🔗 Try it live at: https://devfel.github.io/convertfloss/
In this responsive HTML, CSS and JavaScript application I created a chart conversion used by embroidery professionals to convert floss (a.k.a. threads) from one brand to another. It can also be used to find a specific color and look for the code companies use for them. All the data comes from a JSON file created by myself and stored within the data folder.
- Test Here
- Application Features
- Getting Started
- Built Using
- Dependencies
- Acknowledgments
- Liceses
- Authors
- List all the Colors and Threads: Button to list the complete table with all the colors and floss codes.
- Search by color name: Option to look for a thread by its color name. It is possible, for example, to search for a color and find all its shades
- Search by brand's code: If you select a brand and insert a code number for that brand the system will filter and show all the correspodent code for the other thread brands that matchs that color.
Because this was done using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript it can be replicated easily within your own browser without much trouble, just clone the project and you can run it with in your browser.
You can clone the repository through Command Prompt or Terminal just by typing:
git clone https://github.com/devfel/convertfloss.git
or download the zip from the green "Code" button.
- JavaScript - Programming Language
- HTML - Markup Language
- CSS - Style Sheets
- JSON - Object Notation
- JSON file created based on DMC CrazyArtZone chart.
- Distributed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
- @devfel - Luiz Flávio Felizardo