Pytorch implementation of Hierarchical Intentional-Unintentional Soft Actor-Critic (HIU-SAC) algorithm
This repository contains the source code used for the experiments conducted in the paper: Hierarchical reinforcement learning for concurrent discovery of compound and composable policies
The algorithm has been tested on continuous control tasks in RoboLearn environments.
Some videos can be found at
The code has been tested with PyTorch 1.0.1 and Python 3.5 (or later).
It is recommended to first create either a virtualenv or a conda environment.
- Option 1: Conda environment. First install either miniconda (recommended) or anaconda. Installation instructions
# Create the conda environment
conda create -n <condaenv_name> python=3.5
# Activate the conda environment
conda activate <condaenv_name>
- Option 2: Virtualenv. First install pip and virtualenv. Installation instructions
# Create the virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3.5 <virtualenv_name>
# Activate the virtual environment
source <virtualenv_name>/bin/activate
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install the requirements of this repository
cd hiu_sac
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run HIU-SAC in one of the environments. Options: navigation2d, reacher, pusher, centauro
# python -e <env_name>
python -e navigation2d
- Visualize the learned policy (Specify the log directory that is printed during the learning process)
python <path_to_log_directory>
- Plot the learning curves in the composable and compound tasks (Specify the log directory that is printed during the learning process)
python <path_to_log_directory> -p
If this repository was useful for your research, we would appreciate that you can cite it:
title={Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Concurrent Discovery of Compound and Composable Policies},
author={Domingo Esteban and Leonel Rozo and Darwin G. Caldwell},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09668},