is intended to test the CLOUDSC cloud microphysics scheme of the IFS.
This package is made available to support research collaborations and is not officially supported by ECMWF
Michael Lange (michael.lange@ecmwf.int), Willem Deconinck (willem.deconinck@ecmwf.int), Balthasar Reuter (balthasar.reuter@ecmwf.int)
is distributed under the Apache Licence Version 2.0. See
LICENSE file for details.
Contributions to dwarf-p-cloudsc
are welcome.
In order to do so, please create a pull request with your contribution and sign the contributors license agreement (CLA).
- dwarf-P-cloudMicrophysics-IFSScheme: The original cloud scheme from IFS that is naturally suited to host-type machines and optimized on the Cray system at ECMWF.
- dwarf-cloudsc-fortran: A cleaned up version of the CLOUDSC prototype that validates runs against platform and language-agnostic off-line reference data via HDF5 or the Serialbox package. The kernel code also is slightly cleaner than the original version.
- dwarf-cloudsc-fortran-field: A fortran version of CLOUDSC that uses Field API for the data structures. The intent of this version is to show how Field API is used in newer versions of the IFS.
- dwarf-cloudsc-c: Standalone C version of the kernel that has been generated by ECMWF tools. This relies exclusively on the Serialbox validation mechanism.
- dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-kernels: GPU-enabled version of the CLOUDSC dwarf
that uses OpenACC and relies on the
!$acc kernels
directive to offload the computational kernel. - dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc: GPU-enabled and optimized version of
CLOUDSC that utilises the native blocked IFS memory layout via a
"single-column coalesced" (SCC) loop layout. Here the outer NPROMA
block loop is mapped to the OpenACC "gang" level and the kernel uses
an inverted loop-nest where the outer horizontal loop is mapped to
OpenACC " vector" parallelism. This variant lets the CUDA runtime
manage temporary arrays and needs a large
for 160K columns.) - dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-hoist: GPU-enabled and optimized version of CLOUDSC that also uses the SCC loop layout, but promotes the inner "vector" loop to the driver and declares the kernel as sequential. The block array arguments are fully dimensioned though, and multi-dimensional temporaries have been declared explicitly at the driver level.
- dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-k-caching: GPU-enabled and further optimized version of CLOUDSC that also uses the SCC loop layout in combination with loop fusion and temporary local array demotion.
- dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-cuf: GPU-enabled and optimized version of
CLOUDSC that uses the SCC loop layout in combination with CUDA-Fortran
(CUF) to explicitly allocate temporary arrays in device memory and
move parameter structures to constant memory. To enable this variant,
a suitable CUDA installation is required and the
flag needs to be passed at the build stage. - dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-cuf-k-caching: GPU-enabled and further
optimized version of CLOUDSC that uses the SCC loop layout in
combination with loop fusion and temporary local array demotion, implemented
using CUDA-Fortran (CUF). To enable this variant,
a suitable CUDA installation is required and the
flag needs to be passed at the build stage. - CUDA C prototypes: To enable these variants, a suitable
CUDA installation is required and the
flag needs to be pased at the build stage.- dwarf-cloudsc-cuda: GPU-enabled, CUDA C version of CLOUDSC.
- dwarf-cloudsc-cuda-hoist: GPU-enabled, optimized CUDA C version of CLOUDSC including host side hoisted temporary local variables.
- dwarf-cloudsc-cuda-k-caching: GPU-enabled, further optimized CUDA C version of CLOUDSC including loop fusion and temporary local array demotion.
- dwarf-cloudsc-cuda-opt: GPU-enabled, further optimized beyond k-caching CUDA C version that buffers some variables and uses pipelined global-to-shared memory copies that are overlapped with compute (TMA loads).
- dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-field: GPU-enabled and optimized version of
CLOUDSC that uses the SCC loop layout, and uses FIELD API (a Fortran library purpose-built for IFS data-structures that facilitates the
creation and management of field objects in scientific code) to perform device offload
and copyback.
The field api variant supports modern features of the FIELD API such as field gangs that group
multiple fields and allocates them in one larger field, in order to reduce allocations and
data transfers. Field gang support can be enabled at runtime by setting the environment
. If CUDA is available, then the field api variant also supports the use of allocating fields in pinned memory. This is enabled by setting the environemnt variableCLOUDSC_FIELD_API_PINNED=ON
and will speed up data transfers between host and device. To enable this variant, a suitable CUDA installation is required and the--with-cuda
flag needs to be passed at the build stage. This variant lets the CUDA runtime manage temporary arrays and needs a largeNV_ACC_CUDA_HEAPSIZE
for 160K columns.). It is possible to disable Field API registering fields in the OpenACC data map, by passing the--without-mapped-fields
flag at build stage. - cloudsc-pyiface.py: a combination of the cloudsc/cloudsc-driver routines
of cloudsc-fortran with the uppermost
program replaced with a corresponding Python script capable of HDF5 data load and verification of computation results. The computation is realized by the Fortran subprogram, mimicking cloudsc-fortran and equipped with only minor modifications (i.e. derived types/global paramters handling). Turned off by default, activate at the build stage with--cloudsc-fortran-pyiface=ON
. - dwarf-cloudsc-fortran-atlas: A version of dwarf-cloudsc-fortran which uses the Atlas library and its Field and FieldSet data stuctures. There are two storage settings for variables. If the environment variable CLOUDSC_ATLAS_MULTIFIELD is "0", "OFF", or "FALSE", the variables are managed as atlas::FieldSet, which is an array of atlas::Fields. For other values of CLOUDSC_ATLAS_MULTIFIELD, a batching of variables is used as (BLK_IDX, LEV, VAR_ID, BLK_ID).
The code is written in Fortran 2003 and it has been tested using the various compilers, including:
GCC 7.3, 9.3, 11.2
Cray 8.7.7
NVHPC 20.9, 22.1
Intel (classic)
This application does not need MPI nor BLAS libraries for performance. Just a compiler that understands OpenMP directives. Fortran must be at least level F2003.
Inside the dwarf directory you can find some example of outputs inside the example-outputs/ directory.
In addition, to run the dwarf it is necessary to use an input file that can be found inside the config-files/ directory winthin the dwarf folder.
The preferred method to install the CLOUDSC dwarf uses the bundle definition shipped in the main repository. For this please install the bundle via:
./cloudsc-bundle create # Checks out dependency packages
./cloudsc-bundle build [--build-type=debug|bit|release] [--arch=./arch/ecmwf/machine/compiler/version]
The individual prototype variants of the dwarf are managed as ECBuild features
and can be enable or disabled via --cloudsc-<feature>=[ON|OFF]
arguments to
cloudsc-bundle build
The use of the boost
library or module is required by the Serialbox
utility package for filesystem utilities. If boost
is not available
on a given system, Serialbox's internal "experimental filesystem" can
be used via the --serialbox-experimental=ON
argument, although this
has proven difficult with certain compiler toolchains.
The GPU-enabled versions of the dwarf are by default disabled. To
enable them use the --with-gpu
flag. For example to build on the ECMWF's ATOS
A100 nodes:
./cloudsc-bundle create # Checks out dependency packages
./cloudsc-bundle build --clean --with-gpu --arch=./arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/nvhpc/22.1
Optionally, dwarf-cloudsc-fortran and the GPU versions can be built with
MPI support by providing the --with-mpi
flag. For example on ATOS:
./cloudsc-bundle create
./cloudsc-bundle build --clean --with-mpi --with-gpu --arch=./arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/nvhpc/22.1
Running with MPI parallelization distributes the columns of the working set among all ranks. The specified number of OpenMP threads is then spawned on each rank. Results are gathered from all ranks and reported for the global working set. Performance numbers are also gathered and reported per thread, per rank and total.
Important: If the total size of the working set (2nd argument, see "Running and testing") exceeds the number of columns in the input file (the input data in the repository consists of just 100 columns), every rank derives its working set by replicating the columns in the input file, starting with the first column in the file. This means, all ranks effectively work on the same data set. If the total size of the working set is less than or equal to the number of columns in the input file, these are truly distributed and every rank ends up with a different working set.
When running with multiple GPUs each rank needs to be assigned a different
device. This can be achieved using the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
mpirun -np 2 bash -c "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=\${OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK} bin/dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-stack 1 163840 128"
The default build configuration relies on HDF5 input and reference data for dwarf-cloudsc-fortran as well as GPU and Loki versions. The original dwarf-P-cloudMicrophysics-IFSScheme always uses raw Fortran binary format.
Please note: The HDF55 installation needs to have the f03 interfaces installed (default with HDF5 1.10+).
As an alternative to HDF5, the Serialbox library can be used to load input and reference data. This, however, requires certain boost libraries or its own internal experimental filesystem, both of which proved difficult on certain compiler toolchains or more exotic hardware architectures.
The original input is provided as raw Fortran binary in prototype1, but input and reference data can be regenerated from this variant by running
CLOUDSC_WRITE_INPUT=1 ./bin/dwarf-P-cloudMicrophysics-IFSScheme 1 100 100
CLOUDSC_WRITE_REFERENCE=1 ./bin/dwarf-P-cloudMicrophysics-IFSScheme 1 100 100
Note that this is only available via Serialbox at the moment. Updates to HDF5 input or reference data have to be done via manual conversion. A small Python script for this with usage instructions can be found in the serialbox2hdf5 directory.
To build on ECMWF's Atos BullSequana XH2000 supercomputer, run the following commands:
./cloudsc-bundle create
./cloudsc-bundle build --arch arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/compiler/version [--single-precision] [--with-mpi]
Currently available compiler/version
selections are:
(use with--with-gpu
on AC's GPU partition)
Preliminary results for CLOUDSC have been generated for A64FX CPUs on Isambard. A set of arch and toolchain files and detailed installation and run instructions are provided here.
A preliminary SYCL code variant has been added and tested with a custom DPCPP install on ECMWF's AC partition. To build this, please use the SYCL-specific environment setups:
./cloudsc-bundle build --clean --build-dir=build-sycl --with-gpu --with-sycl --with-serialbox --arch=arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/intel-sycl/2021.4.0
# Then run with
cd build-sycl && . env.sh
./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-scc-sycl 1 240000 128
./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-scc-hoist-sycl 1 240000 128
./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-scc-k-caching-sycl 1 240000 128
The different prototype variants of the dwarf create different binaries that all behave similarly. The basic three arguments define (in this order):
- Number of OpenMP threads
- 1 : single thread mode, skip multithread MPI init; default value;
- 2 or higher : force OpenMP thread count, enables multithread MPI;
- 0 or negative : read OMP_NUM_THREADS variable if present or defaults to CPU count (
- Size of overall working set in columns
- Block size (NPROMA) in columns
An example:
cd build
./bin/dwarf-P-cloudMicrophysics-IFSScheme 4 16384 32 # The original
./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-fortran 4 16384 32 # The cleaned-up Fortran
./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-c 4 16384 32 # The standalone C version
On the Atos system, a high-watermark run on a single socket can be performed as follows:
OMP_PLACES="{$(seq -s '},{' 0 $(($OMP_NUM_THREADS-1)) )}" srun -q np --ntasks=1 --hint=nomultithread --cpus-per-task=$OMP_NUM_THREADS ./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-fortran $OMP_NUM_THREADS 163840 32
For a double-precision build with the GNU 11.2.0 compiler, performance of ~73 GF/s is achieved.
To run the GPU variant on AC, which includes some GPU nodes, allocate an interactive session on a GPU node and run the binary as usual:
srun -N1 -q ng -p gpu --gres=gpu:4 --mem 200G --pty /bin/bash
bin/dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-hoist 1 262144 128
For a double-precision build with NVHPC 22.1, performance of ~340 GF/s on a single GPU is achieved.
A multi-GPU run requires MPI (build with --with-mpi
) with a dedicated MPI
task for each GPU and (at the moment) manually assigning CUDA devices to each
rank, as Slurm is not yet fully configured for the GPU partition.
To use four GPUs on one node, allocate the relevant resources
salloc -N 1 --tasks-per-node 4 -q ng -p gpu --gres=gpu:4 --mem 200G
and then run the binary like this:
srun bash -c "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=\$SLURM_LOCALID bin/dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-hoist 1 \$((\$SLURM_NPROCS*262144)) 128"
In principle, the same should work for multi-node execution (-N 2
, -N 4
etc.) once interconnect issues are resolved.
For GPU-enabled runs two internal timer results are reported:
- The isolated compute time of the main compute kernel on device (where
#BLKS == 1
) - The overall time of the execution loop including data offload and copyback
It is important to note that due to the nature of the kernel, data
transfer overheads will dominate timings, and that most supported GPU
variants aim to optimise compute kernel timings only. However, a
dedicated variant dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-field
has been added to
explore host-side memory pinning, which improves data transfer times
and alternative data layout strategies. By default, pinned memory is turned off
but can be turned on by setting the environment variable CLOUDSC_FIELD_API_PINNED=ON
This will allocate each array variable individually in pinned memory. A runtime flag
can be used to enable "packed" storage,
where multiple arrays are stored in a single base allocation, eg.
NV_ACC_CUDA_HEAPSIZE=8G CLOUDSC_PACKED_STORAGE=ON ./bin/dwarf-cloudsc-gpu-scc-field 1 80000 128
Loki is an in-house developed source-to-source translation tool that allows us to create bespoke transformations for the IFS to target and experiment with emerging HPC architectures and programming models. We use the CLOUDSC dwarf as a demonstrator for targeted transformation capabilities of physics and grid point computations kernels, including conversion to C and GPU.
The following build flags enable the demonstrator build targets on the ECMWF Atos HPC facility's GPU partition:
./cloudsc-bundle build --clean [--with-gpu] --with-loki --loki-frontend=fp --arch=./arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/nvhpc/22.1
The following Loki modes are included in the dwarf, each with a bespoke demonstrator build:
- cloudsc-loki-idem: "Idempotence" mode that performs a full parse-unparse cycle of the kernel and performs various housekeeping transformations, including the driver-level source injection mechanism currently facilitated by Loki.
- cloudsc-loki-sca: Pure single-column mode that strips all horizontal vector loops from the kernel and introduces an outer "column-loop" at the driver level.
- cloudsc-loki-c: A prototype C transpilation pipeline that converts the kernel to C and calls it via iso_c_bindings interfaces from the driver.
The following partly or fully Python-based CLOUDSC are available:
- cloudsc-python: GT4PY based Python-only implementation. Refer to
for information on how to bootstrap/execute this variant - cloudsc-pyiface: Fortran-based CLOUDSC variant driven by the Python script. Activate with:
./cloudsc-bundle build --clean --cloudsc-fortran-pyiface=ON
These variants are disabled by default. Refer to README.md in corresponding subdirectories for further information.
Loki currently supports three frontends to parse the Fortran source code:
- FParser (
): The preferred default; developed by STFC for PsyClone. - OMNI frontend (
For completeness, all three frontends are tested in our CI, which
means we require the .xmod
module description files for utility
routines in src/common
for processing the CLOUDSC source files with
the OMNI frontend. These are stored in the source under
To automate parameter space sweeps and ease testing across various platforms, a
JUBE benchmark definition is included in
the directory benchmark
. See the included README for
further details and usage instructions.