Compilation of tools for macOS hardening as well as some useful commands to monitor and do research agents and daemons of services running on the machine. (ALTHOUGH IS A PUBLIC REPO ITS BEEN CREATED FOR PERSONAL USE, SO IF YOU WANT TO TRY THIS I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR USE AND CONSEQUENCES)
launchctl list | grep -v "\-\t0"
grep -lR [service] /System/Library/Launch* /Library/Launch* ~/Library/LaunchAgents
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
defaults read /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
Just mv .plist files to .plistbak (RENAMING)
Simple shell script to fix macOS privacy issues and remove mostly useless macOS calls to Cupertino.
Edit to choose which services you want to disable. Most of them are described, uncomment to let script disable it.
MacOS High Sierra and up, requires that SIP is disabled.
bash audit
bash fix
bash restore
Checks your OSX machine against various hardened configuration settings.
You can specify your own preferred configuration baseline by supplying your own Hjson file instead of the provided one.
Configurations come from sites like: drduh's OS X Security and Privacy Guide
This will take you through a series of interactive steps that checks your machine's configuration, and offers to fix misconfigurations for you.
Intermediate users and advanced users can also invoke various command-line arguments:
Usage: python [OPTIONS]
--debug-print Enables verbose output for debugging the tool.
--report-only Only reports on compliance and does not offer to fix broken configurations.
--disable-logs Refrain from creating a log file with the results.
--disable-prompt Refrain from prompting user before applying fixes.
--skip-sudo-checks Do not perform checks that require sudo privileges.
--help -h Print this usage information.