A collection of my personal dotfiles.
TODO: add installation script
- Install any Nerd Font like Hack NF for terminal icons (Font manager)
- Make ZSH default shell if not already
- Oh My ZSH
- powerlevel10k Theme for Oh My ZSH
- bat cat on steroids
- lsd ls on steroids
- Iterm2-color-schemes A set of color themes for most terminals
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/dkadev/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
Using GNU Stow (recommended)
Install GNU Stow (if not already installed)
Mac: brew install stow
Ubuntu: apt-get install stow
Fedora: yum install stow
Arch: pacman -S stow
Then simply use stow to install the dotfiles you want to use:
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow vim
stow tmux
Create symbolic links for the configurations you want to use, e.g.:
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
Some of the configurations need additional setup or configuration. If that's the case you can find a README.md
file in the application's directory. Make sure to take a look at it to see what else there is to do to make the configuration work on your system.