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A teeworlds instagib (grenade/laser capture the flag/death match/catch) mod based on DDRaceNetwork (gctf/ictf/idm/gdm/zcatch)


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DDNet-insta based on DDRaceNetwork, a Teeworlds mod. See the website for more information.

For build instructions visit the ddnet repo.

A ddnet based pvp mod. With the focus on correct 0.6 and 0.7 support and staying close to and up to date with ddnet. While being highly configurable and feature rich.

Implementing most of the relevant pvp gametypes: ctf, dm, gctf, ictf, gdm, idm, gtdm, itdm, zCatch, bolofng, solofng, boomfng, fng

Project name and scope

The name ddnet-insta is short for DummyDragRaceNetwork Instagib. Because it started out as a ddnet based modification with the focus on gCTF with the possible future scope for also other instagib (one shot kills) gametypes such as iCTF, zCatch and fng. But it now has expanded to support also damage based gameplay such as teeworlds vanilla CTF and DM. So currently it aims to support any kind of round based pvp gametype that can be implemented without causing too much maintenance cost.


It also tries to be extendable and fork friendly. If you want to build a pvp gamemode with score points and rounds. This code base should get you started quite easily. Just create a new folder for your gamemode. After wiring it up in gamecontext and cmakelist you should be able to build almost any gametype without ever having to edit code outside of your gamemode directory. Just look at the existing gamemodes for examples. A simple mode to look at would be vanilla deathmatch. Adding your own stats columns and rank/top commands can be done in a few lines of code without writing any SQL.

Project goals

  • Stay close and up to date with upstream ddnet. Keep the git diff in files edited by ddnet as minimal as possible to keep merging cheap.
  • Be generic, consistent and configurable. If possible the same config variables and concepts should be applied to all gametypes. For example configs such as anticamper should not be sv_zcatch_anticamper but sv_anticamper and work in all gametypes.
  • Support latest ddnet and teeworlds clients fully and correctly.
  • Be friendly to downstream projects. Commits and releases should warn about breaking changes. Downstream projects should have an easy time to add new gametypes that can be updated to new ddnet-insta versions without a lot of effort.


Stats tracked in sql database

Every players kills, deaths, wins and more statistics are persisted in a database. There are no accounts. The stats are tacked on the players names. What exactly is tracked depends on the sv_gametype. But here are some chat commands that work in any gamemode:

  • /stats Shows the current round stats. Takes a player name as optional argument.
  • /statsall Shows the all time stats. Takes a player name as optional argument.
  • /top5kills Shows the all time top 5 players by amount of kills. Takes an offset as optional argument /top5kills 5 to see rank 5 till 10 for example.
  • /rank_kills Show the all time rank of a players kills compared to others. Takes a player name as optional argument.
  • /rank to list all rank commands for the current gametype
  • /top to list all top commands for the current gametype

Checkbox votes

If a vote is added starting with a [ ] in the display name. It will be used as a checkbox. If the underlying config is currently set that checkbox will be ticked and users see [x] in the vote menu. This feature is optional and if you do not put any [ ] in your config it will not be using any checkboxes. It is only applied for ddnet-insta settings not for all ddnet configs. It is recommended to set sv_vote_checkboxes 0 at the start of your autoexec and sv_vote_checkboxes 1 at the end so it does not update all votes for every setting it loads.

checkbox votes

Unstack chat for ddnet clients

Newer DDNet clients do not show duplicated messages multiple times. This is not always wanted when using call binds for team communication during pvp games. So there is sv_unstack_chat to revert that ddnet feature and ensure every message is sent properly in chat.


0.6 and 0.7 support including ready change

ddnet-insta uses the 0.6/0.7 server side version bridge from ddnet. So all gametypes are playable by latest teeworlds clients and ddnet clients at the same time.

In 0.7 there was a ready change added which allows users to pause the game. It only continues when everyone presses the ready bind. This feature is now also possible for 0.6 clients using the /pause chat command. This feature should be turned off on public servers sv_player_ready_mode 0 because it will be used by trolls.

pause game

0.7 dead players in zCatch

In 0.6 dead players join the spectators team in the zCatch gamemode.

zCatch 0.6

In 0.7 they are marked as dead players and are separate from spectators.

zCatch 0.7

Allow spectator votes for 0.7

The official teeworlds 0.7 client does block voting on the client side for spectators. To make sv_spectator_votes portable and fair for both 0.6 and 0.7 players there is an option to allow 0.7 clients to vote as spectators. It is a bit hacky so it is hidden behind then config sv_spectator_votes_sixup 1 when that is set it will make the 0.7 clients believe they are in game and unlock the call vote menu. But this also means that to join the game the users have to press the "spectate" button.

Lots of little fun opt in features

By default ddnet-insta tries to be ready to be used in competetive games. Being as close to prior implementations of the gametypes as possible. With that being said there are lots of opt in configurations to customize the gameplay.

Check the Configs section for a complete list. One of the highlights would be dropping the flag in CTF gametypes.

drop flags

Most of the settings that affect the gameplay can be shown to the user with sv_show_settings_motd so they know what is going on:

settings motd

Gametype support

Make sure to also reload or switch the map when changing the gametype.


sv_gametype ctf

Vanilla teeworlds capture the flag. Is a team based mode where players can collect shields/health and weapons. Capturing the enemy flag scores your team 100 points.

ddnet-insta is based on ddnet but it aims to fully implement correct teeworlds gameplay for the vanilla modes. But there are vanilla gameplay features that require you to set some configs. And the 0.5 wallhammer bug is intentionally not fixed like it is in the official teeworlds 0.6 and 0.7 versions.


sv_gametype dm

Vanilla teeworlds deathmatch. Is a free for all mode where players can collect shields/health and weapons. First player to reach the scorelimit wins.

ddnet-insta is based on ddnet but it aims to fully implement correct teeworlds gameplay for the vanilla modes. But there are vanilla gameplay features that require you to set some configs. And the 0.5 wallhammer bug is intentionally not fixed like it is in the official teeworlds 0.6 and 0.7 versions.


sv_gametype iCTF

Instagib capture the flag. Is a team based mode where every player only has a laser rifle. It kills with one shot and capturing the enemy flag scores your team 100 points.


sv_gametype gCTF

Grenade capture the flag. Is a team based mode where every player only has a rocket launcher. It kills with one shot and capturing the enemy flag scores your team 100 points.


sv_gametype iDM

Laser death match. One shot kills. First to reach the scorelimit wins.


sv_gametype gDM

Grenade death match. One shot kills. First to reach the scorelimit wins.


sv_gametype iTDM

Laser team death match. One shot kills. First team to reach the scorelimit wins.


sv_gametype gTDM

Grenade team death match. One shot kills. First team to reach the scorelimit wins.


sv_gametype zCatch

If you get killed you stay dead until your killer dies. Last man standing wins. It is an instagib gametype so one shot kills. You can choose the weapon with sv_spawn_weapons the options are grenade or laser.


sv_gametype bolofng

Freeze next generation mode with grenade. One grenade hit freezes enemies. Frozen enemies can be sacrificed to the gods by killing them in special spikes. First player to reach the scorelimit wins.


sv_gametype solofng

Like bolofng but with laser.


sv_gametype boomfng

Like bolofng but with teams.


sv_gametype fng

Like boomfng but with laser.


ddnet-insta inherited all configs from ddnet. So make sure to also check ddnet's documentation. The following ddnet configs are highly recommended to set in ddnet-insta to get the best pvp experience.

# autoexec_server.cfg

sv_tune_reset 0
sv_destroy_bullets_on_death 0
sv_destroy_lasers_on_death 0
sv_no_weak_hook 1
sv_vote_veto_time 0
conn_timeout 10
conn_timeout_protection 5

ddnet also has something called a reset file. Which is a special config. By default it is loaded from reset.cfg and it can be set to a custom location using the config sv_reset_file

In this reset.cfg it is recommeded to set the following configs to get a more classic pvp experience.

# reset.cfg

sv_team 0
sv_old_laser 1 # wallshot should not collide with own tee
tune laser_bounce_num 1

Below is a list of all the settings that were added in ddnet-insta.

ddnet-insta configs

  • sv_gametype Game type (gctf, ictf, gdm, idm, gtdm, itdm, zcatch, bolofng, solofng, boomfng, fng)
  • sv_spectator_votes Allow spectators to vote
  • sv_spectator_votes_sixup Allow 0.7 players to vote as spec if sv_spectator_vote is 1 (hacky dead spec)
  • sv_bang_commands chat cmds like !1vs1 0=off 1=read only no votes 2=all commands
  • sv_redirect_and_shutdown_on_round_end 0=off otherwise it is the port all players will be redirected to on round end
  • sv_countdown_unpause Number of seconds to freeze the game in a countdown before match continues after pause
  • sv_countdown_round_start Number of seconds to freeze the game in a countdown before match starts (0 enables only for survival gamemodes, -1 disables)
  • sv_scorelimit Score limit (0 disables)
  • sv_timelimit Time limit in minutes (0 disables)
  • sv_player_ready_mode When enabled, players can pause/unpause the game and start the game on warmup via their ready state
  • sv_force_ready_all minutes after which a game will be force unpaused (0=off) related to sv_player_ready_mode
  • sv_stop_and_go_chat pause then game when someone writes 'pause' or 'stop' and start with 'go' or 'start'
  • sv_powerups Allow powerups like ninja
  • sv_teambalance_time How many minutes to wait before autobalancing teams
  • sv_teamdamage Team damage
  • sv_team_score_normal Points a team receives for grabbing into normal spikes
  • sv_team_score_gold Points a team receives for grabbing into golden spikes
  • sv_team_score_green Points a team receives for grabbing into green spikes(non 4-teams fng only)
  • sv_team_score_purple Points a team receives for grabbing into purple spikes(non 4-teams fng only)
  • sv_team_score_team Points a team receives for grabbing into team spikes
  • sv_player_score_normal Points a player receives for grabbing into normal spikes
  • sv_player_score_gold Points a player receives for grabbing into golden spikes
  • sv_player_score_green Points a player receives for grabbing into green spikes(non 4-teams fng only)
  • sv_player_score_purple Points a player receives for grabbing into purple spikes(non 4-teams fng only)
  • sv_player_score_team Points a player receives for grabbing into team spikes
  • sv_wrong_spike_freeze The time, in seconds, a player gets frozen, if he grabbed a frozen opponent into the opponents spikes (0=off, fng only)
  • sv_hammer_scale_x linearly scale up hammer x power, percentage, for hammering enemies and unfrozen teammates (needs sv_fng_hammer)
  • sv_hammer_scale_y linearly scale up hammer y power, percentage, for hammering enemies and unfrozen teammates (needs sv_fng_hammer)
  • sv_melt_hammer_scale_x linearly scale up hammer x power, percentage, for hammering frozen teammates (needs sv_fng_hammer)
  • sv_melt_hammer_scale_y linearly scale up hammer y power, percentage, for hammering frozen teammates (needs sv_fng_hammer)
  • sv_fng_hammer use sv_hammer_scale_x/y and sv_melt_hammer_scale_x/y tuning for hammer
  • sv_fng_spike_sound Play flag capture sound when sacrificing an enemy into the spikes !0.6 only! (0=off/1=only the killer and the victim/2=everyone near the victim)
  • sv_laser_text_points display laser text in the world on scoring (only fng for now)
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen Activate or deactivate grenade ammo regeneration in general
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen_time Grenade ammo regeneration time in miliseconds
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen_num Maximum number of grenades if ammo regeneration on
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen_speed Give grenades back that push own player
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen_on_kill Refill nades on kill (0=off, 1=1, 2=all)
  • sv_grenade_ammo_regen_reset_on_fire Reset regen time if shot is fired
  • sv_sprayprotection Spray protection
  • sv_only_hook_kills Only count kills when enemy is hooked
  • sv_only_wallshot_kills Only count kills when enemy is wallshotted (needs laser)
  • sv_kill_hook Hook kills
  • sv_killingspree_kills How many kills are needed to be on a killing-spree (0=off)
  • sv_killingspree_reset_on_round_end 0=allow spreeing across games 1=end spree on round end
  • sv_damage_needed_for_kill Grenade damage needed to kill in instagib modes
  • sv_swap_flags swap blue and red flag spawns in ctf modes
  • sv_allow_zoom allow ddnet clients to use the client side zoom feature
  • sv_strict_snap_distance only send players close by (helps against zoom cheats)
  • sv_anticamper Toggle to enable/disable Anticamper
  • sv_anticamper_freeze If a player should freeze on camping (and how long) or die
  • sv_anticamper_time How long to wait till the player dies/freezes
  • sv_anticamper_range Distance how far away the player must move to escape anticamper
  • sv_release_game auto release on kill (only affects sv_gametype zCatch)
  • sv_zcatch_require_multiple_ips_to_start only start games if 5 or more different ips are connected
  • sv_respawn_protection_ms Delay in milliseconds a tee can not damage or get damaged after spawning
  • sv_drop_flag_on_selfkill drop flag on selfkill (activates chat cmd '/drop flag')
  • sv_drop_flag_on_vote drop flag on vote yes (activates chat cmd '/drop flag')
  • sv_reload_time_on_hit 0=default/off ticks it takes to shoot again after a shot was hit
  • sv_punish_freeze_disconnect freeze player for 20 seconds on rejoin when leaving server while being frozen
  • sv_self_damage_respawn_delay_ms time in miliseconds it takes to respawn after dieing by self damage
  • sv_self_kill_respawn_delay_ms time in miliseconds it takes to respawn after sending kill bind
  • sv_enemy_kill_respawn_delay_ms time in miliseconds it takes to respawn after getting killed by enemies
  • sv_world_kill_respawn_delay_ms time in miliseconds it takes to respawn after touching a deathtile
  • sv_game_kill_respawn_delay_ms time in miliseconds it takes to respawn after team change, round start and so on
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_long_messages Needs sv_spamprotection 0 (0=off, 1=only messages longer than 12 chars are limited)
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_spectators Needs sv_spamprotection 0 (0=off, 1=specs have slow chat)
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_public_chat Needs sv_spamprotection 0 (0=off, 1=non team chat is slow)
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_non_calls Needs sv_spamprotection 0 (0=off, 1=ratelimit all but call binds such as 'help')
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_spam Needs sv_spamprotection 0 (0=off, 1=ratelimit chat detected as spam)
  • sv_chat_ratelimit_debug Logs which of the ratelimits kicked in
  • sv_require_chat_flag_to_chat clients have to send playerflag chat to use public chat (commands are unrelated)
  • sv_always_track_stats Track stats no matter how many players are online
  • sv_debug_catch Debug zCatch ticks caught and in game
  • sv_debug_stats Verbose logging for the SQL player stats
  • sv_vote_checkboxes Fill [ ] checkbox in vote name if the config is already set
  • sv_hide_admins Only send admin status to other authed players
  • sv_show_settings_motd Show insta game settings in motd on join
  • sv_unstack_chat Revert ddnet clients duplicated chat message stacking
  • sv_casual_rounds 1=start rounds automatically, 0=require restart vote to properly start game
  • sv_allow_team_change_during_pause allow players to join the game or spectators during pause
  • sv_tournament Print messages saying tournament is running. No other effects.
  • sv_tournament_chat 0=off, 1=Spectators can not public chat, 2=Nobody can public chat
  • sv_tournament_chat_smart Turns sv_tournament_chat on on restart and off on round end
  • sv_tournament_join_msgs Hide join/leave of spectators in chat !0.6 only for now! (0=off,1=hidden,2=shown for specs)
  • sv_round_stats_format_discord 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
  • sv_round_stats_format_http 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
  • sv_round_stats_format_file 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
  • sv_spawn_weapons possible values: grenade, laser
  • sv_zcatch_colors Color scheme for zCatch options: teetime, savander
  • sv_display_score values: points, round_points, spree, current_spree, wins, kills, round_kills
  • sv_tournament_welcome_chat Chat message shown in chat on join when sv_tournament is 1
  • sv_round_stats_discord_webhooks If set will post score stats there on round end. Can be a comma separated list.
  • sv_round_stats_http_endpoints If set will post score stats there on round end. Can be a comma separated list.
  • sv_round_stats_output_file If set will write score stats there on round end

Rcon commands

  • hammer Gives a hammer to you
  • gun Gives a gun to you
  • unhammer Removes a hammer from you
  • ungun Removes a gun from you
  • godmode Removes damage
  • rainbow Toggle rainbow skin on or off
  • force_ready Sets a player to ready (when the game is paused)
  • chat Send a message in chat bypassing all mute features
  • shuffle_teams Shuffle the current teams
  • swap_teams Swap the current teams
  • swap_teams_random Swap the current teams or not (random chance)
  • force_teambalance Force team balance
  • add_map_to_pool Can be picked by random_map_from_pool command (entries can be duplicated to increase chance)
  • clear_map_pool Clears pool used by random_map_from_pool command
  • random_map_from_pool Changes to random map from pool (see add_map_to_pool)
  • redirect Redirect client to given port use victim "all" to redirect all but your self

Chat commands

Most ddnet slash chat commands were inherited and are still functional. But /pause and /spec got removed since it is conflicting with pausing games and usually not wanted for pvp games.

ddnet-insta then added a bunch of own slash chat commands and also bang (!) chat commands

  • !ready !pause /pause /ready to pause the game. Needs sv_player_ready_mode 1 and 0.7 clients can also send the 0.7 ready change message
  • !shuffle /shuffle call vote to shuffle teams
  • !swap /swap call vote to swap teams
  • !swap_random /swap_random call vote to swap teams to random sides
  • !settings show current game settings in the message of the day. It will show if spray protection is on or off and similar game relevant settings.
  • !1v1 !2v2 !v1 !v2 !1on1 ... call vote to change in game slots
  • !restart ?(seconds) call vote to restart game with optional parameter of warmup seconds (default: 10)
  • /drop flag if it is a CTF gametype the flagger can drop the flag without dieing if either sv_drop_flag_on_selfkill or sv_drop_flag_on_vote is set
  • /credits_ddnet Shows the credits of the DDNet mod"
  • /rank Lists available rank commands
  • /top5 Lists available top commands
  • /top Lists available top commands
  • /stats Shows the current round stats of player name (your stats by default)
  • /statsall Shows the all time stats of player name (your stats by default)
  • /stats_all Shows the all time stats of player name (your stats by default)
  • /multis Shows the all time fng multi kill stats
  • /score change which type of score is displayed in scoreboard
  • /points Shows the all time points rank of player name (your stats by default)
  • /rank_points Shows the all time points rank of player name (your stats by default)
  • /rank_kills Shows the all time kills rank of player name (your stats by default)
  • /top5kills Shows the all time best ranks by kills
  • /rank_flags Shows the all time flag time rank of player name (your stats by default)
  • /top5flags Shows the all time best ranks by flag time
  • /top5caps Shows the all time best ranks by amount of flag captures
  • /rank_caps Shows the all time flag capture rank of player name (your stats by default)

Publish round stats

At the end of every round the stats about every players score can be published to discord (and other destinations).

The following configs determine which format the stats will be represented in.

  • sv_round_stats_format_discord 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
  • sv_round_stats_format_http 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json
  • sv_round_stats_format_file 0=csv 1=psv 2=ascii table 3=markdown table 4=json

And these configs determin where the stats will be sent to.

  • sv_round_stats_discord_webhook Will do a discord webhook POST request to that url. The url has to look like this: If you don't know how to setup a discord webhook, don't worry its quite simple. You need to have admin access to a discord server and then you can follow this 1 minute youtube tutorial.
  • sv_round_stats_http_endpoint It will do a http POST request to that url with the round stats as payload. You can set this to your custom api endpoint that collect stats. Example:
  • sv_round_stats_output_file It will write the round stats to a file located at that path. You could then read that file with another tool or expose it with an http server. It can be a relaltive path then it uses your storage.cfg location. Or a absolute path if it starts with a slash. The file will be overwritten on every round end. To avoid that you can use the %t placeholder in the filename and it will expand to a timestamp to avoid file name collisions. Example values: stats.json, /tmp/round_stats_%t.csv

csv - comma separated values (format 0)

The first two rows are special. The first is a csv header. The second one is the red and blue team score. After that each row is two players each. Red player first and blue player second. If player names include commas their name will be quoted (see the example player foo,bar). So this is how the result of a 2x2 could look like:

red_name, red_score, blue_name, blue_score
red, 24, blue, 3
"foo,bar", 15, (1)ChillerDrago, 2
ChillerDragon, 0, ChillerDragon.*, 1

psv - pipe separated values (format 1)

---> Server: unnamed server, Map: tmp/maps-07/ctf5_spikes, Gametype: gctf.
(Length: 0 min 17 sec, Scorelimit: 1, Timelimit: 0)

**Red Team:**                                       
Clan: **|*KoG*|**                                   
Id: 0 | Name: ChillerDragon | Score: 2 | Kills: 1 | Deaths: 0 | Ratio: 1.00
**Blue Team:**                                      
Clan: **|*KoG*|**                                   
Id: 1 | Name: ChillerDragon.* | Score: 0 | Kills: 0 | Deaths: 1 | Ratio: 0.00
**Red: 1 | Blue 0**  

Here is how it would display when posted on discord:

psv on discord

Ascii table (format 2)

| map             | red_score | blue_score |
| ctf5            | 203       | 1          |

| id  | team | name            | score  | kills  | deaths | ratio  | flag_grabs | flag_captures |
| 0   | red  | foo             | 1      | 1      | 3      | 0.3%   | 0          | 0             |
| 1   | blue | bar             | 1      | 2      | 5      | 0.4%   | 0          | 0             |
| 2   | red  | ChillerDragon   | 19     | 7      | 2      | 3.5%   | 0          | 0             |
| 3   | blue | ChillerDragon.* | 2      | 2      | 5      | 0.4%   | 0          | 0             |

Markdown (format 3)


JSON - javascript object notation (format 4)

        "server": "unnamed server",
        "map": "tmp/maps-07/ctf5_spikes",
        "game_type": "gctf",
        "game_duration_seconds": 67,
        "score_limit": 200,
        "time_limit": 0,
        "score_red": 203,
        "score_blue": 0,
        "players": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "team": "red",
                        "name": "ChillerDragon",
                        "score": 15,
                        "kills": 3,
                        "deaths": 1,
                        "ratio": 3,
                        "flag_grabs": 3,
                        "flag_captures": 2
                        "id": 1,
                        "team": "blue",
                        "name": "ChillerDragon.*",
                        "score": 0,
                        "kills": 0,
                        "deaths": 3,
                        "ratio": 0,
                        "flag_grabs": 0,
                        "flag_captures": 0


No packages published


  • C++ 87.5%
  • C 5.5%
  • Python 2.5%
  • CMake 2.0%
  • Rust 1.3%
  • Shell 0.6%
  • Other 0.6%