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DevWorkspace operator

DevWorkspace Operator

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DevWorkspace operator repository that contains the controller for the DevWorkspace Custom Resource. The Kubernetes API of the DevWorkspace is defined in the repository.

What is the DevWorkspace Operator?

A Kubernetes Operator to run fast, repeatable and scalable Cloud Development Environments.

Install it and apply a DevWorkspace to create a Cloud Development Environment:
dw apply demo

Get the Cloud Development Environment URI:
dw get demo

Open the IDE:

Visual Studio Code JetBrains IntelliJ
vscode intellij


Here is a sample DevWorkspace to provision a Cloud Development Environment for the project with Visual Studio Code as the editor and as the development tooling container image.


DevWorkspace Template

The Template section of a DevWorkspace is actually a Devfile: the spec.template schema matches the Devfile schema. ⚠️ A few Devfile APIs are not supported yet.

DevWorkspace Contributions

Contributions are extra Templates that are added on top of the main DevWorkspaceTemplate. Contributions are used to inject editors such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains. Contributions are defined as Devfile or DevWorkspace Templates. Examples are the Visual Studio Code devfile and the JetBrains IntelliJ devfile.

Additional configuration

DevWorkspaces can be further configured through DevWorkspace attributes, labels and annotations. For a list of all options available, see additional documentation.

DevWorkspace Operator on Developer Sandbox

The latest version of the DevWorkspace Operator is pre-installed and available on Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift, which provides you with no-cost access to a Kubernetes cluster.

DWO on Developer Sandbox

You can login to the cluster using kubectl from your local desktop, or use the Web Terminal which is also pre-installed on the Kubernetes cluster:

WTO on Developer Sandbox

DevWorkspace Operator Installation

This section describes how to install the Operator on a cluster using the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). The file has instructions to install the Operator, using the Makefile, without requiring OLM.

Platform-Specific Installation Guides

For detailed installation instructions for specific platforms, see the following guides:

Installing the Operator Lifecycle Manager

The Operator Framework website has general instructions to install OLM in your cluster. On Minikube, OLM is available as an addon. OLM is pre-installed on OpenShift.

Adding the DevWorkspace Operator catalog source

If the DevWorkspace Operator is not already available amongst the PackageManifests (use command kubectl get packagemanifest -n olm | grep devworkspace to check it) you should add a CatalogSource in the cluster:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: CatalogSource
  name: devworkspace-operator-catalog
  namespace: openshift-marketplace # Namespace for catalogsource, not operator itself
  sourceType: grpc
  publisher: Red Hat
  displayName: DevWorkspace Operator Catalog
      interval: 5m

Two index images are available for installing the DevWorkspace Operator:

  • - multi-version catalog with all DevWorkspace Operator releases
  • - single-version catalog that will deploy the latest commit in the main branch

Both index images allow automatic updates (to either the latest release or latest commit in main).

Create the DevWorkspace Operator Subscription

To install the DevWorkspace Operator, create a OLM Subscription with the following command:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Subscription
  name: devworkspace-operator
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: next                            # <--- `next` or `release`
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: devworkspace-operator
  source: devworkspace-operator-catalog    # <--- the catalog created in the previous step
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace


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