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Frontend-only live semantic search and chat-with-your-documents built on transformers.js. Supports Wasm and WebGPU!

🔥 For best performance try the WebGPU Version here! 🔥

Semantic search right in your browser! Calculates the embeddings and cosine similarity client-side without server-side inferencing, using transformers.js and latest SOTA embedding models from Huggingface.


All transformers.js-compatible feature-extraction models are supported. Here is a sortable list you can go through: daily updated list. Download the compatible models table as xlsx, csv, json, parquet, or html here: Note that the wasm backend in transformers.js supports all mentioned models. If you want the best performance, make sure to use a WebGPU-compatible model.


You can use super fast pre-indexed examples for really large books like the Bible or Les Misérables with hundreds of pages and search the content in less than 2 seconds 🚀. Try one of these and convince yourself:

filesize textTitle textAuthor textYear textLanguage URL modelName quantized splitParam splitType characters chunks wordsToAvoidAll wordsToCheckAll wordsToAvoidAny wordsToCheckAny exportDecimals lines textNotes textSourceURL filename
4.78 Das Kapital Karl Marx 1867 de Xenova/multilingual-e5-small True 80 Words 2003807 3164 5 28673 Das_Kapital_c1a84fba.json.gz
2.58 Divina Commedia Dante 1321 it Xenova/multilingual-e5-base True 50 Words 383782 1179 5 6225 Divina_Commedia_d5a0fa67.json.gz
11.92 Don Quijote Miguel de Cervantes 1605 es Xenova/multilingual-e5-base True 25 Words 1047150 7186 4 12005 Don_Quijote_14a0b44.json.gz
0.06 Hansel and Gretel Brothers Grimm 1812 en TaylorAI/gte-tiny True 100 Chars 5304 55 5 9 Hansel_and_Gretel_4de079eb.json.gz
1.74 IPCC Report 2023 IPCC 2023 en Supabase/bge-small-en True 200 Chars 307811 1566 5 3230 state of knowledge of climate change IPCC_Report_2023_2b260928.json.gz
25.56 King James Bible None en TaylorAI/gte-tiny True 200 Chars 4556163 23056 5 80496 King_James_Bible_24f6dc4c.json.gz
11.45 King James Bible None en TaylorAI/gte-tiny True 200 Chars 4556163 23056 2 80496 King_James_Bible_6434a78d.json.gz
39.32 Les Misérables Victor Hugo 1862 frérables_2239df51 Xenova/multilingual-e5-base True 25 Words 3236941 19463 5 74491 All five acts included Les_Misérables_2239df51.json.gz
0.46 REGULATION (EU) 2023/138 European Commission 2022 en Supabase/bge-small-en True 25 Words 76809 424 5 1323 REGULATION_(EU)_2023_138_c00e7ff6.json.gz
0.07 Universal Declaration of Human Rights United Nations 1948 en TaylorAI/gte-tiny True \nArticle Regex 8623 63 5 109 30 articles Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights_0a7da79a.json.gz

Import & Export

You can create indices yourself with one two clicks and save them. If it's something private, keep it for yourself, if it's a classic book or something you think other's might be interested in consider a PR on the Huggingface Repo or get in touch with us. Book requests are happily met if you provide us a good source link where we can do copy & paste. Simply open an issue here with [Book Request] or similar or contact us.

It goes without saying that no discriminating content will be tolerated.


Clone the repository and install dependencies with

npm install

Then run with

npm run start

If you want to build instead, run

npm run build

Afterwards, you'll find the index.html, main.css and bundle.js in dist.

Browser extension

Download the Chrome extension from Chrome webstore and pin it. Right click the extension icon for options:

  • choose distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 for multilingual usage (default is English-only)
  • set a higher number for min characters to split by for larger texts

Local build

If you want to build the browser extension locally, clone the repo and cd in extension directory then run:

  • npm install
  • npm run build for a static build or
  • npm run dev for the auto-refreshing development version
  • go to Chrome extension settings with chrome://extensions
  • select Load Unpacked and choose the build folder
  • pin the extension in Chrome so you can access it easily. If it doesn't work for you, feel free to open an issue.


Tested on the entire book of Moby Dick with 660.000 characters ~13.000 lines or ~111.000 words. Initial embedding generation takes 1-2 mins on my old i7-8550U CPU with 1000 characters as segment size. Following queries take only ~2 seconds! If you want to query larger text instead or keep an entire library of books indexed use a proper vector database instead.


You can customize everything!

  • Input text & search term(s)
  • Hybrid search (semantic search & full-text search)
  • Segment length (the bigger the faster, the smaller the slower)
  • Highlight colors (currently hard-coded)
  • Number of highlights are based on the threshold value. The lower, the more results.
  • Live updates
  • Easy integration of other ML-models thanks to transformers.js
  • Data privacy-friendly - your input text data is not sent to a server, it stays in your browser!

Usage ideas

  • Basic search through anything, like your personal notes (my initial motivation by the way, a huge notes.txt file I couldn't handle anymore)
  • Remember peom analysis in school? Often you look for possible Leitmotifs or recurring categories like food in Hänsel & Gretel

Future ideas

  • One could package everything nicely and use it e.g. instead of JavaScript search engines such as Lunr.js (also being used in mkdocs-material).
  • Integration in mkdocs (mkdocs-material) experimental:
    • when building the docs, slice all .md-files in chunks (length defined in mkdocs.yaml). Should be fairly large (>800 characters) for lower response time. It's also possible to build n indices with first a coarse index (mabye per document/ .md-file if the used model supports the length) and then a rfined one for the document chunks
    • build the index by calculating the embeddings for all docs/chunks
    • when a user queries the docs, a switch can toggle (fast) full-text standard search (atm with lunr.js) or experimental semantic search
    • if the latter is being toggled, the client loads the model (all-MiniLM-L6-v2 has ~30mb)
    • like in SemanticFinder, the embedding is created client-side and the cosine similarity calculated
    • the high-scored results are returned just like with lunr.js so the user shouldn't even notice a differenc ein the UI
  • Electron- or browser-based apps could be augmented with semantic search, e.g. VS Code, Atom or mobile apps.
  • Integration in personal wikis such as Obsidian, tiddlywiki etc. would save you the tedious tagging/keywords/categorisation work or could at least improve your structure further
  • Search your own browser history (thanks @Snapdeus)
  • Integration in chat apps
  • Allow PDF-uploads (conversion from PDF to text)
  • Integrate with Speech-to-Text whisper model from transformers.js to allow audio uploads.
  • Thanks to CodeMirror one could even use syntax highlighting for programming languages such as Python, JavaScript etc.


Transformers.js is doing all the heavy lifting of tokenizing the input and running the model. Without it, this demo would have been impossible.


  • Text, as much as your browser can handle! The demo uses a part of "Hänsel & Gretel" but it can handle hundreds of PDF pages
  • A search term or phrase
  • The number of characters the text should be segmented in
  • A similarity threshold value. Results with lower similarity score won't be displayed.


  • Three highlighted string segments, the darker the higher the similarity score.


  1. All scripts are loaded. The model is loaded once from HuggingFace, after cached in the browser.
  2. A user inputs some text and a search term or phrase.
  3. Depending on the approximate length to consider (unit=characters), the text is split into segments. Words themselves are never split, that's why it's approximative.
  4. The search term embedding is created.
  5. For each segment of the text, the embedding is created.
  6. Meanwhile, the cosine similarity is calculated between every segment embedding and the search term embedding. It's written to a dictionary with the segment as key and the score as value.
  7. For every iteration, the progress bar and the highlighted sections are updated in real-time depending on the highest scores in the array.
  8. The embeddings are cached in the dictionary so that subsequent queries are quite fast. The calculation of the cosine similarity is fairly speedy in comparison to the embedding generation.
  9. Only if the user changes the segment length, the embeddings must be recalculated.


PRs welcome!

To Dos (no priorization)

  • similarity score cutoff/threshold
  • add option for more highlights (e.g. all above certain score)
  • add stop button
  • MaterialUI for input fields or proper labels
  • create a demo without CDNs
  • separate one html properly in html, js, css
  • add npm installation
  • option for loading embeddings from file or generally allow sharing embeddings in some way
  • simplify chunking function so the original text can be loaded without issues
  • improve the color range
  • rewrite the cosine similarity function in Rust, port to WASM and load as a module for possible speedup (experimental)
  • UI overhaul
  • polish code
  • - jQuery/vanilla JS mixed
  • - clean up functions
  • - add more comments
  • add possible use cases
  • package as a standalone application (maybe with custom model choice; to be downloaded once from HF hub, then saved locally)
  • possible integration as example in transformers.js homepage

Star History

Star History Chart

Gource Map


Gource image created with:

gource -1280x720 --title "SemanticFinder" --seconds-per-day 0.03 --auto-skip-seconds 0.03 --bloom-intensity 0.5 --max-user-speed 500 --highlight-dirs --multi-sampling --highlight-colour 00FF00