This is a plugin for mysql.
Mysql memery storage engine supports caching data in memory by table, and query cache stores data by sql statement. Mysql-Cache plugin stores data in memory by more complex conditions.
Install plugin
mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN mysql-cache ""
Uninstall plugin
mysql> UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysql-cache
Create cache mode
The following is an example from an normal type game, the game contains users, properties, families and other assocating data. The data structure looks like:
Create Table user
user_id int not null primary key auto _increment,
nickname varchar(20) not null,
login_name varchar(20) not null,
login_password varchar(32) not null,
) Engine = MyIsam;
Create table property ( user_id int not null, prop_id int not null, ... ) Engine = InnoDb;
Create table family ( family_id int not null primary key auto increment, family_name varchar(10) not null, ... ) Engine = memory;
Create table family_user ( family_id int not null, user_id int not null) Engine = InnoDb;
Our purpose is caching all information about the user when an user login, so that: mysql> create cache login_user(user _id) mysql> BEGIN mysql> cache SELECT * from user where user_id = user _id; mysql> cache SELECT * FROM property WHERE user_id = user _id; mysql> cache SELECT family_id FROM family _user where user _id = user _id; mysql> END;
When an user logins the game, we call this cache-process.
mysql> call cache login_user(123);
and when the user logout this game, we delete the data:
mysql> call deletecache login_user(123);
we can delete all the caches;
mysql> call cleancache where name="login_user";
mysql> call cleancache;