SymMakefile is a simple Makefile for symfony developers.
You can use it in your symfony projects for automate some tasks during your development.
More info about Makefile.
- make lint : run all linters (twig, xliff, yaml and service container)
- make purge : delete cache and logs
- make start : install project (including dependencies and database), load fixtures and launch web server
Symfony binary : you can do without it if you remove the associated commands from the Makefile.
Help command requires unix tools (grep, sed...) to be installed.
You need to install Make for Windows and add it in your path.
For unix tools, if you use git, select "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Command prompt" during its installation.
Just copy the Makefile file at the root of your symfony project.
Display all available commands:
$ make help
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.