- It's crypto utils written by golang.
- It must be quite bothering creating secure keys, or encoding strings just for test.
- In my case, I felt lots of bothersome every single moment I had to encode request bodies or fields for API Encryption/Decryption test with base64 and AES / SHA / Etc...
- Plus, Generating Random String on MacOs has been removed. I loved this one.
- This is a simple tool for generating keys or encoding strings
- Building Macos
- Just build with the script I've uploaded when you are using macos
- I'm using mac m2 apple silicon
- Building Windows 64bit
- Building Windows cross-platform on macos, You need to configure C Compilers
- Follow this step; I've utilized homebrew to install mingw-w64, which is windows cross-compliers
- Then set enviroment variables for cross-compilation
brew install mingw-w64
export GOOS=windows
export GOARCH=amd64
export CGO_ENABLED=1
export CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc