Hello Everyone!
I made this Project under MS ENGAGE 2022 Program.
Matinee is a web application which will recommend you movies based on your last watch.
I have used the following Technologies in this Project.
- Node Js v(16.15.0)
- Tailwind CSS v(2.0)
- TMDB Api
- Python
- Fast API
A nextjs application to watch movies and get recommended based on your preferences. matinee
This application fetches data from The Movie Database
To View all available methods you can go to TMDB API documentation TMDB Documentation
You should have the following installed in your system
- Node (latest)
- Python (latest)
git clone https://github.com/deveshXm/matinee.git
npm install
npm run build
test email - test@gmail.com test password - 123456
npm start
npm run dev
Go to the following repository and follow the instructions mentioned in ReadMe Repository
simply go to cmd and type the follwing command
uvicorn main:app --port 8000 --reload
You can test the GET requests on localhost:8000/docs