This project is a simple Command Line Interface (CLI) tool that allows you to fetch and display the recent activity of a GitHub user directly in the terminal. It demonstrates how to work with the GitHub API, handle JSON data, and build a CLI application using the Go programming language.
- Fetches the recent activity of a specified GitHub user.
- Displays different types of activities, such as:
- Pushed commits to a repository.
- Opened issues or pull requests.
- Starred repositories.
- Forked repositories.
- Handles errors gracefully, such as invalid usernames or API failures.
- Easy-to-use CLI interface.
- Make sure you have Go installed on your system. If not, download it from Go's official site.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone cd github-activity
Build the project:
go build -o github-activity
To fetch the recent activity of a GitHub user, run:
./github-activity <username>
For example:
./github-activity demenkoeugene
Sample Output
Fetching recent activity for user: demenkoeugene...
Starred repository avelino/awesome-go
Performed PublicEvent on demenkoeugene/task-tracker
Starred repository go-ozzo/ozzo-validation
Starred repository mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know
├── main.go
├── activity.go
├── events.go
├── go.mod
: Entry point for the application.activity.go
: Handles fetching data from the GitHub
: Handles different types of events and displays them.mod
: Go module file.
- Fetches Data: The tool uses the GitHub API to fetch recent activities using the endpoint:<username>/events
- Displays Activity: It processes the JSON response and displays events like pushes, issues, pull requests, and starred repositories.
- Handles Errors: If the username is invalid or there are issues with the network, the tool displays appropriate error messages.
📚 Dependencies
- Standard Go Libraries:
- net/http for making HTTP requests.
- encoding/json for parsing JSON responses.
- fmt and os for input/output operations.
This project does not use any external libraries.
- The GitHub API has rate limits for unauthenticated requests:
- 60 requests per hour for unauthenticated users.
- You can increase this limit by using a GitHub Personal Access Token.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as you wish.
Developed by Yevhenii Demenko. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn