Web interface for MandArt
App: https://denisecase.github.io/mandart-web/
Repo: https://github.com/denisecase/mandart-web
Use Python HTTP server on Windows or Linux/Mac.
py -m http.server 8000
python3 -m http.server 8000
Open browser to http://localhost:8000
CRTL c to terminate the server
Finding interesting locations in the Mandelbrot set can be time-consuming. For that, there's the MandArt SwiftUI app.
This app allows you to open an existing MandArt drawing and recolor it (a relatively quick calculation). The app calculate the grid of fractional iterations (using Rust for speed) and then applies your new coloring to the existing grid.
The web interface that opens a .mandart file 4 ways (from file, url, catalog with images, and dropdown list. It stores the original file, calcs a grid and colors it. The web interface allows users to edit color inputs and recolor the grid.
The shape inputs remain the same (same grid). Users can save the recolored inputs as .mandart, save the grid as csv, save a bitmap, or save png image.
The web app uses a wasm rust engine for the calculations.