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Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) Implementation

Mountain Car Environment

This repository contains implementations of various deep reinforcement learning algorithms, focusing on fundamental concepts and practical applications.

Project Structure

It is recommended to follow the material in the given order.

Discrete State Problems

Monte Carlo Methods

Implementation of Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms using the Blackjack environment as an example:

  1. MC Prediction

    • First-visit MC prediction for estimating action-value function
    • Policy evaluation with stochastic limit policy
  2. MC Control with Incremental Mean

    • GLIE (Greedy in the Limit with Infinite Exploration)
    • Epsilon-greedy policy implementation
    • Incremental mean updates
  3. MC Control with Constant-alpha

    • Fixed learning rate approach
    • Enhanced control over update process
Temporal Difference Methods

Implementation of TD algorithms on both Blackjack and CliffWalking environments:

  1. SARSA (On-Policy TD Control)

    • State-Action-Reward-State-Action
    • On-policy learning with epsilon-greedy exploration
    • Episode-based updates with TD(0)
  2. Q-Learning (Off-Policy TD Control)

    • Also known as SARSA-Max
    • Off-policy learning using maximum action values
    • Optimal action-value function approximation
  3. Expected SARSA

    • Extension of SARSA using expected values
    • More stable learning through action probability weighting
    • Combines benefits of SARSA and Q-Learning

Continuous State Problems

Uniform Discretization
  1. Q-Learning (Off-Policy TD Control)
    • Q-Learning to the MountainCar environment using discretized state spaces
    • State space discretization through uniform grid representation for continuous variables
    • Exploration of the impact of discretization granularity on learning performance
Tile Coding Discretization
  1. Q-Learning (Off-Policy TD Control) with Tile Coding
    • Q-Learning applied to the Acrobot environment using tile coding for state space representation
    • Tile coding as a method to efficiently represent continuous state spaces by overlapping feature grids

Value Based Iteration

Vanilla Deep Q Network
  1. Deep Q Network with Experience Replay (DQN)
    • A neural network is used to approximate the Q-value function Q ( s , a ) .
    • Breaks the temporal correlation of samples by randomly sampling from a replay buffer.
    • Periodically updates the target network's parameters to reduce instability in target value estimation.
Variants of Deep Q Network
  1. Double Deep Q Network with Experience Replay (DDQN)

    • Addresses the overestimation bias in vanilla DQN by decoupling action selection and evaluation.
    • This decoupling helps stabilize training and improves the accuracy of Q-value estimates.
  2. Prioritized Double Deep Q Network (Prioritized DDQN)

    • Enhances the efficiency of experience replay by prioritizing transitions with higher temporal-difference (TD) errors.
    • Combines the stability of Double DQN with prioritized sampling to focus on more informative experiences.
  3. Dueling Double Deep Q Network (Dueling DDQN)

    • Introduces a new architecture that separates the estimation of state value V ( s ) and advantage function A ( s , a )
    • Improves learning efficiency by explicitly modeling the state value V ( s ) , which captures the overall "desirability" of actions
    • Works particularly well in environments where some actions are redundant or where the state value V ( s ) plays a dominant role in decision-making.
  4. Noisy Dueling Prioritized Double Deep Q-Network (Noisy DDQN)

    • Combines Noisy Networks, Dueling Architecture, Prioritized Experience Replay, and Double Q-Learning into a single framework.
    • Noisy Networks replace ε-greedy exploration with parameterized noise, enabling more efficient exploration by learning stochastic policies.
    • Dueling Architecture separates the estimation of state value V ( s ) and advantage function A ( s , a ) , improving learning efficiency.
    • Prioritized Experience Replay focuses on transitions with higher temporal-difference (TD) errors, enhancing sample efficiency.
    • Double Q-Learning reduces overestimation bias by decoupling action selection from evaluation.
    • This combination significantly improves convergence speed and stability, particularly in environments with sparse or noisy rewards.
Asynchronous Deep Q Network
  1. Asynchronous One Step Deep Q Network without Experience Replay (AsyncDQN)

    • Eliminates the dependency on experience replay by using asynchronous parallel processes to interact with the environment and update the shared Q-network.
    • Achieves significant speedup by leveraging multiple CPU cores, making it highly efficient even without GPU acceleration.
    • Compared to Dueling DDQN (22 minutes), AsyncDQN completes training in just 4.29 minutes on CPU, achieving a 5x speedup.
  2. Asynchronous One Step Deep SARSA without Experience Replay (AsyncDSARSA)

    • Utilizes same asynchronous parallel processes to update a shared Q-network without the need for experience replay.
    • Employs a one-step SARSA—on-policy update rule that leverages the next selected action to enhance stability and reduce overestimation (basically same as AsyncDQN).
  3. Asynchronous N-Step Deep Q Network without Experience Replay (AsyncNDQN)

    • Extends AsyncDQN by incorporating N-step returns, which balances the trade-off between bias (shorter N) and variance (longer N).
    • N-step returns accelerate the propagation of rewards across states, enabling faster convergence compared to one-step updates.
    • Like AsyncDQN, it eliminates the dependency on experience replay, using asynchronous parallel processes to update the shared Q-network.

Policy Based Iteration

Black Box Optimization
  1. Hill Climbing

    • A simple optimization technique that iteratively improves the policy by making small adjustments to the parameters.
    • Relies on evaluating the performance of the policy after each adjustment and keeping the changes that improve performance.
    • Works well in low-dimensional problems but can struggle with local optima and high-dimensional spaces.
  2. Cross Entropy Method (CEM)

    • A probabilistic optimization algorithm that searches for the best policy by iteratively sampling and updating a distribution over policy parameters.
    • Particularly effective in high-dimensional or continuous action spaces due to its ability to focus on promising regions of the parameter space.
    • Often used as a baseline for policy optimization in reinforcement learning.
Policy Gradient Methods

    • A foundational policy gradient algorithm that directly optimizes the policy by maximizing the expected cumulative reward.
    • Uses Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the policy gradient.
    • Updates the policy parameters based on the gradient of the expected reward with respect to the policy.
  2. Improved REINFORCE

    • Parallel collection of multiple trajectories and allows the policy gradient to be estimated by averaging across different trajectories, leading to more stable updates.
    • Rewards are normalized to stabilize learning and ensure consistent gradient step sizes.
    • Credit assignment is improved by considering only the future rewards for each action and reduces gradient noise without affecting the averaged gradient, leading to faster and more stable training.
  3. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

    • Introduces a clipped surrogate objective to ensure stable updates by preventing large changes in the policy.
    • Balances exploration and exploitation by limiting the policy ratio deviation within a trust region.
    • Combines the simplicity of REINFORCE with the stability of Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO), making it efficient and robust for large-scale problems.

Actor Critic Methods

  1. A2C

    • A synchronous version of the Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) algorithm.
    • Uses multiple parallel environments to collect trajectories and updates the policy in a synchronized manner.
    • Combines the benefits of policy-based and value-based methods by using a shared network to estimate both the policy (actor) and the value function (critic).
  2. A3C

    • An asynchronous version of the Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm.
    • Multiple agents interact with independent environments asynchronously, allowing faster updates and better exploration of the state space.
    • Each agent maintains its own local network, which is periodically synchronized with a global network.
  3. DDPG

    • A off-policy Actor-Critic algorithm designed for continuous action spaces.
    • Combines the deterministic policy gradient with Q-learning to optimize a parameterized policy.
    • Uses two networks:
      • Actor: Learns a deterministic policy μ ( s | θ μ ) to select actions.
      • Critic: Estimates the action-value function Q ( s , a | θ Q ) .
    • Employs target networks for both Actor and Critic to stabilize training by slowly updating the target parameters:
    • Leverages experience replay to store transitions and break correlations between sequential data.
    • Introduces exploration noise (e.g., Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process) to encourage exploration in continuous action spaces.

Environments Brief in This Project

  • Blackjack: Classic card game environment for policy learning
  • CliffWalking: Grid-world navigation task with negative rewards and cliff hazards
  • Taxi-v3: Grid-world transportation task where an agent learns to efficiently navigate, pick up and deliver passengers to designated locations while optimizing rewards.
  • MountainCar: Continuous control task where an underpowered car must learn to build momentum by moving back and forth to overcome a steep hill and reach the goal position.
  • Acrobot: A two-link robotic arm environment where the goal is to swing the end of the second link above a target height by applying torque at the actuated joint. It challenges agents to solve nonlinear dynamics and coordinate the motion of linked components efficiently.
  • LunarLander: A physics-based environment where an agent controls a lunar lander to safely land on a designated pad. The task involves managing fuel consumption, balancing thrust, and handling the dynamics of gravity and inertia.
  • PongDeterministic-v4: A classic Atari environment where the agent learns to play Pong, a two-player game where the objective is to hit the ball past the opponent's paddle. The Deterministic-v4 variant ensures fixed frame-skipping, making the environment faster and more predictable for training. This environment is commonly used to benchmark reinforcement learning algorithms, especially for discrete action spaces.
  • Pendulum-v1: A classic control task where the goal is to balance a pendulum by applying torque at the actuated joint. The environment challenges agents to solve nonlinear dynamics and maintain equilibrium in a continuous state and action space.


Create (and activate) a new environment with Python 3.10 and install Pytorch with version PyTorch 2.5.1

conda create -n DRL python=3.10
conda activate DRL


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd drl
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


Exmaple: Monte Carlo Methods

Run the Monte Carlo implementation:

cd monte-carlo-methods

Or explore the detailed notebook:

Future Work