Spreadsheet like react canvas datagrid optimized for performance built entirely typescript and react functional components with react hooks.
- recent changes
- features
- todo
- quickstart
- examples list
- tips
- how to contribute ( quickstart )
- local deploy
- how this project was built
- development notes
- v0.23.6
- fix custom render component visibiliy when column scrolls
- v0.23.5
- infinite rearrangement workaround ; repro start sample5 and size height of the window like the grid then add items until last in the grid will start infinite rearrange
- v0.23.4
- added margin when wrap custom rendere objects
- can't deselect cell ( a better negative selection should implement with a class that implements a contains operator that matches in order selection pattern, for example select all then deselect a cell )
- smooth scroll ( actually scroll by row and col and not partial by pixel )
- a complete refactoring with better state management ( collect all feature currently available and rewrite the code with better modularization and functional correspondance )
- canvas based high performance datagrid ( able to scroll with ease millions of rows maintaining immediate cell focus and editing features )
50000 rows x 200 cols example ( LIVE EXAMPLE : click EX1 button )
direct cell editing, just click on a cell then type, hit ENTER or arrows keys to move next ( native cell types )
- "text": type text to change cell ; CANC to clear cell ; CTRL+C / CTRL+V to copy/paste
- "boolean": toggle boolean with keyboard space when cell focused
- "date", "time", "datetime": smart date insertion ( typing 121030 results in 12/10/2030 ) browser locale supported
- "number": sci numbers ( typing 12e-3 results in 0.012 displayed ) browser locale support for decimal separators
cell or row selection mode
- selection mode multi
- frozen rows, cols
rows and cols numbering can be shown or hidden
if column numbering visible automatic sort can be customized through less-than-op ( helper )
column click behavior can be full column select, column toggle sort or none to disable sort/select behavior
column header can be customized ( helper )
canvas size can be specified through width, height ( fullwidth option available )
column width can be changed intractively using mouse
column width autoexpand
column custom initial sort ( note: prepareCellDataset, rowSetCellData, commitCellDataset must defined to make sort working ); also see example6 for tip about ensure initial sort on subsequent datasource applications
data getter/setter can follow a worksheet or a db record type ( example of nested field using getFieldData and setFieldData methods)
data filter global
optional dataset on external object with ds rows getter mapper useful in some circumstance when need to preserve rows array object ref
api and handlers available for control interactions ( example ) ; props can be accessed inversely through api; retrieve list of selected row idxs example
- each individual cell custom edit ( F2 ) control can be customized also in column helper ( example : through keyboard F2, arrows then enter ) ; cell editing/edited also in column helper
custom multi select with material-ui ( example )
custom date picker with material pickers ( example )
- custom color picker with custom render ( example ) ; note: wrapText will use custom component height to autoresize row height ; filter can work as text mode defining renderTransform
- cell background, font and color, readonly mode customization and text align also with helper
container height min and canvas styles
each individual cell type can be customized ( column helper )
clipboard copy to/from spreadsheet with ctrl-c and ctrl-v or api ( example api )
- support mobile touch scrolling rows, cols and scrollbars
- create react app
eventually install create-react-app
npm install -g create-react-app
create-react-app test --template typescript
cd test
yarn add react-ws-canvas
- edit
as follows
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { WSCanvas, useWindowSize, WSCanvasColumnClickBehavior } from 'react-ws-canvas';
const AppQuickStart: React.FC = () => {
const [rows, setRows] = useState<any[][]>([]);
const winSize = useWindowSize();
const ROWS = 500000;
const COLS = 20;
useEffect(() => {
const _rows = [];
for (let ri = 0; ri < ROWS; ++ri) {
const row = [];
for (let ci = 0; ci < COLS; ++ci) {
row.push("r:" + ri + " c:" + ci);
}, []);
return <WSCanvas
width={winSize.width} height={winSize.height}
rowsCount={rows.length} colsCount={COLS}
showColNumber={true} showRowNumber={true}
rowGetCellData={(row, colIdx) => row[colIdx]}
prepareCellDataset={() => rows.slice()}
commitCellDataset={(q) => setRows(q)}
rowSetCellData={(row, colIdx, value) => row[colIdx] = value}
export default AppQuickStart;
- run the app
yarn start
example | description |
quickstart | 500000 x 20 grid with minimal props |
Sample1 | 50000 x 200 grid with frozen row/col, filter, custom column width |
Sample2 | 5000 x 6 grid db-record-like column mapping, initial sort, custom sort, api onMouseDown, global filter, cell changing/changed |
Sample3 | 5000 x 7 grid db-record-like, data interact del/change row, custom cell editor, rowHover |
Sample4 | add/insert/del/move/currentRealRowSel rows using api |
Sample5 | custom multi select with material-ui ; custom render chip with color picker |
Sample6 | resetView behavior to force sync ds ; resetSorting and resetFilters resetView arguments |
prevent direct editing on editor customized cells
customize onPreviewKeyDown event handler on datagrid and preventDefault for matching cell
onPreviewKeyDown={(states, e) => {
if (states.props.columns && api && api.isDirectEditingKey(e)) {
const fieldname = states.props.columns[states.state.focusedCell.col].field;
if (fieldname === "colname") {
//const row = states.props.rows[states.state.focusedCell.row];
- clone repo
git clone https://github.com/devel0/react-ws-canvas.git
- open vscode
cd react-ws-canvas
code .
- from vscode, open terminal ctrl+` and execute example application ( this allow you to set breakpoints directly on library source code from
folder )
cd example
yarn install
yarn start
- start chrome session using F5
- from library
cd lib
yarn build && yalc publish
- from your project
npm uninstall react-ws-canvas --save && yalc add react-ws-canvas && npm install
yarn create react-app react-ws-canvas --template typescript
Because I need a library to publish and either a working example to test/debug the library project structured this way:
( workspaces "example" and "lib" )/example
( example and library sources )/example/package.json
with BROWSER=none to avoid browser start when issueyarn start
because I use F5 from vscode to open debugging session/example/lib
( library source codes )
( library publishing related files )/lib/package.json
( specificallyinput: '../example/src/lib/index.tsx',
( specifically"rootDirs": ["../example/src/lib"],
and"include": ["../example/src/lib"],
( helper script to prepatch version and publish with README.md )
- key notes (old)
- cs.width and cs.height variables represents canvas size and used as starting point for calculations
- stateNfo, viewMap, overridenRowHeight are kept separate because stateNfo must light because frequently updated while viewMap and overridenRowHeight can be heavy struct for large grids
- view mapping have a size less-or-equal than rowsCount depending on filtering and the order of view may different depending on sorting
- some methods work with real cells ( the same as user configure through getCellData, setCellData ), some other methods works with view cells that is an internal representation convenient to deal on what-you-see-is-what-you-get
- real and view coords can be transformed between
- mkstates is an helper used primarly by handlers to ensure callback uses synced state
- type 'select' for cell with combobox integrated
- date picker when F2 (or double click) on date type cell
- isOverCell should true on last row when showPartialRows
- deployment
- remove any
from "react-ws-canvas";
- remove any