upload to add support for GraphQL multipart requests (file uploads via queries and mutations) to various Node.js GraphQL servers. jaydenseric 1436
229 node-gracenote Nodejs Wrapper ddanninger 57
230 SVGnest An open source vector nesting tool Jack000 2357
231 scale Color scale generator hihayk 1665
232 angular-hotkeys Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your Angular apps. chieffancypants 1672
233 electron-preferences A simple, consistent interface for managing user preferences within an Electron application. snapcrunch 123
234 developer-documentation Mautic Developer Documentation mautic 29
235 mautic-plugin-grapesbuilder Grapesjs integration for Mautic ddanninger 23
236 electron-dl Simplified file downloads for your Electron app sindresorhus 1184
237 jsonform Build forms from JSON Schema. Easily template-able. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 out of the box. jsonform 2789
238 jsonform Build forms from JSON Schema. Easily template-able. Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap out of the box. ulion 49
239 three.js JavaScript 3D Library. mrdoob 105215
240 mjml MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy mjmlio 17335
241 nps NPM Package Scripts -- All the benefits of npm scripts without the cost of a bloated package.json and limits of json sezna 1447
242 nautic Node.js library for the Mautic REST API ynnoj 9
243 node-mautic Node.js wrapper for the Mautic API sambarnes90 16
244 paper.js The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting โ€“ Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey paperjs 14656
245 svg-path-to-polygons Converts path commands for an SVG path to polygon points. Phrogz 58
246 outline-stroke Convert stroked SVG into the outlined version elrumordelaluz 127
247 md-color-picker Angular-Material based color picker brianpkelley 252
248 lepota Create Your Products Online / Beta rahmonzoda 6
249 bootstrap-select ๐Ÿš€ The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. snapappointments 9863
250 svg2png Converts SVGs to PNGs, using PhantomJS domenic 594
251 bricks.js A blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements. callmecavs 4675
252 chroma.js JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations gka 10319
253 color-space Math & data behind color spaces and color conversions. colorjs 331
254 colorPicker Advanced javaScript color picker and color conversion / calculation (rgb, hsv, hsl, hex, cmyk, cmy, XYZ, Lab, alpha, WCAG 2.0, ...) PitPik 579
255 chromatism ๐ŸŒˆ A simple set of utility functions for colours. graypegg 1774
256 granim.js Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library. sarcadass 5314
257 html5-canvas-gradient-creator GUI for easily creating HTML5 canvas gradients -- generates cross-browser HTML and JS for you. evictor 20
258 multer-s3 multer storage engine for amazon s3 anacronw 670
259 multer Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data. expressjs 11734
260 serverless-offline Emulate AWS ฮป and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project dherault 5222
261 lambda-api Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications jeremydaly 1443
262 middy ๐Ÿ›ต The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda ๐Ÿ›ต middyjs 3783
263 serverless-api-cloudfront Serverless Plugin - CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway Droplr 151
264 cognito-express Authenticates API requests on a Node application by verifying the JWT signature of AccessToken or IDToken generated by Amazon Cognito. ghdna 218
265 node-colorvert A node module that provides both math-based and ICC profile-based color conversions. Aims to provide accurate conversions between CMYK, Lab, XYZ, RGB, HSL, HSV, and Hex colorspaces. jpederson 28
266 serverless-express Run Express and other Node.js frameworks on AWS Serverless technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, and more. CodeGenieApp 5215
267 child-process-promise Simple wrapper around the "child_process" module that makes use of promises patrick-steele-idem 249
268 retinal ๐Ÿ™ Retinal is a Serverless AWS Lambda service for resizing images on-demand or event-triggered adieuadieu 215
269 Serverless-Image-Resizer Serverless image resizer like imgix on API Gateway & Lambda nicholasgubbins 59
270 serverless-external-s3-event Deprecated: No longer needed as natively supports external buckets now. matt-filion 186
271 pdf2svg-server Node app, converts PDF to SVG and save to sqlite3 database. sharpfuryz 3
272 pdf2svg A PDF to SVG converter written using PDF.js pramodhkp 198
273 node-inkscape The inkscape utility as a readable/writable stream papandreou 78
274 svg-path-parser A parser for SVG's path syntax hughsk 222
275 functions-samples Collection of sample apps showcasing popular use cases using Cloud Functions for Firebase firebase 12113
276 aws-lambda-create-thumbnail Automatically create thumbnails when image added to an AWS S3 bucket trinketapp 86
277 psvg A parametric SVG editor, creator, and compiler based on the work of Harmen Zijp, Peter Iithoven and others. makenai 11
278 VLEX Vector Layout Expressions indus 324
279 svgson Transform svg files to json notation elrumordelaluz 452
280 Samples Code samples for CEP extensions Adobe-CEP 1020
281 extendscriptr An NPM command line tool to compile modern javascript (es5 & es6) into executable extendscript (es3) ExtendScript 157
282 CEP-Resources Tools and documentation for building Creative Cloud app extensions with CEP Adobe-CEP 1690
283 mage2vuestorefront Magento to Vue-storefront datapump - synchronizes Products, Categories and Product-to-category links between your Magento2 API and NoSQL database of vue-storefront vuestorefront 199
284 svgi ๐Ÿ”Ž The SVG inspection tool Angelmmiguel 579
285 fabricjs-customise-controls-extension Customise the Icon/Cursor/Action of the fabric.js controls pixolith 278
286 vecks 2D and 3D Vector Algebra library bjnortier 15
287 polymer 2D and 3D Polygon library bjnortier 3
288 graph.js a javascript library for storing arbitrary data in mathematical (di)graphs, as well as traversing and analyzing them in various ways (ECMAScript 6 Ready) mhelvens 92
289 hershey A library for generating vector paths for drawing the Hershey single-line font bjnortier 8
290 orthogami Orthogonal polyhedra origami mikolalysenko 287
291 Polygami Polyhedron origami alam-shahul 4
292 SVGnest An open source vector nesting tool selenur 2
293 rabbit-ear computational origami library rabbit-ear 590
294 js-dxf JavaScript DXF writer cw 2
295 dxf2tbl2svg convert AutoCAD DXF file to tables and subsequently to SVG supipd 27
296 uberCad uberCad - is in-browser DXF editor uberCad 33
297 shapesmith DEPRECATED. Open source 3D modelling in your browser bjnortier 241
298 node-occ build BREP Solids with OpenCascade and NodeJS - 3D Modeling OpenWebCAD 330
299 JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for generating 3D models, and is especially useful for 3D printing applications. jscad 2823
300 io DEPRECATED : Input Output handling for JSCAD (see the link below) jscad 34
301 scad-api DEPRECATED: OpenSCAD like API for JSCAD (See the link below) jscad 14
302 openfpc A 2D CAD tool built on React, Three.js, and Immutable socialtables 53
303 3DuF Interactive microfluidic design editor CIDARLAB 78
304 three-dxf A dxf viewer for the browser using three.js gdsestimating 577
305 node-occ antonymarion 3
306 csg.js Constructive solid geometry on meshes using BSP trees in JavaScript thibauts 9
307 csg-to-mesh convert a csg.js solid to a simplicial complex mesh ahdinosaur 4
308 js-dxf JavaScript DXF writer tarikjabiri 184
309 verb Open-source, cross-platform NURBS pboyer 761
310 pipeline Modelconvert is an experimental 3D model optimization and sharing web service. x3dom 27
311 korean Google Fonts Korean showcase googlefonts 162
312 ai2html A script for Adobe Illustrator that converts your Illustrator artwork into an html page. newsdev 922
313 JsBarcode Barcode generation library written in JavaScript that works in both the browser and on Node.js lindell 5601
314 canvas2svg Translates HTML5 Canvas draw commands to SVG gliffy 707
315 bwip-js Barcode Writer in Pure JavaScript metafloor 2183
316 js-svg-path A parser that turns SVG path strings into a JS object you can mess with. Pomax 66
317 polyhedra-folding WebGL demo of folding polyhedra ddanninger 1
318 polyhedra-folding WebGL demo of folding polyhedra paaatrick 12
319 origami Origami Building in threejs georgiee 44
320 primitive.js JS port of ondras 780
321 flatten-js Javascript library for 2d geometry alexbol99 580
322 jsketcher Parametric 2D and 3D modeler written in pure javascript xibyte 1570
323 parametric-svg-editor jamesscottbrown 2
324 parametric-SVG-editor PlanBCode 10
325 parametric-svg [NOT MAINTAINED] Parametric drawings in pure SVG. projectshaped 74
326 clipper-js Clipper Abstraction (simplified API) Doodle3D 124
327 webOAcard 3D Pop Up Card Builder caa1211 105
328 objtojs A NodeJS module which parses WaveFront Object (.obj) and the option to parse the referenced material (.mtl) file. chrispalazzolo 4
329 AdobeScript hexcola 1
330 license-checker Check NPM package licenses davglass 1641
331 gerstnerizer ๐Ÿ’  pattern generator based on the idea of the book "Forms of Colors" eskimoblood 124
332 textures Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns riccardoscalco 6052
333 the-pattern-library A library of beautiful patterns, created by talented designers. tholman 79
334 floido-designer floido designer project sandor 35
335 openseadragon An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript. openseadragon 3119
336 PolyPal โ–ฒโ—ผA web-based SVG editor for low-poly style illustrations. flukeout 76
337 papergrapher Vector Editor based on Paper.js w00dn 273
338 fabricjs-pathfinding Pathfinding based in Fabricjs bytesleo 12
339 fabric.ext An extension of fabricjs. Intends to implement objects and events missed in fabricjs. mazong1123 47
340 fabric-js-editor An HTML5 vector image editor built with Fabric.js danielktaylor 272
341 FabricObjectAlignment An object (possibly plugin) that will allow you to align one fabric canvas object to another. JerrodV 10
342 paths-js Generate SVG paths for geometric shapes ๐Ÿ“Š andreaferretti 1715
343 falcor-router-demo A demonstration of how to build a Router for a Netflix-like application Netflix 240
344 3d-bin-packing krris 45
345 pencil DEPRECATED: Multiplatform GUI Prototyping/Wireframing prikhi 1920
346 svg2cube Generate isometric game sprites. Inputs an svg panel and it's folded into a cube and rendered from any angle. wassname 3
347 OrigamiSimulator Realtime WebGL origami simulator amandaghassaei 1138
348 imagetracerjs Simple raster image tracer and vectorizer written in JavaScript. jankovicsandras 1352
349 vectorcam A website for taking pictures and converting them into vector files jywarren 14
350 electron-deep-linking-mac-win Minimal electron project with deep linking capabilities in macOS/win32 platforms (Single Instance Application) oikonomopo 224
351 PANTONE-picker A color picker with PANTONEยฎ code matcher gubi 5
352 bpmn-js A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler. bpmn-io 8919
353 color ๐ŸŒˆ Javascript color conversion and manipulation library Qix- 4831
354 colorjoe Scaleable color picker with touch and AMD support (MIT) bebraw 570
355 rhea A reactive messaging library based on the AMQP protocol amqp 293
356 bramqp A radical, raw, robust, remarkable, rapid AMQP library for node.js bakkerthehacker 162
357 PatrickJS-starter MFE Starter PatrickJS 10299
358 ui-grid UI Grid: an Angular Data Grid angular-ui 5392
359 pixel-tracker a simple pixel tracker for node.js tblobaum 161
360 universal-analytics A node module for Google's Universal Analytics and Measurement Protocol peaksandpies 963
361 electron-release-server A fully featured, self-hosted release server for electron applications, compatible with auto-updater. ArekSredzki 2144
362 mousetrap Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript ccampbell 11735
363 yakuza Highly scalable Node.js scraping framework for mobsters RafaelVidaurre 298
364 angular-patternfly This repo contains instructions and the code for a set of Angular 1 components for the PatternFly project. patternfly 121
365 Mentions and Macros for Angular jeff-collins 1126
366 angular-schema-form Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS! json-schema-form 2465
367 docxtemplater Generate docx, pptx, and xlsx from templates (Word, Powerpoint and Excel documents), from Node.js or the browser. Demo: #docx #office #generator #templating #report #json #generate #generation #template #create #pptx #docx #xlsx #react #vuejs #angularjs #browser #typescript #image #html #table #chart open-xml-templating 3245
368 electron-unhandled Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections in your Electron app sindresorhus 453
369 electron-timber Pretty logger for Electron apps sindresorhus 407
370 electron-store Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc sindresorhus 4739
371 critical-css-widget A browser widget to extract Critical CSS and Full CSS from a page. Can be used via the browser console. pagespeed-pro 36
372 fontfaceobserver Webfont loading. Simple, small, and efficient. bramstein 4317
373 electron-squirrel-startup Default Squirrel.Windows event handler for your Electron apps. mongodb-js 227
374 nodejs Everything related to the Node.js ecosystem for the commercetools platform. commercetools 75
375 nodecommerce An full-featured, tested ecommerce API for node ttaub 45
376 angular2-shop Angular2 +Full Stack Multi Tenant Shop - eCommerce Prototype using all latest technologies nawalgupta 44
377 electron-window-state A library to store and restore window sizes and positions for your Electron app mawie81 665
378 electron-notify Nice and simple notifications for Electron apps hankbao 85
379 rabbit.js Messaging in Node.JS made easy using RabbitMQ squaremo 1516
380 amqplib AMQP 0-9-1 library and client for Node.JS amqp-node 3735
381 ipp-printer An IPP printer written in Node.js watson 563
382 electron-notifications ๐Ÿ’ฅ A node module for sending notifications in electron applications. bayleedev 133
383 inferno ๐Ÿ”ฅ An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces infernojs 16128
384 sushi-browser Sushi Browser is the next generation browser which mounts the multi-panel and the video support function and so on. Its goal is to be as fantastic as sushi. ๐Ÿฃ kura52 126
385 electron-dockable dockable panel for electron (work in progress...) electron-utils 51
386 electron-boilerplate Boilerplate application for Electron runtime szwacz 3130
387 etch Builds components using a simple and explicit API around virtual-dom atom 556
388 react-electron-browser-window Electron's BrowserWindow as a react component illBeRoy 14
389 React-Dropzone-Component ๐Ÿ“ท ReactJS Dropzone for File Uploads (using Dropzone.js) felixrieseberg 1001
390 critters ๐Ÿฆ” A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest. GoogleChromeLabs 3436
391 react-designer It's not art react-designer 1871
392 SVG-image-editor SVG image editor vladrub 46
393 sequelize-version Automatically version (audit, log) your sequelize models ivmarcos 55
394 speakeasy NOT MAINTAINED Two-factor authentication for Node.js. One-time passcode generator (HOTP/TOTP) with support for Google Authenticator. speakeasyjs 2722
395 api-boilerplate Node ES6 Express REST API boilerplate with Postgres Sequelize and Gulp amida-tech 153
396 babel-plugin-module-resolver Custom module resolver plugin for Babel tleunen 3469
397 node_acl_sequelize Sequelize implementation for node acl kristijanhusak 16
398 node_acl_sequelize Node Acl Sequelize Backend yonjah 44
399 react-virtualized React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data bvaughn 26687
400 reactabular A framework for building the React table you need (MIT) reactabular 916
401 hard-source-webpack-plugin mzgoddard 2709
402 hangul-tools ํ•œ๊ธ€ ๋ถ„ํ•ด, ๊ฒฐํ•ฉ, ์กฐ์‚ฌ ์ฒ˜๋ฆฌ, ๋‘์Œ ๋ฒ•์น™ ์ ์šฉ, ์ˆซ์ž ์ฝ๊ธฐ, ์ฟผํ‹ฐ๋ฅผ ํ•œ๊ธ€๋กœ ๋ณ€ํ™˜ ๋“ฑ๋“ฑ์˜ ์žก๋‹คํ•œ ํ•œ๊ธ€ ๊ด€๋ จ ํ•จ์ˆ˜๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋Š” ์ž๋ฐ”์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŠธ ๋ผ์ด๋ธŒ๋Ÿฌ๋ฆฌ 123jimin 10
403 kroman-js Kroman is a Korean hangul romanization tool. victorteokw 17
404 Hangul.js ํ•œ๊ธ€ ์ž์Œ/๋ชจ์Œ ๋ถ„๋ฆฌ/์กฐํ•ฉ ์ž๋ฐ”์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŠธ ๋ผ์ด๋ธŒ๋Ÿฌ๋ฆฌ. ์ž๋ฐ”์Šคํฌ๋ฆฝํŠธ ํ•œ๊ธ€ ์˜คํ† ๋งˆํƒ€ ๊ตฌํ˜„์ฒด์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. e- 705
405 josa ๋ช…์‚ฌ์— ๋งž๋Š” ์กฐ์‚ฌ๋ฅผ ์ฐพ์•„์ค๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. kimdhoe 136
406 babel-plugin-react-intl Extracts string messages from React components that use React Intl. formatjs 421
407 mobx-reactor Connect MobX data stores to functional stateless React components with async actions and unidirectional data flow. amsb 182
408 starhackit StarHackIt: React/Native/Node fullstack starter kit with authentication and authorisation, data backed by SQL, the infrastructure deployed with GruCloud FredericHeem 1279
409 normalizr Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema paularmstrong 20933
410 redux-saga An alternative side effect model for Redux apps redux-saga 22548
411 react-redux-starter-kit My best-practices-included universal frontend starter kit olegakbarov 1000
412 generate A new command line tool and developer framework for scaffolding out GitHub projects. Generate offers the robustness and configurability of Yeoman, the expressiveness and simplicity of Slush, and more powerful flow control and composability than either. generate 307
413 ssr-react-node-boilerplate hawksdoves 17
414 grommet-ferret Example application using grommet grommet 118
415 cezerin Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. cezerin 2040
416 atlas E-Commerce Backend API in Hapi.js and RethinkDB yoonic 372
417 nicistore Isomorphic React E-Commerce Storefront yoonic 666
418 Ghost Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters. TryGhost 48755
419 vue-agile ๐ŸŽ  A carousel component for Vue.js lukaszflorczak 1483
420 vue-storefront-api Vue.js storefront for Magento2 (and not only) - data backend vuestorefront 345
421 mozaik Mozaรฏk is a tool based on nodejs / react / redux / nivo / d3 to easily craft beautiful dashboards plouc 3599
422 if-this-then-node An extendible NodeJS app to receive actions from IFTTT (If This Then That). sebauer 81
423 bipio The API Server bipio-server 868
424 Laravel-Enterprise-Starter-Kit ๐Ÿ‘” Enterprise Web application starter kit or template using Laravel leskhq 360
425 scalable-react-boilerplate โญ Scalable feature-first React micro-framework made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects scalable-react 260
426 nexrender ๐Ÿ“น Data-driven render automation for After Effects inlife 1683
427 gifffer A tiny JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs krasimir 781
428 fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser fabricjs 29816
429 jsdom A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js jsdom 20884
430 react-refetch A simple, declarative, and composable way to fetch data for React components heroku 3428
431 fonteditor ๅœจ็บฟๅญ—ไฝ“็ผ–่พ‘ๅ™จ ecomfe 1413
432 fontmin Minify font seamlessly ecomfe 5925
433 react-native-animatable Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native oblador 9898
434 awesome-react-native Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! jondot 35014
435 draft-wysiwyg Draft-JS experiments with drag&drop, resizing, tooltips, WIP bkniffler 451
436 dripr-ui interface DevAlien 71
437 yarn The 1.x line is frozen - features and bugfixes now happen on yarnpkg 41511
438 node-docker-compose A production oriented dockerized node.js/express.js app damsonn 15
439 jenkins-mocha Bin wrapper for Mocha + Istanbul + Xunit (for Jenkins) stjohnjohnson 20
440 tape tap-producing test harness for node and browsers tape-testing 5784
441 bot-marvin Highly scalable crawler with best features. tilakpatidar 11
442 node-germansentiment german sentiment analysis FrankGrimm 13
443 sentiment-analyser ML that can extract german and english sentiment syzer 36
444 straw Realtime processing framework for Node.js simonswain 257
445 hackathon-starter A boilerplate for Node.js web applications sahat 34974
446 80cents A real and easy NodeJS service for create ecommerce platforms. zetapath 118
447 reaction Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes. reactioncommerce 12400
448 hacker-scripts Based on a true story NARKOZ 48240
449 twig.js JS implementation of the Twig Templating Language twigjs 1900
450 ko.datasource Datasource Components for KnockoutJs for paging, sorting and filtering remote sources. CraigCav 25
451 knockout-load knockout loader plugin to load views raheelshan 5
452 nodember Full Stack Javascript Boilerplate mgenev 329
453 service.js Make init.d scripts for node apps iamcal 69
454 shelljs ๐Ÿš Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js shelljs 14320
455 AGS-Sample A demonstration of AGS-Server and AGS-Client used to implement multiplayer chess and checkers web apps. sambaker 13
456 7digital-api 7digital API client for node.js 7digital 35
457 loopback-ng-boilerplate An application skeleton for a typical Loopback+AngularJS web app using ng-boilerplate cdcme 11
458 node-cacher Distributed HTTP caching backed by memcached and implemented via middleware addisonj 48
459 apicache Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node. kwhitley 1244
460 paypal-adaptive-sdk-nodejs Node.js sdk for Paypal Adaptive Payments API Ideame 77
461 ui-highcharts HighchartsJS powered charts directives for Angular gevgeny 9
462 angularjs-nvd3-directives Angular.js directives for nvd3.js angularjs-nvd3-directives 1176
463 node-twitter-api Simple module for using Twitter's API in node.js reneraab 137
464 angulartics Analytics for AngularJS applications. angulartics 1940
465 scissors PDF manipulation in Node.js! Split, join, crop, read, extract, boil, mash, stick them in a stew. tcr 286
466 fingertown FingerTown ddanninger 2
467 ShtumiUsefulBundle Symfony 2 bundle with some useful things - custom form types, dql functions, twig extensions, etc... shtumi 110

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Name Description Author Stars
1 erpnext_druckformate ERPNext-Druckformate nach DIN 5008 alyf-de 34

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Jupyter Notebook

Name Description Author Stars
1 ai-memer Using Machine Learning to Create Funny Memes robgon-art 25
2 project-genai-cold-email-generator Cold email generator using Llama3.1 LLM, Langchain, Chromadb and Streamlit codebasics 88
3 stable-diffusion A latent text-to-image diffusion model CompVis 70116
4 pixel_character_generator Generating retro pixel game characters with Generative Adversarial Networks. Dataset "TinyHero" included. AgaMiko 124
5 ganspace Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls [NeurIPS 2020] harskish 1787
6 ClothingGAN AI-Powered Clothing Design Generator mfrashad 199
7 text2art AI-powered Text-to-Art Generator - mfrashad 785
8 sw-effort-predictive-analysis In this project, Basic Machine Learning concepts were built on Desharnais dataset to built a software effort estimation model using a linear regression model. This statistical model was developed using a non-parametric linear regression algorithm based on the K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN). toniesteves 10
9 University-Logo-Generator-with-DCGAN Generating University Logos with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network adhoc0909 1
10 logohunter Deep learning tool to find brand logos in everyday pictures ilmonteux 176

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Name Description Author Stars
1 simplecallerid A simple app to demonstrate displaying your apps user information as caller ID in Android's calling app. SimpleNexus 56
2 svg-buddy Command line tool to embed fonts into SVG files phauer 45
3 camunda-formio-plugin Integration for Drag and Drop Formio Form Builder and Renderer with Camunda Tasklist App StephenOTT 65

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Name Description Author Stars
1 magento2-theme-optimus Magento 2 base theme for sharing features across multiple themes studioemma 86

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Name Description Author Stars
1 publisher speedata Publisher - a professional database Publishing system speedata 308

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Name Description Author Stars
1 GIBBON The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-On for MATLAB gibbonCode 200
2 matGeom Matlab geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing mattools 273

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Name Description Author Stars
1 getting-started This repository is a getting started guide to Singer. singer-io 1293
2 KoreanCommercialvehicleSet Korean Commercial vehicle Set for OpenTTD CoconutKR 4
3 node-canvas-lambda An AWS Lambda layer for node-canvas jwerre 153

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Name Description Author Stars
1 awesome-canvas A curated list of awesome HTML5 Canvas with examples, related articles and posts. raphamorim 1664

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Name Description Author Stars
1 fablab-polyhedra foldable polyedron nets for silhouette cutting machines lexelby 2

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Name Description Author Stars
1 nwjs-builder-phoenix evshiron 289

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Name Description Author Stars
1 production Shopware 6 production template shopware 178

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Name Description Author Stars
1 DrawKit Vector and illustration framework for macOS DrawKit 330
2 react-native-fabric A React Native library for Fabric, Crashlytics and Answers corymsmith 1309

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Name Description Author Stars
1 openscad OpenSCAD scripts KitWallace 196
2 MCAD OpenSCAD Parametric CAD Library (LGPL 2.1) openscad 618

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Name Description Author Stars
1 awesome-agents ๐Ÿค– Awesome list of AI Agents kyrolabs 611
2 study-music An "awesome music theory" kinda wiki with books, resources and courses for studying everything about music and sound vpavlenko 1861
3 awesome-monitoring List of tools for monitoring and analyze everything Enapiuz 319
4 generative_agents Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior joonspk-research 18690
5 teleport-vision-api teleportHQ Vision API is a computer vision API specifically trained for detecting atomic UI elements in pictures of hand-drawn wireframes teleporthq 108
6 awesome-headless-commerce A community curated list of headless commerce APIs, products, and services. A heads-up for modern store builders. notrab 357
7 awesome-react-headless-components Awesome list of React headless components! jxom 1069
8 awesome-wasm ๐Ÿ˜Ž Curated list of awesome things regarding the WebAssembly (wasm) ecosystem. mbasso 9104
9 Awesome-Text-to-Image (เท†`๊’ณยดเท†) A Survey on Text-to-Image Generation/Synthesis. Yutong-Zhou-cv 2296
10 awesome-medusajs A curated list of awesome resources related to MedusaJS ๐Ÿ˜Ž adrien2p 520
11 awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers awesome-selfhosted 221952
12 win-bs-ssl End to end SSL for Elastic Beanstalk on Windows. dagint 2
13 node-coding-challenges A series of NodeJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties. alexgurr 14
14 awesome-vendure A community-curated list of awesome Vendure resources vendure-ecommerce 45
15 slack-community-kr Korea Community using slack AhnSeongHyun 14
16 degoogle A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links. tycrek 8193
17 Sharp3DBinPacking C# version of 3d bin packing algorithms translated from krris/3d-bin-packing ddanninger 1
18 Sharp3D.Math Sharp3D.Math math library ddanninger 1
19 awesome-iam ๐Ÿ‘ค Identity and Access Management knowledge for cloud platforms kdeldycke 1897
20 amazon-dynamodb-design-patterns This repo contains sample data models to demonstrate design patterns for Amazon DynamoDB. aws-samples 234
21 vectorexpress-api Vector Express is a free service and API for converting, analyzing and processing vector files. vector-express 97
22 Awesome-Korean-NLP A curated list of resources for NLP (Natural Language Processing) for Korean datanada 659
23 sheetjs ๐Ÿ“— SheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit -- New home SheetJS 35503
24 Outline-and-Embed-for-Adobe-Illustrator Duplicates all text boxes, outlines copies and turns off visibility of original. Also embeds all images to simplify file hand-off. ddanninger 1
25 Ecobranding-CMYK-Guide An eco-designed color guide to use less ink, less paper and less energy. Ecobranding 16
26 awesome-production-machine-learning A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning EthicalML 18243
27 deploy-your-own-saas List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs ๐Ÿด Atarity 5177
28 Artificial-Intelligence-Synthesizes-Logos DataScienceNigeria 3
29 photopea Photopea is online image editor photopea 7699
30 managers-playbook ๐Ÿ“– Heuristics for effective management ksindi 5357
31 php7-imagick-inkscape RichBrains 1
32 Color-Creator Photoshop, Sketch and Affinity Designer documents that use base colors to generate larger palettes. bjango 493
33 Greyprint Templates with pre-made styles to assist icon, symbol, and glyph design. bjango 439
34 chrome-aws-lambda-layer 58 MB Google Chrome to fit inside AWS Lambda Layer compressed with Brotli shelfio 697
35 tracker Luzi 1
36 starter-kit Some useful R-Ladies files ๐Ÿ’œ ๐ŸŒ rladies 236
37 awesome-ruby ๐Ÿ’Ž A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software markets 13721
38 open-product-management A curated list of product management advice for technical people. ProductHired 3998
39 deploy-strapi-on-aws Deploying a Strapi API on AWS (EC2 & RDS & S3) 61FINTECH 195
40 awesome-layers ฮป A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by mthenw 2215
41 scripting-for-illustrator-tutorial Scripting for Illustrator, a tutorial for Processing coders. jtnimoy 255
42 Korean-Webfonts Korean Webfonts Revisited Official Repo - feel free to fork and contribute!! KoreanFonts 31
43 mesh-primitives list of 2D and 3D mesh modules glo-js 14
44 awesome-nestjs A curated list of awesome things related to NestJS ๐Ÿ˜Ž nestjs 11640
45 awesome-electron Useful resources for creating apps with Electron sindresorhus 26225
46 awesome-vue ๐ŸŽ‰ A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js vuejs 72702
47 auto_reply ํ”Œ๋Ÿฌ์Šค์นœ๊ตฌ ์ž๋™์‘๋‹ต API plusfriend 306
48 atom-keyboard-shortcuts A list of keyboard shortcuts for the Atom text editor nwinkler 1947
49 bs4navwalker A custom WordPress nav walker class for Bootstrap 4 nav menus in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager. nicgene 280
50 awesome-bigdata A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, ressources and other awesomeness. oxnr 13517
51 connector-woocommerce OCA 55
52 ansible-playbooks chrishoffman 7
53 DOCX.js DOCX.js is a JavaScript library for converting the data in base64 DOCX files into HTML - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences. stephen-hardy 458

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Name Description Author Stars
1 boxing quick and dirty php implementation for a box packing problem yetzt 35
2 multi-tenant Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups, previously tenancy 2575
3 tenancy Automatic multi-tenancy for Laravel. No code changes needed. archtechx 3838
4 CompositePriceCalculatorBundle Replace the default Sylius ProductVariantPriceCalculator for a Composite Calculator Positibe 2
5 image Manipulate images with an expressive API spatie 1286
6 SwagShopwarePwa This extension adds additional endpoints to your Shopware 6 platform to let it integrate with Shopware PWA. shopware 40
7 sylius-product-variant-attribute-plugin Plugin for Sylius to add attributes on product variants. umanit 3
8 SyliusSchedulerCommandPlugin Schedule Symfony Commands in your Sylius synolia 31
9 officelife OfficeLife is the first EmpOps platform. It manages everything employees do in a company. From projects to holidays to 1:1s to teams. officelifehq 937
10 crater Open Source Invoicing Solution for Individuals & Businesses crater-invoice-inc 7989
11 swoft ๐Ÿš€ PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework swoft-cloud 5577
12 dolibarr Dolibarr ERP CRM is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation's activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, ...). it's an open source Web application (written in PHP) designed for businesses of any sizes, foundations and freelancers. Dolibarr 5858
13 HWIOAuthBundle OAuth client integration for Symfony. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2. hwi 2291
14 saas-boilerplate SaaS boilerplate built in Laravel, Bootstrap 4 and VueJs. miracuthbert 372
15 innomatic-platform The open source PHP platform for building multi-tenant SaaS products and enterprise web applications. This is a meta repository that pulls in all dependencies for full Innomatic Platform build. innomatic 36
16 opentrashmail Open Source standalone trashmail solution that ships its own mail server HaschekSolutions 679
17 SyliusCustomOptionsPlugin A Sylius plugin that adds customer options Brille24 48
18 SyliusExtendedChannelsPlugin This plugin provides some extra channel settings in admin. mangoweb-sylius 11
19 JWTRefreshTokenBundle Implements a Refresh Token system over Json Web Tokens in Symfony markitosgv 676
20 sulu Core framework that implements the functionality of the Sulu content management system sulu 1211
21 b2c-demo-shop Spryker B2C Demo Shop based on the Spryker Commerce OS spryker-shop 49
22 SyliusShippingExportPlugin Shipping export management architecture for Sylius based apps. BitBagCommerce 30
23 health-check-bundle A bundle that provides a simple /healthcheck route ekreative 35
24 PHP-JDF-Library PHP class to manage JDFs and JMFs dominickp 7
25 iamport-rest-client-php PHP์‚ฌ์šฉ์ž๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•œ ์•„์ž„ํฌํŠธ REST API ์—ฐ๋™ ๋ชจ๋“ˆ์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค iamport 18
26 2fa Two-factor authentication for Symfony applications ๐Ÿ” scheb 528
27 SyliusAnalyticsPlugin Use Google Analytics to track visitors, purchases etc. in your Sylius store Setono 22
28 Monofony Main repository for all Monofony bundles monofony 109
29 SyliusMailchimpPlugin Plugin for Sylius to add Mailchimp ecommerce features odiseoteam 10
30 awseb-le-wp-install Quickly launch WordPress in a AWS Elastic Beanstalk single instance with Let's Encrypt leoloso 4
31 cms Build bespoke content experiences with Craft. craftcms 3337
32 wordpress_eb_ubuntu_nginx_php_redis_platform sebastian-hsu 2
33 KnpGaufretteBundle Easily use Gaufrette in your Symfony projects. KnpLabs 718
34 enqueue-dev Message Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro php-enqueue 2185
35 async-event-dispatcher [READ-ONLY] This an extension for Symfony's EventDispatcher. It allows to send events as MQ messages and process them async. php-enqueue 69
36 JMSJobQueueBundle Run and Schedule Symfony Console Commands as Background Jobs schmittjoh 336
37 easysvg Generate SVG definitions and XML using PHP kartsims 97
38 elementor The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design. elementor 6661
39 gantry5 ๐Ÿš€ Next Generation Template / Theme Framework gantry 1039
40 panther A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony symfony 2983
41 alive Old, slow, simple 3D rendering engine in PHP dionyziz 2
42 render-3d Wrapper library to help render common 3d file formats libre3d 32
43 SyliusRewardPlugin Sylius plugin for reward program kooliahmd 10
44 SyliusBonusPointsPlugin The plugin extends Sylius with simple bonus points loyalty program and applies special actions for users depending on the points score. BitBagCommerce 9
45 tactician A small, flexible command bus thephpleague 860
46 bootpay Unofficial BootPay package for Laravel jinseokoh 4
47 mautic-contact-client Create custom integrations without writing code, like having your own Zapier. TheDMSGroup 97
48 InvitationBundle [NOT MAINTAINED] Provides a way to secure routes behind a special 'invitation code only' security firewall. Cethy 2
49 SyliusAffiliateBundle Affiliate features for Sylius platform pentarim 2
50 two-factor-bundle [ABANDONED] Two-factor authentication for Symfony 2 & 3 applications ๐Ÿ”. Please use the newer versions from scheb 387
51 PHPAlgorithms A collection of common algorithms implemented in PHP. The collection is based on "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell doganoo 944
52 composer-cleaner Victor The Cleaner: removes unnecessary files from vendor directory dg 137
53 SyliusRbacBundle [READ-ONLY] Sylius Hierarchical Role Based Access Control integration with Symfony2. Sylius 11
54 WPAPI-SwaggerGenerator Generate a swagger file for your Wordpress based on the API plugins installed starfishmod 63
55 S3-Uploads The WordPress Plugin to Store Uploads on Amazon S3 humanmade 2005
56 core ๐Ÿงฟ Bolt 5 core bolt 564
57 SyliusEUVatPlugin This Sylius Plugin allow you to add European VAT Number to the addresses and manage European VAT number rule FLUX-SE 16
58 imagine-svg Contao Imagine SVG Library contao 84
59 SyliusImportExportPlugin Sylius plugin to import / export data FriendsOfSylius 118
60 SyliusTierpricePlugin A plugin for Sylius that implements tier pricing Brille24 46
61 wp-graphql ๐Ÿš€ GraphQL API for WordPress wp-graphql 3697
62 bagisto Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform bagisto 17555
63 appshell AppShell is an Laravel Application boilerplate with UI, ACL, Users & Customers artkonekt 81
64 sage-advanced-custom-fields Sets up saving and loading Advanced Custom Fields data as JSON for easy version control. Intended for use with Roots/Sage. MWDelaney 102
65 sage-acf-wp-blocks Composer library for generating ACF Gutenberg blocks from templates. Intended for use with Roots/Sage ( MWDelaney 349
66 graphql-ce [ARCHIVED] Please use magento/magento2 project magento 130
67 magento-2-social-login Magento 2 Social Login extension is designed for quick login to your Magento 2 store without procesing complex register steps mageplaza 183
68 n98-magerun2 The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API. netz98 892
69 ShopApiPlugin Shop API for Sylius. Sylius 128
70 api-library Mautic API Library mautic 182
71 magento2-gcs Use Google Cloud Storage as the file storage solution for your Magento 2 application bangerkuwranger 4
72 magento2-google-cloud-storage Use Google Cloud Storage as the public media storage & CDN solution for your Magento 2 application bangerkuwranger 23
73 Phraseanet Digital Asset Management PHP app alchemy-fr 259
74 Magento-on-Angular Angular.js application using Magento as the backend API Wildhoney 359
75 magento2-product-designer-tools Free Online Products Designer Pro Connector for Magento 2.x magebay99 10
76 BoxPacker 4D bin packing / knapsack problem solver dvdoug 625
77 CartMart Cart Mart will convert your Magento Store to Multivendor Marketplace, which will have a separate vendor / seller section for their Products. syammohanmp 39
78 Ecommerce-CodeIgniter-Bootstrap Responsive, Multi-Vendor, MultiLanguage Online Store Platform (shopping cart solution) kirilkirkov 1334
79 grav-plugin-themer This plugin enables you use different themes on one site individual set per page or collection. Sommerregen 19
80 laravel-vue-starter Well Documented Laravel Starter App From Development to Production. For Full Blown RESTFUL API and SPA with Beautiful UI Using Buefy / ElementUi For Reusable Vue Components g0ld3lux 78
81 thelia Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content. Repo containing the new major version (v2) thelia 861
82 campaignchain CampaignChain Community Edition CampaignChain 119
83 acf-quickedit-fields WordPress Plugin implementing Column Displaying, QuickEdit and BulkEdit for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) mcguffin 363
84 TGM-Plugin-Activation TGM Plugin Activation is a PHP library that allows you to easily require or recommend plugins for your WordPress themes (and plugins). It allows your users to install, update and even automatically activate plugins in singular or bulk fashion using native WordPress classes, functions and interfaces. You can reference bundled plugins, plugins from the WordPress Plugin Repository or even plugins hosted elsewhere on the internet. TGMPA 1767
85 MultiCart Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module osmansorkar 14
86 redux-framework Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins! reduxframework 1748
87 vafpress-framework Wordpress theme options framework, check out the demo. vafour 241
88 option-tree Theme Options UI Builder for WordPress. A simple way to create & save Theme Options and Meta Boxes for free or premium themes. valendesigns 610
89 WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate-Powered Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate but Powered with examples and a generator! WPBP 810
90 WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate [WordPress] A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins. DevinVinson 7733
91 woocommerce-paygate-jt Woocommerce-paygate-jt ํ”Œ๋Ÿฌ๊ทธ์ธ์€ wordpress ์˜ ์‡ผํ•‘๋ชฐ ํ”Œ๋Ÿฌ๊ทธ์ธ์ธ Woocommerce์— ์ถ”๊ฐ€๋˜์–ด ํ•œ๊ตญ์—์„œ๋„ Paygate(PG)๋ฅผ ํ†ตํ•ด ๊ฒฐ์ œ๋ฅผ ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋„๋ก ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. Jeongdaeho 7
92 magento2-blog-module-tutorial A tutorial on how create a magento 2 module from scratch, with tests. ashsmith 111
93 magento2-controller-module Magento 2 Controller Module Example ashsmith 14
94 Magento2-FeaturedProducts Featured Products module for Magento2 mpaepper 12
95 Magento2SampleModule This is where I would put a Magento 2.0 Sample CRUD module if I had one. tzyganu 159
96 espocrm EspoCRM โ€“ Open Source CRM Application espocrm 2086
97 the-events-calendar The Events Calendar WordPress plugin the-events-calendar 324
98 WordPress-Plugin-Skeleton A WordPress plugin skeleton built using object-oriented principles and the MVC pattern. iandunn 465
99 sage WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support roots 12903
100 bootstrapwp-Twitter-Bootstrap-for-WordPress CSS toolkit from Twitter for use as a WordPress theme rachelbaker 649
101 magento-configurable-simple Enhancement to Magento to allow simple product prices to be used instead of the default special-case configurable product prices organicinternet 281
102 silverstripe-quickaddnew A decorator for a form field that manages as has_one relation, to allow adding a new object on the fly sheadawson 40
103 PHPExcel ARCHIVED PHPOffice 11443
104 LexikFormFilterBundle This Symfony bundle aim to provide classes to build some form filters and then build a doctrine query from this form filter. lexik 389
105 CraueFormFlowBundle Multi-step forms for your Symfony project. craue 745
106 BCCExtraToolsBundle A set of extra tools for symfony2: a translation extractor, a locale date parser/formatter, a unit converter... michelsalib 94

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Vector_Graphics_Library Vector Graphics with EPS and SVG abdcelik 5
2 postscriptbarcode Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript bwipp 471

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Name Description Author Stars
1 PAI-RAG An easy-to-use framework for modular RAG aigc-apps 341
2 maildiscoverer EivindKjosbakken 14
3 langflow Langflow is a powerful tool for building and deploying AI-powered agents and workflows. langflow-ai 52762
4 ComfyUI-CrewAI This project aims to integrate Crew AI's multi-agent collaboration framework into the ComfyUI environment. By combining the strengths of Crew AI's role-based, collaborative AI agent system with ComfyUI's intuitive interface, we will create a robust platform for managing and executing complex AI tasks seamlessly luandev 46
5 agno Agno is a lightweight library for building Multimodal Agents. It exposes LLMs as a unified API and gives them superpowers like memory, knowledge, tools and reasoning. agno-agi 21810
6 langgraph-email-automation Multi AI agents for customer support email automation built with Langchain & Langgraph kaymen99 83
7 Adala Adala: Autonomous DAta (Labeling) Agent framework HumanSignal 1105
8 baserow The official repository is hosted on Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative. bram2w 2588
9 WhisperLive A nearly-live implementation of OpenAI's Whisper. collabora 2607
10 sheetgpt ChatGPT integration with Google Sheets umaxfun 11
11 Trapheus This tool automates restoration of RDS database instances from snapshots into any dev, staging or production environments. It supports individual RDS Snapshot as well as cluster snapshot restore operations. intuit 111
12 tacspeak Tacspeak - Fast, lightweight, modular speech recognition for gaming jwebmeister 51
13 ai2shp-extractor Parses and extract features from Adobe Illustrator file to create point, polyline, and polygon shapefiles mjfoster83 15
14 detextify Remove text from AI-generated images iuliaturc 281
15 sd-webui-EasyPhoto ๐Ÿ“ท EasyPhoto | Your Smart AI Photo Generator. aigc-apps 5107
16 comfyui-portrait-master This node was designed to help AI image creators to generate prompts for human portraits. florestefano1975 1010
17 VectorAscent Generate vector graphics from a textual caption ajayjain 119
18 posthog ๐Ÿฆ” PostHog provides open-source web & product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host. Get started - free. PostHog 25207
19 karrio Programmable Shipping APIs (self-hosted) karrioapi 594
20 DALLE2-pytorch Implementation of DALL-E 2, OpenAI's updated text-to-image synthesis neural network, in Pytorch lucidrains 11237
21 dalle-mini DALLยทE Mini - Generate images from a text prompt borisdayma 14792
22 shuup E-Commerce Platform shuup 2285
23 lambda-packs Precompiled packages for AWS Lambda ryfeus 1120
24 3dbinpacking A python library for 3D Bin Packing enzoruiz 377
25 SketchGraphs A dataset of 15 million CAD sketches with geometric constraint graphs. PrincetonLIPS 370
26 s3dir CLI file manager with S3 and Kubernetes inspired from Pctools, Norton Commander and Mdir. rainygirl 23
27 Inkscape-OUTPUT-PRO Inkscape OUTPUT PRO Extension wout 6
28 erpnext_ocr ๐Ÿ โš—๏ธ Optical Character Recognition using tesseract within Frappe. Monogramm 100
29 frappe_docker Docker images for production and development setups of the Frappe framework and ERPNext frappe 1681
30 iamport-rest-client-python Python ์‚ฌ์šฉ์ž๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•œ ์•„์ž„ํฌํŠธ REST API ์—ฐ๋™ ๋ชจ๋“ˆ์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค iamport 135
31 mightyscape-1.1-deprecated A maintained extension collection for Inkscape 1.0+, working on Windows and Linux eridur-de 32
32 rocknext Frappe App for enterprise use matbrgz 23
33 papermerge Open Source Document Management System for Digital Archives (Scanned Documents) ciur 2645
34 natural-questions Natural Questions (NQ) contains real user questions issued to Google search, and answers found from Wikipedia by annotators. NQ is designed for the training and evaluation of automatic question answering systems. google-research-datasets 981
35 The best and simplest free open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monitor which websites had a text change for free. Free Open source web page change detection, Website defacement monitoring, Price change notification dgtlmoon 22775
36 twilio-integration Twilio integration for ERPNext frappe 68
37 InvoiceNet Deep neural network to extract intelligent information from invoice documents. naiveHobo 2576
38 Caster Dragonfly-Based Voice Programming and Accessibility Toolkit dictation-toolbox 345
39 linkchecker check links in web documents or full websites linkchecker 930
40 frappe Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript frappe 8189
41 frappe-attachments-s3 A frappe app to upload file attachments in doctypes to s3. zerodha 127
42 ewb_api_integration Implementing Eway bill API integration for India aerele 5
43 salesmonkey eCommerce backend based on ERPNext singesavant 6
44 ecommerce_integrations Ecommerce integrations for ERPNext frappe 120
45 mautic Mautic integration with ERPNext dokos-io 29
46 greedypacker 2D Bin Packing Algorithms solomon-b 189
47 authentik The authentication glue you need. goauthentik 15400
48 localstack ๐Ÿ’ป A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline localstack 58184
49 uniconvertor UniConvertor is a cross-platform universal vector graphics translator sk1project 159
50 erpnext-shipping A Shipping Integration for ERPNext frappe 92
51 PageMaster A ERPNext App by libracore for web page handling libracore 20
52 erpnext-scripts Scripts written in Python for ERPNext in order to hasten the process iRaySpace 18
53 inkscape-eps-export AI compatible EPS export for Inkscape tzunghaor 29
54 pdfrw pdfrw is a pure Python library that reads and writes PDFs pmaupin 1884
55 serverless-store-demo A web e-commerce demo app showcasing serverless capabilities of Google Cloud Platform. GoogleCloudPlatform 184
56 business-automation This project was created to help a small business called Tectle to automate their operations. It is a webserver that aids in managing orders, package calculations, creating shipping labels, sending tracking information, and managing manufacturing. ksritharan 1
57 genie A quick way into a systemd "bottle" for WSL arkane-systems 1859
58 aws-serverless-ecommerce-platform Serverless Ecommerce Platform is a sample implementation of a serverless backend for an e-commerce website. This sample is not meant to be used as an e-commerce platform as-is, but as an inspiration on how to build event-driven serverless microservices on AWS. aws-samples 1123
59 deep-fonts Generate fonts using deep learning erikbern 790
60 picosvg Helps simplify SVG files. Intended for use as part of a font build. googlefonts 161
61 fontto-training Image-to-image translation in PyTorch (e.g. horse2zebra, edges2cats, and more) twiiks 1
62 fontto-processing twiiks 4
63 freqtrade-strategies Free trading strategies for Freqtrade bot freqtrade 3942
64 freqtrade Free, open source crypto trading bot freqtrade 37467
65 jupyter-cadquery An extension to render cadquery objects in JupyterLab via pythreejs bernhard-42 337
66 cadquery A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT CadQuery 3549
67 aws-lambda-pillow A set of Python Pillow Lambda functions to cover day-to-day use cases jDmacD 13
68 kibana_canvas_examples A selection of Canvas workpad examples alexfrancoeur 85
69 unity-cloudbuild-webgl-aws-cd-pipeline CD (Continuous Deployment) pipeline for Unity WebGL projects via AWS using API Gateway, AWS Lambda and Unity Cloud Build hook cesartalves 4
70 saleor Saleor Core: the high performance, composable, headless commerce API. saleor 21312
71 eCommerce We're going to take you step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, eCommerce web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more. codingforentrepreneurs 1647
72 thumbor thumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by thumbor 10215
73 Inkscape-OUTPUT-PRO Inkscape OUTPUT PRO Extension jonata 39
74 WeasyPrint The awesome document factory Kozea 7591
75 CairoSVG Convert your vector images Kozea 813
76 madesigner Model Airplane Rapid Design Toolkit clolsonus 22
77 code_popupcad popupCAD is a software package which facilitates the development of laminate devices, popup mechanisms, and flat foldable structures.ย  The Software is designed to provide a foundation for common mathematical operations, with many higher-level plugins available for automating the design process, analyzing manufacturability, and generating the structures used to fabricate such devices. popupcad 31
78 archipack Archipack for blender 2.79 s-leger 363
79 FreeCAD_SheetMetal A simple sheet metal workbench for FreeCAD shaise 234
80 menpofit Menpo's 2D deformable modelling toolkit (AAMs/CLMs/SDMs) menpo 128
81 inkscape-paths2openscad Inkscape extension for designing simple 3D objects (2.5D actually) with inkscape. DOWNLOAD: fablabnbg 77
82 inkpacking Inkscape extension to create foldable boxes, with finger slots and different flaps, takes paper thickness into account Moini 10
83 inkstitch Ink/Stitch: an Inkscape extension for machine embroidery design inkstitch 1050
84 portia Visual scraping for Scrapy scrapinghub 9377
85 instabot A Instagram bot for educational purposes MoritzGruber 37
86 erpnext Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) frappe 24201
87 paperless Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents the-paperless-project 7874
88 mongo-connector MongoDB data stream pipeline tools by YouGov (adopted from MongoDB) yougov 1877

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Name Description Author Stars
1 docuseal Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents โœ๏ธ docusealco 8883
2 geo_pattern Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string. jasonlong 1257
3 postal ๐Ÿ“ฎ A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail postalserver 15338
4 rooftop-cms Rooftop CMS is an API-first WordPress CMS for developers and content creators rooftopcms 220
5 solidus ๐Ÿ›’ Solidus, the open-source eCommerce framework for industry trailblazers. solidusio 5119
6 seedbank Seedbank gives your seed data a little structure. Create seeds for each environment, share seeds between environments and specify dependencies to load your seeds in order. All nicely integrated with simple rake tasks. james2m 1146
7 spree_volume_pricing Spree extension which supports sales volume based pricing (quantity discounts). spree-contrib 67
8 spree An open source eCommerce platform giving you full control and customizability. Modular and API-first. Multi-vendor, multi-tenant, multi-store, multi-currency, multi-language. Built using Ruby on Rails. Developed by @vendo-dev spree 14485
9 redmine_messenger Messenger plugin for Redmine with Slack, Discord, Rocket.Chat and Mattermost support alphanodes 179
10 openfoodnetwork Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce. openfoodfoundation 1160
11 Scumblr Web framework that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources and performing analysis on the identified results Netflix-Skunkworks 2646
12 alpine-tor Just a simple rotating tor pool with haproxy load balancer. (with opt-in privoxy support) zet4 108
13 huginn Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by! huginn 45303

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Pake ๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿป Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. ๐Ÿคฑ๐Ÿป ๅˆฉ็”จ Rust ่ฝปๆพๆž„ๅปบ่ฝป้‡็บงๅคš็ซฏๆกŒ้ขๅบ”็”จ tw93 36905
2 typst A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn. typst 38570
3 influxdb Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics influxdata 29712
4 Graphite 2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow. GraphiteEditor 11125
5 arroyo Distributed stream processing engine in Rust ArroyoSystems 4107
6 svgbob Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG ivanceras 3968
7 raider ๐ŸŽ Affiliates dashboard. Used by affiliates to generate tracking codes and review their balance. valeriansaliou 191
8 deno A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. denoland 102325

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Name Description Author Stars
1 react-coding-challenges A series of ReactJS coding challenges with a variety of difficulties. alexgurr 3322
2 figma-plugin-ds A small lightweight design system for use in Figma Plugins thomas-lowry 716
3 momentum-ui Momentum UI is a collection of UI libraries for implementing Momentum Design into web applications and websites. momentum-design 206
4 magento2-theme-blank-sass SASS based version of Magento 2 Blank theme SnowdogApps 382
5 bojler Bojler is an email framework Slicejack 1037

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Name Description Author Stars
1 grid The Guardianโ€™s image management system guardian 1443

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Name Description Author Stars
1 inkporter Inkporter - is powerfull tool to help your productivity with Inkscape. This tools available as Command Line Interface and Inkscape Extension, so you choose as your preference. raniaamina 40
2 Kext-Droplet-Big-Sur chris1111 73
3 fnt apt for fonts, the missing font manager for macOS/linux alexmyczko 509
4 pull-request โคต๏ธ A GitHub Action for creating pull requests repo-sync 345
5 pim-community-standard [Community Standard Edition] The open source Product Information Management (PIM) - please raise issues in akeneo 400
6 docker-inkscape Inkscape executable Docker image based on Alpine Linux. michalsvorc 3
7 letsencrypt-install-elasticbeanstalk-single-instance .ebextensions script for automatically installing letsencrypt SSL on an Elastic Beanstalk single instance running Apache tomyates 37
8 nvm Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions nvm-sh 82971
9 webupd8 webupd8 hotice 31
10 gitlab-ci-pipeline-php โ˜• Docker images for test PHP applications with Gitlab CI (or any other CI platform!) edbizarro 526
11 SyliusGitLabCICDConfig Full Sylius Gitlab pipeline setup: behat, phpspec, ci, cd Locastic 5
12 ezplatform Meta repository that pulls in all dependencies for clean distribution of Ibexa Platform. ezsystems 327
13 magento2-vagrant-for-developers Vagrant Box for Magento 2 Developers paliarush 447
14 magento2-fast-vm Optimal vagrant developer box for Magento2. Folders synced by nfs/rsync. This box includes Magento developer utilities. zepgram 108
15 Web-Font-Load Install all Google Web Fonts onto your local machine qrpike 1501
16 Types-for-Adobe TypeScript types for Adobe: AfterEffects, Animate, Audition, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere, ScriptUI. docsforadobe 552
17 awesome-svg A curated list of SVG. willianjusten 4565
18 docker-filebeat A docker image using the Docker API to collect and ship containers logs to Logstash bargenson 142

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Name Description Author Stars
1 svelte-commerce The open-source storefront for any ecommerce. Built with a PWA and headless approach, using a modern JS stack. Works with Litekart, Medusa. WIP for Woocommerce, Bigcommerce and Shopify. itswadesh 1661
2 ui ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒ Frontend Svelte PWA starter for SaaS startups staart 328

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Name Description Author Stars
1 jdf Joyner Document Format official iamjakewarner 176

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Name Description Author Stars
1 n8n-nodes-mcp n8n custom node for MCP nerding-io 623
2 daydreams Daydreams is a generative agent framework for executing anything onchain daydreamsai 369
3 kysely A type-safe typescript SQL query builder kysely-org 11595
4 mikro-orm TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite/libSQL databases. mikro-orm 8150
5 flatdraw A simple canvas drawing web app with responsive UI. Made with TypeScript, React, and Next.js. diogocapela 780
6 react-joyride Create guided tours in your apps gilbarbara 7128
7 assistant-ui Typescript/React Library for AI Chat๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿš€ assistant-ui 3779
8 Flowise Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow FlowiseAI 36513
9 platform Huly โ€” All-in-One Project Management Platform (alternative to Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, Motion) hcengineering 19801
10 ai-flow No-code tool for connecting AI models DahnM20 189
11 undb ๐Ÿš€ Private first self-hosted no code database & BaaS. undb-io 2501
12 teable โœจ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres teableio 17120
13 nocodb ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Open Source Airtable Alternative nocodb 53223
14 moon-light coingaming 21
15 bolt-cep A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Adobe CEP Extensions in React, Vue, or Svelte built on Vite + TypeScript + Sass hyperbrew 351
16 appwrite Build like a team of hundreds_ appwrite 47812
17 drizzle-orm Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too ๐Ÿ˜… drizzle-team 27091
18 mercur Open-source multi-vendor marketplace platform for B2B & B2C. Built on top of MedusaJS. Create your own custom marketplace. ๐Ÿ›๏ธ mercurjs 376
19 learnhouse The Next-gen Open Source learning platform for everyone โœจ learnhouse 800
20 Webster ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Design editor built with React, Redux, Konva, Node.js, NestJS, Prisma, PostgreSQL. YaroslavChuiko 88
21 medusa-auction-demo VariableVic 9
22 magic-pos ์ŠคํŒŒ๋ฅดํƒ€์ฝ”๋”ฉํด๋Ÿฝ ๋‚ด์ผ๋ฐฐ์›€์บ ํ”„ React 3๊ธฐ - ์ตœ์ข… ํ”„๋กœ์ ํŠธ (ํ‚ค์˜ค์Šคํฌ & POS) j-yesung 8
23 medusa-plugin-variant-images kanrio 2
24 deepkit-framework A new full-featured and high-performance TypeScript framework deepkit 3305
25 sst Build full-stack apps on your own infrastructure. sst 23278
26 ha-component-kit Designed with developers in mind, this powerful package is built on React to create seamless, highly customizable interfaces for your Home Assistant smart home dashboards. shannonhochkins 965
27 medusa-plugins A collection of awesome plugins for medusa ๐Ÿš€ adrien2p 170
28 medusa-plugin-ultimate Medusa Plugin Ultimate is a plugin made for medusa that give super powers to your entities. raideno 29
29 tremor-npm React components to build charts and dashboards tremorlabs 16353
30 medusa-strapi-repo Monorepo for all Strapi components to sync with medusa SGFGOV 71
31 flowed A fast and reliable flow engine for orchestration and more uses in Node.js, Deno and the browser danielduarte 168
32 svgr Transform SVGs into React components ๐Ÿฆ gregberge 10730
33 remotion ๐ŸŽฅ Make videos programmatically with React remotion-dev 21764
34 nx Build system, optimized for monorepos, with AI-powered architectural awareness and advanced CI capabilities. nrwl 25052
35 medusa The world's most flexible commerce platform. medusajs 28260
36 recharts Redefined chart library built with React and D3 recharts 24848
37 tiptap The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans. ueberdosis 29400
38 table ๐Ÿค– Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table TanStack 26080
39 headlessui Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. tailwindlabs 27011
40 novu Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations. novuhq 36593
41 appsmith Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API. appsmithorg 36401
42 โœจ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs. AykutSarac 37308
43 react-spring โœŒ๏ธ A spring physics based React animation library pmndrs 28566
44 react-three-fiber ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ A React renderer for Three.js pmndrs 28471
45 documenso The Open Source DocuSign Alternative. documenso 10547
46 react-pdf Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images. wojtekmaj 9946
47 lexical Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance. facebook 20831
48 unplugin-fonts Universal Webfont loader - Unfonts - based on cssninjaStudio 369
49 satori Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG vercel 11604
50 xyflow React Flow |ย Svelte Flow - Powerful open source libraries for building node-based UIs with React ( or Svelte ( Ready out-of-the-box and infinitely customizable. xyflow 28456
51 refine A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility. refinedev 30314
52 react-loads React Loads is a backend agnostic library to help with external data fetching & caching in your UI components. jxom 284
53 openapi-codegen A tool for generating code base on an OpenAPI schema. fabien0102 555
54 magick-wasm The WASM library for ImageMagick dlemstra 657
55 psd Fast zero-dependency PSD parser for the web and Node.js webtoon 1243
56 nestjs-typeorm-multi-tenant NestJS + Typeorm multi tenant, with multi db, application marcoesposito 98
57 medusa-marketplace Create a Marketplace with Medusa shahednasser 81
58 medusa-extender ๐Ÿ’‰ Medusa on steroid, take your medusa project to the next level with some badass features ๐Ÿš€ adrien2p 330
59 typesafe-i18n A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects. ivanhofer 2301
60 redux-toolkit The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development reduxjs 10910
61 query ๐Ÿค– Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query. TanStack 44388
62 windicss Next generation utility-first CSS framework. windicss 6545
63 storage-manager-2.0 web app for 3d bin packing and loading optimization SebLeich 50
64 nestia NestJS Helper + AI Chatbot Development samchon 1968
65 nest-saas-boilerplate Modern SaaS boilerplate using Nestjs, Typescript, Postgres, TypeORM GraphQL, stripe, sendgrid, Bulljs, Swagger rahulvyas1 7
66 NativeBase Mobile-first, accessible components for React Native & Web to build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web. GeekyAnts 20297
67 NextJS-NestJS-GraphQL-Starter A production-ready NextJS & NestJS GraphQL starter pack tomanagle 432
68 delivery-tracker-for-whale ๊ฐ„ํŽธํ•˜๊ฒŒ ํƒ๋ฐฐ ๋ฐฐ์†ก ์ •๋ณด๋ฅผ ์กฐํšŒํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋Š” ์›จ์ผ ๋ธŒ๋ผ์šฐ์ € ํ™•์žฅ ํ”„๋กœ๊ทธ๋žจ์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. falsy 10
69 delivery-tracker ๐Ÿšš Delivery and Shipping Tracking Service shlee322 627
70 labelmake labelmake has moved and now available at pdfme / hand-dot 356
71 pdfme Open-source PDF generation library built with TypeScript and React. Features a WYSIWYG template designer, PDF viewer, and powerful generation capabilities. Create custom PDFs effortlessly in both browser and Node.js environments. pdfme 3037
72 piconvert Convert pictures to other formats. GitHub Actions supported. JacobLinCool 8
73 adminjs AdminJS is an admin panel for apps written in node.js SoftwareBrothers 8455
74 supabase The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications. supabase 79705
75 leon ๐Ÿง  Leon is your open-source personal assistant. leon-ai 16074
76 bluelibs A collection of open-source software solutions designed for the modern web and enterprise scale. bluelibs 771
77 jose JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes panva 6250
78 OpenMetadata OpenMetadata is a unified metadata platform for data discovery, data observability, and data governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth column level lineage, and seamless team collaboration. open-metadata 6329
79 sqip "SQIP" (pronounced \skwษชb\ like the non-magical folk of magical descent) is a SVG-based LQIP technique. axe312ger 3374
80 fetch-event-source A better API for making Event Source requests, with all the features of fetch() Azure 2112
81 nestjs-aws-serverless gCorePlus 7
82 shopware-pwa Shopware PWA for eCommerce. Headless storefront solution for Shopware 6, which communicates through the SalesChannel-API. Always Open Source, MIT license. Made with ๐Ÿ’™ by shopware AG & Vue Storefront. vuestorefront 347
83 ever-gauzy Everยฎ Gauzyโ„ข - Open Business Management Platform (ERP/CRM/HRM/ATS/PM) - ever-co 2529
84 Nestjs-Typeorm-Auth NestJS + Typeorm codebase containing a full authentification system with roles, sessions and email verification. TannerGabriel 48
85 tui.editor ๐Ÿž๐Ÿ“ Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. nhn 17401
86 ngx-markdown Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to HTML with syntax highlight and more... jfcere 1101
87 create-flyyer-app Scaffold everything you need to create a template | Generate social media images and og:image useflyyer 26
88 og-image Open Graph Image as a Service - generate cards for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc vercel 4053
89 nestjs-typeorm-paginate ๐Ÿ“ƒ Pagination response object function + types for typeorm + nestjs nestjsx 860
90 create-pull-request A GitHub action to create a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace peter-evans 2308
91 figma-html Convert any website to editable Figma designs BuilderIO 3288
92 svg-path-editor Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths Yqnn 4345
93 vite Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! vitejs 71613
94 ngx-ui ๐Ÿš€ Style and Component Library for Angular swimlane 714
95 mailer ๐Ÿ“จ A mailer module for Nest framework (node.js) nest-modules 873
96 erpjs erpjs - open source serverless headless ERP&CRM in JavaScript/TypeScript iDempiere-micro 103
97 ra-data-nestjsx-crud Data provider which integrates React Admin with NestJS CRUD library rayman1104 104
98 dynamodb-toolbox Lightweight and type-safe query builder for DynamoDB and TypeScript dynamodb-toolbox 1891
99 dynamodb-onetable DynamoDB access and management for one table designs with NodeJS sensedeep 702
100 aws-nestjs-starter Serverless, AWS, NestJS, GraphQL and DynamoDB starter hardyscc 339
101 nestjs-dynamoose Dynamoose module for Nest hardyscc 144
102 nestjs-dynamodb SkyPressATX 26
103 dynamodb-data-mapper-js A schema-based data mapper for Amazon DynamoDB. awslabs 817
104 Rankings-Backend Server-side client of ISA Rankings (Serverless, NestJS, DynamoDB) International-Slackline-Association 183
105 react-admin A frontend Framework for single-page applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design marmelab 25561
106 nestcloud A NodeJS micro-service solution, writing by Typescript language and NestJS framework. nest-cloud 423
107 ultimate-backend Multi tenant SaaS starter kit with cqrs graphql microservice architecture, apollo federation, event source and authentication juicycleff 2761
108 rxdb A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications pubkey 22161
109 chakra-ui Chakra UI is a component system for building products with speed โšก๏ธ chakra-ui 38796
110 ngx-build-plus Extend the Angular CLI's default build behavior without ejecting, e. g. for Angular Elements manfredsteyer 1198
111 erxes Source available experience management infrastructure. Pioneering the future of experiences with XOS (Experience Operating System). Hubspot + Qualtrics alternative erxes 3614
112 overlap-area Find the Overlap Area. daybrush 67
113 css-styled โš–๏ธ This component is a lightweight, simple line style component. daybrush 15
114 figur Make SVG Polygon & Star Shape daybrush 31
115 dragscroll daybrush 7
116 ruler A Ruler component that can draw grids and scroll infinitely. daybrush 344
117 guides A Guides component that can draw ruler and manage guidelines. daybrush 354
118 selecto Selecto.js is a component that allows you to select elements in the drag area using the mouse or touch. daybrush 2111
119 moveable Moveable! Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! Warpable! Pinchable! Groupable! Snappable! daybrush 10295
120 scena ๐ŸŽฌ Scena is a component that represents the timeline of Scene.js. You can control time, properties, and items. daybrush 870
121 nestjs-pdf Nest js pdf generator toondaey 88
122 angularx-social-login Social login and authentication module for Angular 17 abacritt 644
123 angularfire Angular + Firebase = โค๏ธ angular 7750
124 akita-ng-fire Akita โค๏ธ Angular ๐Ÿ”ฅ Firebase dappsnation 130
125 fusing-angular Extremely fast Angular Universal and Electron development environment. patrickmichalina 17
126 webiny-examples Various demos showing you how make the best of Webiny webiny 43
127 marble Marble.js - functional reactive Node.js framework for building server-side applications, based on TypeScript and RxJS. marblejs 2139
128 bacon.js Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript baconjs 6470
129 carbon-now-cli ๐ŸŽจ Beautiful images of your code โ€” from right inside your terminal. mixn 5854
130 atmo โœ”๏ธ Mock data for your prototypes and demos. Remote deployments to Zeit now. Raathigesh 814
131 pipcook Machine learning platform for Web developers alibaba 2564
132 hyperformula HyperFormula is an open-source headless spreadsheet for business web apps. It comes with over 400 formulas, CRUD operations, undo-redo, clipboard support, and sorting. handsontable 2265
133 uppload ๐Ÿ“ JavaScript image uploader and editor, no backend required elninotech 1861
134 i18next-korean-postposition-processor i18next post-processor for processing korean postposition Perlmint 22
135 geo-pattern Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string โœจ TypeScript port of jasonlong/geo_pattern. Supports both Node.js and Browser. mooyoul 37
136 ๐Ÿ’ฉโœ‰๏ธ is disposable email service like Mailinator, but built in Serverless way. mooyoul 58
137 fast-png PNG image decoder and encoder written entirely in JavaScript image-js 419
138 prisma Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB prisma 41627
139 api ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ SaaS backend & API framework based on @nestjs staart 1112
140 saas Build your own SaaS business with SaaS boilerplate. Productive stack: React, Material-UI, Next, MobX, WebSockets, Express, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB. Written with TypeScript. async-labs 4225
141 n8n Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations. n8n-io 70303
142 iblis-ui Beautiful React UI components to be used in a Entreprise SaaS vdelacou 7
143 starter Opinionated SaaS quick-start with pre-built user account and organization system for full-stack application development in React, Node.js, GraphQL and PostgreSQL. Powered by PostGraphile, TypeScript, Apollo Client, Graphile Worker, Graphile Migrate, GraphQL Code Generator, Ant Design and Next.js graphile 1780
144 lambda-screenshot-as-a-service AWS Lambda Chrome Headless screenshots Swizec 148
145 clarity A behavioral analytics library that uses dom mutations and user interactions to generate aggregated insights. microsoft 2320
146 spectator ๐ŸฆŠ ๐Ÿš€ A Powerful Tool to Simplify Your Angular Tests ngneat 2131
147 cashew ๐Ÿฟ A flexible and straightforward library that caches HTTP requests in Angular ngneat 687
148 error-tailor ๐Ÿฆ„ Making sure your tailor-made error solution is seamless! ngneat 486
149 dynamic-image-transformation-for-amazon-cloudfront Transform, optimize, and deliver images in real time at a fraction of the cost. aws-solutions 1365
150 thumbnail-generator-lambda Generate PDF previews and image thmbnails on AWS Lambda TOKIUM 3
151 ecommerce-shopfront-on-aws A high availability, API-first reference architecture for ecommerce using AWS services enghwa 61
152 ng-dynamic-component Dynamic components with full life-cycle support for inputs and outputs for Angular gund 562
153 Angular-AOT-Dynamic-Components POC, to get CMS content and add it dynamically CharlesElGriego 11
154 TypedJSON Typed JSON parsing and serializing for TypeScript that preserves type information. JohnWeisz 604
155 comlink Comlink makes WebWorkers enjoyable. GoogleChromeLabs 11740
156 worker-dom The same DOM API and Frameworks you know, but in a Web Worker. ampproject 3232
157 common-xml-features Electron renderer/node/master process common Api for XML features (DOM, XPath) emmkimme 3
158 svg2pdf.js A javascript-only SVG to PDF conversion utility that runs in the browser. Brought to you by yWorks - the diagramming experts yWorks 736
159 date-fns โณ Modern JavaScript date utility library โŒ›๏ธ date-fns 35554
160 ngx-translate-router Translate routes using ngx-translate gilsdav 135
161 auto-unsubscribe-ng9 How to auto-unsubscribe in Angular component classes with Ivy. kaplan81 7
162 nx-ng-nest-universal Nx Workspace with a seperated Nest App for Angular Universal SSR. servrox 35
163 glas WebGL in WebAssembly with AssemblyScript lume 900
164 nebular ๐Ÿ’ฅ Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System ๐ŸŒšโœจDark Mode akveo 8081
165 schema-dts JSON-LD TypeScript types for vocabulary google 977
166 ngAutocomplete Light-weight autocomplete component for Angular. sengirab 52
167 nx-plugins A collection of NX plugins baked with love ;) Dev-Thought 76
168 nx-plugins Nx plugins built by FlowAccount team, helps deploy systems to the cloud flowaccount 115
169 ngx-ui-scroll Virtual/infinite scroll for Angular dhilt 223
170 react-design-editor React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs,, fabricjs salgum1114 1595
171 craft.js ๐Ÿš€ A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors prevwong 7899
172 ar-cutpaste Cut and paste your surroundings using AR cyrildiagne 14571
173 eventsource EventSource client for Node.js, browsers and other JavaScript runtimes EventSource 988
174 floorplan-angular Prototype to draw floorplan of rooms. (Angular 13 + Fabric.js) andsilver 74
175 ngx-popper An angular wrapper for popper.js, great for tooltips and positioning popping elements MrFrankel 187
176 konva Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications. konvajs 12487
177 editor.js A block-style editor with clean JSON output codex-team 29803
178 preboot Coordinate transfer of state from server to client view for isomorphic/universal JavaScript web applications angular 380
179 frontity ยป Frontity - The React Framework for WordPress frontity 2949
180 ng-recaptcha Angular component for Google reCAPTCHA DethAriel 477
181 webiny-js Open-source serverless enterprise CMS. Includes a headless CMS, page builder, form builder, and file manager. Easy to customize and expand. Deploys to AWS. webiny 7546
182 cookies Manage your cookies on client and server side (Angular Universal) ngx-utils 39
183 compodoc ๐Ÿ“” The missing documentation tool for your Angular, Nest & Stencil application compodoc 4048
184 brain.js ๐Ÿค– GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js BrainJS 14626
185 model-viewer Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR! google 7254
186 ng2-stompjs Angular 6 and 7 - Stomp service over Websockets stomp-js 181
187 angular-seo maciejtreder 10
188 ng-animate ๐ŸŒ™ A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular 14+ jiayihu 720
189 nativescript-ar Augmented Reality NativeScript plugin EddyVerbruggen 118
190 ngx-virtual-scroller Virtual Scroll displays a virtual, "infinite" list. rintoj 983
191 paperbits-core This repository contains core Paperbits components paperbits 360
192 chrome-aws-lambda Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions alixaxel 3256
193 jimp An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies. jimp-dev 14303
194 spartacus Spartacus is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud that communicates exclusively through the Commerce REST API. SAP 752
195 angular-bootloader โฉ Angular 2 (and Angular 4) Bootloader for async script tag and hmr support via @AngularClass AngularClass 31
196 universal Seed project for Angular Universal apps featuring Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Webpack, CLI scaffolding, dev/prod modes, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer fulls1z3 703
197 ngx-meta Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering) fulls1z3 334
198 ng-universal Angular Universal module for Nest framework (node.js) ๐ŸŒท nestjs 442
199 store ๐Ÿš€ NGXS - State Management for Angular ngxs 3550
200 verdaccio-gitlab private npm registry (Verdaccio) using gitlab-ce as authentication and authorization provider bufferoverflow 160
201 angulartics2 Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications. angulartics 1010
202 Semantic-UI-Angular Semantic UI Angular Integrations Semantic-Org 557
203 verdaccio A lightweight Node.js private proxy registry verdaccio 16772
204 ngx-image-cropper An image cropper for Angular Mawi137 797
205 NpnSlider A multi range slider component using Angular npnm 14
206 ngresizable Simple, tree-shakable, AoT, Universal and Web Worker friendly resizable component for Angular (2 and beyond). mgechev 116
207 ngx-img-cropper Image cropping tool for Angular web-dave 193
208 ngx-fullpage Angular 2 fullPage.js port library vsfedorenko 274
209 angular-fullpage Official Angular wrapper for fullPage.js alvarotrigo 176
210 node-jpg-is-cmyk check jpg file is cmyk BakuDigital 1
211 node-jpg-is-cmyk check jpg file is cmyk zengming00 2
212 ColorTranslator A JavaScript library, written in TypeScript, to convert among different color models elchininet 91
213 ngx-currency Currency mask module for Angular ๐Ÿ“ฆ nbfontana 243
214 ajsf Angular JSON Schema Form hamzahamidi 362
215 serverless-plugin-elastic-beanstalk A serverless plugin to deploy applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk. rawphp 20
216 wp-api-angular Angular (>=2) services for WordPress WP-API(v2) or WP >= 4.7 (natively supports WP-API) wordpress-clients 262
217 ngx-resizable Resizable Split Pane Layout mng 22
218 akita ๐Ÿš€ State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications salesforce 3695
219 ng2-daum-address ๋‹ค์Œ ์ฃผ์†Œ ๊ฒ€์ƒ‰ ๋ชจ๋“ˆ (๋ฆฌํŒฉํ† ๋ง ์ค‘์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.) gracefullight 14
220 toppy Overlay library for Angular 7+ lokesh-coder 81
221 angular-ng-autocomplete NPM package for Angular: gmerabishvili 156
222 ng2-dragula Simple drag and drop with dragula valor-software 1914
223 ngx-treeview An Angular treeview component with checkbox leovo2708 362
224 nest-commerce E-Commerce Web App built with NestJS kelvin-mai 277
225 unchained Code-first High-Performance Node.js E-Commerce Framework unchainedshop 178
226 alfresco-content-app Alfresco Content Application Alfresco 194
227 eva-icons A pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons. SVG, Sketch, Web Font and Animations support. akveo 8642
228 nestjs-modules NestJS modules erento 27
229 graphql-middleware-apollo-upload-server Upload is hard, that's why we do it for you. ๐ŸŽ‰ maticzav 129
230 ohmyform โœ๏ธ Free open source alternative to TypeForm, TellForm, or Google Forms โ›บ ohmyform 2846
231 daffodil Angular Ecommerce PWA Framework graycoreio 160
232 server_nodejs ๋ถ€ํŠธํŽ˜์ด ๊ฒฐ์ œ์—ฐ๋™ ํ›„ - ๊ฒ€์ฆ๊ณผ ์ทจ์†Œ์š”์ฒญ ๋ชจ๋“ˆ์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์„œ๋ฒ„์‚ฌ์ด๋“œ์šฉ node js ๋ฒ„์ „์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋ถ€ํŠธํŽ˜์ด๋Š” ๊ฐœ๋ฐœ์ž๋ฅผ ์œ„ํ•œ ๊ฒฐ์ œ์—ฐ๋™ ์„œ๋น„์Šค๋กœ, ๊ตฌ๊ธ€ ์• ๋„๋ฆฌํ‹ฑ์Šค์™€ ๊ฐ™์ด ๊ฒฐ์ œ ๋ฐ์ดํ„ฐ ๋ถ„์„ ์„œ๋น„์Šค๋ฅผ ์ œ๊ณตํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ „์ž์ƒ๊ฑฐ๋ž˜ ๋˜๋Š” ์ปค๋จธ์Šค๋ฅผ ์ค‘์ ์ ์œผ๋กœ ๋‹ค๋ฃจ๋Š” ๊ฒฐ์ œ์—ฐ๋™, ๋ฐ์ดํ„ฐ ๋ถ„์„ ์„œ๋น„์Šค์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. bootpay 8
233 awesome-typescript-loader Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack s-panferov 2347
234 type-fest A collection of essential TypeScript types sindresorhus 15105
235 ngx-scroll-to Scroll to any element to enhance scroll-based features in you app. Works for Angular 4+, both AoT and SSR. No dependencies. nicky-lenaers 275
236 zulip-desktop Zulip Desktop client for Mac, Windows and Linux. zulip 882
237 ng2-stompjs-angular7 n2-stompjs sample for Angular 7 stomp-js 15
238 content-loader โšช๏ธ SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading. ngneat 732
239 ngx-pagination Pagination for Angular michaelbromley 1234
240 ng-keyboard-shortcuts Dead Simple Keyboard Shortcuts Management for Angular omridevk 148
241 angular2-hotkeys Keyboard shortcuts for Angular 2 apps brtnshrdr 203
242 PatternMaker A modular pattern generator. arthursw 2
243 electron-angular-preferences Electron extendable preference window build in angular 7 ddanninger 2
244 electron-rpc-api Wrapper around the Electron's IPC for building type-safe API based RPC-like and reactive interactions vladimiry 24
245 electron-ipc-proxy Transparent asynchronous electron remoting using IPC. frankwallis 39
246 ngx-ui-switch Angular UI Switch component webcat12345 111
247 lerna Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository. lerna 35873
248 ever-demand Everยฎ Demandโ„ข - Open Commerce Platform - ever-co 1782
249 jsonforms Customizable JSON Schema-based forms with React, Angular and Vue support out of the box. eclipsesource 2361
250 tinder-clone Fullstack Tinder app clone made with React/Ts/Nest MarcinMiler 77
251 dynamicforms Angular 7 - dynamic reactive forms generated from typeorm entities knehez 6
252 nestjs-config Config module for nestjs using dotenv ๐Ÿ”‘ nestjsx 700
253 ivy-universal Server side rendering using Angular Ivy vikerman 179
254 storefront-angular-starter An example storefront PWA for Vendure built with Angular vendure-ecommerce 172
255 ngSemantic Angular 2 building blocks ๐Ÿ“ฆ based on Semantic UI vladotesanovic 973
256 ng2-semantic-ui Semantic UI Angular Integrations (no jQuery) edcarroll 614
257 ngx-pinch-zoom Module provides for image zooming and positioning with use of gestures on a touch screen. drozhzhin-n-e 114
258 photo-chrome A state of the art web-based photo editor module made using angular v4 Pipe-Runner-Lab 39
259 typescript-collections A generically typed set of collections for use with TypeScript basarat 1215
260 ngx-masonry-gallery Masonry gallery for Angular 14+ Enngage 66
261 ng-masonry-grid Angular 6+ masonry grid with CSS 3 animations on scroll. Shailu4u 50
262 tsed ๐Ÿ“ Ts.ED is a Node.js and TypeScript framework on top of Express to write your application with TypeScript (or ES6). It provides a lot of decorators and guideline to make your code more readable and less error-prone. โญ๏ธ Star to support our work! tsedio 2936
263 ngx-easy-table The Easiest Angular Table. 12kb gzipped! Tree-shakeable. 55 features and growing! ssuperczynski 378
264 crud NestJs CRUD for RESTful APIs nestjsx 4166
265 typescript-ioc A Lightweight annotation-based dependency injection container for typescript. thiagobustamante 528
266 serverless-appsync-plugin serverless plugin for appsync sid88in 953
267 serverless-domain-manager Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways. amplify-education 946
268 typeorm ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms. typeorm 35122
269 serverless-nestjs nestjs use serverlessframework and lambda rdlabo-team 344
270 serverless-plugin-typescript Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support serverless 789
271 universal-nest Nest + Angular Universal = โค๏ธ by @TrilonIO TrilonIO 299
272 nest-angular NestJS, Angular 6, Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal), GraphQL, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and Facebook/Twitter/Google Authentication, Mongoose, MongoDB, Webpack, TypeScript bojidaryovchev 333
273 angularspree angular e-commerce framework for online store aviabird 1702
274 dxf-parser A javascript parser for DXF files. It reads DXF file strings into one large javascript object with more readable properties and a more logical structure. gdsestimating 480
275 canvg JavaScript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas canvg 3726
276 Babylon.js Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. BabylonJS 23780
277 ng2-gridstack A gridstack component for Angular2+ ApolloSSC 11
278 gridstack.js Build interactive dashboards in minutes. gridstack 7605
279 angular-gridster2 Angular gridster 2 tiberiuzuld 1308
280 ngx-lazy-load-images Image lazy load library for Angular 2+ jesusbotella 80
281 ng-defer-load TradeMe 126
282 ngx-contextmenu An Angular component to show a context menu on an arbitrary component isaacplmann 246
283 ng2-konva Angular & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Angular. konvajs 125
284 GrimoireJS A WebGL framework for Web development. GrimoireGL 354
285 core The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular ngx-translate 4589
286 Angular-Slickgrid Angular-Slickgrid is a wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid datagrid, it also includes multiple Styling Themes ghiscoding 401
287 tween.js JavaScript/TypeScript animation engine tweenjs 9957
288 ngx-color ๐ŸŽจ Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more scttcper 436
289 ngx-color-picker Color picker widget for the Angular (version 2 and newer) zefoy 461
290 angular-editor-fabric-js Drag-and-drop editor based on Fabricjs for bytesleo 440
291 ng-select Select component for angular basvandenberg 290
292 ngx-quill Angular (>=2) components for the Quill Rich Text Editor KillerCodeMonkey 1810
293 ngx-datatable โœจ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular swimlane 4636
294 ngx-super-table A feature-rich table component built with angular. andyperlitch 115
295 rwa-trivia Trivia App - Real World Angular series anihalaney 252
296 universal-starter Angular 9 Universal repo with many features Angular-RU 542
297 ng-toolkit โญ Angular tool-box! Start your PWA in two steps! Add Serverless support for existing projects and much more maciejtreder 1119
298 AdminFire Admin dashboard template based on Nebular framework (Angular 4+, Bootstrap 4) previously known as ng2-admin JoeyHengst 7
299 angular-wijmo-flexsheet Angular CLI, Angular 4 and the wijmo FlexSheet Robinyo 42
300 universal Server-side rendering and Prerendering for Angular angular 4034
301 alfresco-ng2-components Alfresco Angular Components Alfresco 296
302 ng-split-areas Splitting views in Angular horizontally / vertically with configurable size-restrictions. steven-coding 3
303 ng-electron-devkit Angular Webpack Build Facade for Electron dashkan 12
304 puppeteer-request-spy Watch, fake or block requests from puppeteer matching patterns Tabueeee 49
305 injection-js Dependency injection library for JavaScript and TypeScript in 5.1K. It is an extraction of the Angular's ReflectiveInjector which means that it's well designed, feature complete, fast, reliable and well tested. mgechev 1202
306 patternfly-ng The code for a set of Angular 6+ components for the PatternFly project. Note that the release/3.x branch supports Angular 4 and 5. patternfly 88
307 ng-lightning Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System ng-lightning 918
308 clarity Clarity is a scalable, accessible, customizable, open source design system built with web components. Works with any JavaScript framework, built for enterprises, and designed to be inclusive. vmware-archive 6422
309 angular-mentions Angular mentions for text fields. dmacfarlane 194
310 ng-select โญ Native angular select component ng-select 3336
311 angular-text-input-autocomplete A angular 6+ directive for adding autocomplete functionality to text input elements, built around composability mattlewis92 45
312 angular2-json-schema-form Angular 2 JSON Schema Form builder dschnelldavis 287
313 ngx-formly ๐Ÿ“ JSON powered / Dynamic forms for Angular ngx-formly 2877
314 flex-layout Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API angular 5888
315 ngx-chips Tag Input component for Angular Gbuomprisco 903
316 ngx-mask Angular Plugin to make masks on form fields and html elements. JsDaddy 1192
317 ngx-toastr ๐Ÿž Angular Toastr scttcper 2553
318 routing-controllers Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework. typestack 4453
319 ng-shopping-cart ๐Ÿ›’ An Angular component library to create shopping carts devconcept 45
320 storybook Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation storybookjs 86199
321 typescript-logging TypeScript Logging library for both TypeScript and JavaScript vauxite-org 97
322 nestjs-crud xavism 1
323 ngx-slimscroll Customizable Scrollbar Directive for Angular jkuri 124
324 transliteration UTF-8 to ASCII transliteration / slugify module for node.js, browser, Web Worker, React Native, Electron and CLI. yf-hk 584
325 graphql-playground ๐ŸŽฎ GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration) graphql 8812
326 altair โœจโšก๏ธ A feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms. altair-graphql 5235
327 ngx-file-drop Angular 11 file and folder drop library georgipeltekov 299
328 chokidar Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library paulmillr 11301
329 electron-wix-msi ๐Ÿ“€ Create traditional MSI installers for your Electron app electron-userland 322
330 electron-builder A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with โ€œauto updateโ€ support out of the box electron-userland 13938
331 angular-split ๐ŸŒ Angular UI library to split views and allow dragging to resize areas using CSS grid layout. angular-split 893
332 vendure The commerce platform with customization in its DNA. vendure-ecommerce 6106
333 nest A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript ๐Ÿš€ nestjs 70025
334 firebase-cms A CMS + E-commerce platform built with Angular and Firebase alexabbott 313
335 angular-commerce Angular components for scaffolding online store NodeArt 565
336 angular-electron Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Electron ๐Ÿšค maximegris 5685
337 ngx-electron A simple Angular wrapper for electron's Renderer API ThorstenHans 428
338 electron-settings ๐Ÿ“ A simple persistent user settings framework for Electron. nathanbuchar 824
339 forge :electron: A complete tool for building and publishing Electron applications electron 6657
340 proton-native A React environment for cross platform desktop apps kusti8 10919
341 oclif CLI for generating, building, and releasing oclif CLIs. Built by Salesforce. oclif 9154
342 strapi ๐Ÿš€ Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. Itโ€™s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first. strapi 65739
343 sequelize Feature-rich ORM for modern Node.js and TypeScript, it supports PostgreSQL (with JSON and JSONB support), MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Oracle DB (v6), DB2 and DB2 for IBM i. sequelize 29886
344 node-lru-cache A fast cache that automatically deletes the least recently used items isaacs 5497
345 react-data-grid Feature-rich and customizable data grid React component adazzle 7159
346 quill Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility slab 44950
347 formik Build forms in React, without the tears ๐Ÿ˜ญ jaredpalmer 34189
348 react-router Declarative routing for React remix-run 54378
349 react-boilerplate A slightly opinionated yet dead simple boilerplate for React 17.x, Webpack 5 and React Router v5 mikechabot 173
350 google-webfonts-helper A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets majodev 12396
351 vue-storefront Alokai is a Frontend as a Service solution that simplifies composable commerce. It connects all the technologies needed to build and deploy fast & scalable ecommerce frontends. It guides merchants to deliver exceptional customer experiences quickly and easily. vuestorefront 10754
352 react-starter-kit The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React kriasoft 22856
353 grapesjs Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding GrapesJS 23618
354 Kap An open-source screen recorder built with web technology wulkano 18431
355 alfresco-js-api This project provides a JavaScript client API into the Alfresco REST API and Activiti REST API. Alfresco 121
356 octokit.js The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno. octokit 7260
357 google-api-nodejs-client Google's officially supported Node.js client library for accessing Google APIs. Support for authorization and authentication with OAuth 2.0, API Keys and JWT (Service Tokens) is included. googleapis 11629

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Vim script

Name Description Author Stars
1 vim-ansible-yaml Add additional support for Ansible in VIM chase 449

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Name Description Author Stars
1 vuesion Vuesion is a boilerplate that empowers product teams to build faster with modern best practices across engineering and design. It features a full-stack framework, comprehensive design system, robust testing, and seamless internationalization. vuesion 2859
2 vuestic-admin Vuestic Admin is an open-source, ready-to-use admin template suite designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Built on Vuestic UI, Vue 3, Vite, Pinia, and Tailwind CSS. Maintained by Epicmax (@epicmaxco). epicmaxco 10731

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1 txpdf HTML to PDF microservice txn2 92

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To the extent possible under law, ddanninger has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


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