abstractTypes.scala An example of how abstract types are used in a program
bigint.scala User-defined integers, BigInts, are used seamlessly
complexOps.scala Operators can be defined on user-defined classes, here complex numbers
for-yield.scala An example of the for and yield constructs
extendBuiltins.scala Adding "!" as a new method on integers
implicits.scala Define a new method 'sort' on arrays without changing their definition
maps.scala Maps are easy to use in Scala
match.scala Using pattern matching to recognize command line arguments
primes.scala A simple, although inefficient, way to calculate prime numbers
sum.scala Calculates the sum of the arguments supplied on the command line
varargs.scala Java varargs can be easily used in Scala as well
addressbook.scala Address book to XHTML code (see also XML Processing)
callccInterpreter.scala Interpreter with continuations using monads
fors.scala for comprehensions (see also Sequence Comprehensions)
gadts.scala Generalised algebraic data types
lazyEvaluation.scala Lazy evaluation
message.scala Actors (see also Actors for Scala)
patterns.scala Pattern matching using case classes (see also Case Classes)
extractorPatterns.scala Pattern matching using extractors - a flexible way of matching objects with patterns
pingpong.scala Actors (see also Actors for Scala)
properties.scala Properties
random.scala Client/server application using Java sockets
simpleInterpreter.scala Simple interpreter using monads
sort.scala Recursive quicksort algorithm (imperative solution, see also Nested Functions)
sort1.scala Recursive quicksort algorithm (functional solution)
timeofday.scala Properties (see example 1 in § 4.2 of the Scala Language Specification)
vectors.scala Vector operations using views (see also Views)
brainf_ck.scala A small Brainf*ck interpreter
Application has been deprecated from scala 2.9, probably it has been deleted in scala 2.11 (it still exists in scala 2.10) even though at the moment I can't find proofs for that, use App instead.