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CSS Resource

Welcome to the CSS-Learning-Resource repository! This repository contains all the code and resources from a CSS course I completed. It includes practice sets, exercises, projects, and a wide range of CSS concepts covered throughout the course. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, this resource will guide you in mastering CSS.

Table of Contents

  1. Course Overview
  2. Directory Structure
  3. How to Use
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Support
  8. Conclusion

Course Overview

This course covers a wide range of CSS topics from the basics to more advanced concepts. You’ll learn everything from how to structure and style your HTML content to creating complex layouts and animations. Here are the key chapters:

Topics Covered:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to CSS, Selectors, and Styles.
  • Chapter 2: Backgrounds, Colors, and Images.
  • Chapter 3: The CSS Box Model and Margin Collapse.
  • Chapter 4: Working with Fonts, Text, and Display Properties.
  • Chapter 5: Layout with Min-Max Width, Height, and Positioning.
  • Chapter 6: Flexbox Layout and Float Properties.
  • Chapter 7: Grid Layout and Media Queries.
  • Chapter 8: CSS Animations, Transforms, and Transitions.
  • CSS Notes: PDFs for quick reference on key CSS concepts.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Build responsive layouts with Flexbox and CSS Grid.
  • Apply animations and transitions to your web pages.
  • Master the intricacies of CSS positioning, units, and the box model.

Directory Structure

Here’s how the repository is organized:

├── Ch-1/
│   ├── Basic_&_Intro.html           # Introduction to CSS and basic styling
│   ├── cssSelectors.html            # Example using CSS selectors
│   ├── style.css                    # Basic CSS file for styling
|   ├── Practice-Set.html            # Practice set for Chapter 1
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 1
├── Ch-1-Practice-Set/               # Practice set for Chapter 1
│   ├── pdf/                         # PDFs related to Ch-1 practice set
│   ├── PS-1.html                    # Practice set 1
│   ├── PS-2.html                    # Practice set 2
│   ├── PS-3.html                    # Practice set 3
│   ├── PS-4.html                    # Practice set 4
├── Ch-2/
│   ├── cssBackground.html           # Working with CSS backgrounds
│   ├── cssColor.html                # Colors in CSS
│   ├── images/                      # Images used in Chapter 2 examples
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 2
├── Ch-2-Practice-Set/               # Practice set for Chapter 2
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Ch-2 practice set
│   ├── PS-1.html                    # Practice set 1
│   ├── PS-2.html                    # Practice set 2
│   ├── PS-3.html                    # Practice set 3
│   ├── PS-4_&_PS-5.html             # Practice sets 4 & 5
├── Ch-3/
│   ├── cssBoxModel.html             # Understanding CSS Box Model
│   ├── cssMarginCollapse.html       # Margin collapse concept
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 3
│   ├── Practice-Set.html            # Practice set for Chapter 3
├── Ch-4/
│   ├── cssFonts_&_Display.html      # Working with fonts and display properties
│   ├── cssTextProperty.html         # Text-related properties
│   ├── Practice-Set.html            # Practice set for Chapter 4
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 4
├── Ch-5/
│   ├── cssMin-Max_Height-Width.html # Min/Max height and width properties
│   ├── cssPosition.html             # CSS positioning techniques
│   ├── cssUnits.html                # CSS units
│   ├── Practice-Set.html            # Practice set for Chapter 5
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 5
├── Ch-6/
│   ├── cssFlexBox.html              # Flexbox layout
│   ├── cssFloat.html                # Float properties in CSS
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 6
├── Ch-6-Practice-Set/               # Practice set for Chapter 6
│   ├── pdf/                         # PDFs related to Ch-6 practice set
│   ├── images/                      # Images for Ch-6 practice set
│   ├── PS-1.html                    # Practice set 1
│   ├── PS-2.html                    # Practice set 2
│   ├── PS-3.html                    # Practice set 3
│   ├── PS-4.html                    # Practice set 4
├── Ch-7/
│   ├── cssGrid.html                 # CSS Grid Layout
│   ├── MediaQuery.html              # Responsive design using media queries
│   ├── Practice-Set.html            # Practice set for Chapter 7
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 7
├── Ch-8/
│   ├── cssAnimation.html            # CSS Animations
│   ├── cssTransform.html            # Using CSS Transforms
│   ├── cssTransition.html           # CSS Transitions
│   ├── pdfs/                        # PDFs related to Chapter 8
├── Ch-8-Practice-Set/               # Practice set for Chapter 8
│   ├── pdf/                         # PDFs related to Ch-8 practice set
│   ├── images/                      # Images for Ch-8 practice set
│   ├── PS-1.html                    # Practice set 1
│   ├── PS-2.html                    # Practice set 2
│   ├── PS-3.html                    # Practice set 3
│   ├── PS-4.html                    # Practice set 4
├── CSS-Notes/                       # Reference notes for CSS
│   └── pdfs/                        # Summary PDFs of key CSS concepts
├──                        # Main README file


  • Ch-1, Ch-2, Ch-3, ...: Each chapter folder contains the HTML examples and resources related to the lesson.
  • Ch-1-Practice-Set, Ch-2-Practice-Set: Practice sets to help reinforce your learning with additional exercises.
  • CSS-Notes: A collection of PDF notes that summarize key CSS concepts for quick reference.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


Thank you for visiting the CSS Learning Resource repository! Whether you're a beginner just getting started with CSS or you're looking to reinforce your skills, this repository provides a solid foundation to help you learn and practice CSS effectively.

Happy learning and coding! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Author - Divyam Lathiya


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