This bot is available for invite via the embed above.
Runa is a discord bot written in javascript with discord.js using the discord-akairo wrapper. Runa's job, just like in the series is to oversee and moderate!
- Make sure you have installed Node.js, Git and yarn.
- Clone this repository with
git clone
. - Run
cd Runa/src
to move into the folder that you just created. - Create a file named
and fill it out as shown in.env.example
. - Now go back into the terminal and run
yarn add
. - After you've installed all the dependencies run `yarn global add pm2.
To start the bot run pm2 start bot.js
- help: sends a list of all commands
- about: sends an embed with information about Runa
- warn: warns a user if user has three warnings the user get's kicked. (optional reason)
- ban: bans a user (optional reason)
- uban: unbans a user (optional reason). NEEDS USERID
- kick kicks specified user (optional reason)
- clear: clears user defined amount of messages (1-100)
- tempmute: mutes defined user for a defined amount of time. For an example 10min.
- tempban: temporarily bans a user for a defined amount of time (If no argument given it's 1 day by default)
- pardon: removes all warnings from the user, aka pardons the user.
- rules: lets guild member see the set rules (if there is any).
- lookup: Looks up the mentioned user.
- bans: Sends info about how many bans the guild has banned with the bot and the latest user to get banned
- config: Lets user either see or change guild specific settings. You can change or see:
- rules
- prefix
- log (channel)
- startlog
- stop log
Runa © Titus.
Authored and maintained by TitusEntertainment.
GitHub @TitusEntertainment