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Control or simulate myCobot series robots in ROS.
Make sure that
is flashed into the top Atom andTransponder
is flashed into the base Basic .The tool download address: https://github.com/elephantrobotics/myCobot/tree/main/Software -
Supported ROS versions:
- Ubuntu 16.04 / ROS Kinetic
- Ubuntu 18.04 / ROS Melodic
- Ubuntu 20.04 / ROS Noetic
The urdf model of a single gripper in this article is applicable to all machines that support this accessory.
There are two ways to run this project. The first is by running the project in a container, and this requires installing docker and installing docker-compose. The benefit of running in the container is that you can run the project in any version of linux, as long as your kernel is new enough.
Once docker is installed, run the following command, and the project should show up.
ROS Noetic:
docker-compose build ros-noetic && xhost +local:root && docker-compose up ros-noetic
ROS Melodic:
docker-compose build ros && xhost +local:root && docker-compose up ros
ROS Noetic:
docker-compose build nvidia-ros-noetic && xhost +local:root && docker-compose up nvidia-ros-noetic
ROS Melodic:
docker-compose build nvidia-ros && xhost +local:root && docker-compose up nvidia-ros
This command does three things:
docker-compose build ros
This builds the project in a container. That means nothing is installed on your host machine! The first time this runs, this command will take a long while. After running it once, caching will allow this command to run quickly.
xhost +local:root
This command gives X the ability to display GUI's from within the docker container
docker-compose up ros
This runs the image specified in the
, which by default runs the commandroslaunch mycobot_320 mycobot_320_slider.launch
within the container.
To run other tutorials, set the LAUNCH_TARGET environment variable. For example, to the run the MoveIt tutorial run:
export LAUNCH_TARGET=mycobot_320_moveit mycobot320_moveit.launch
docker-compose up ros
For using this package, the Python api library should be installed first.
pip install pymycobot --user
Install ros package in your src folder of your Catkin workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/elephantrobotics/mycobot_ros.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ sudo echo 'source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/mycobot_ros
python test.py
There is documentation in the ElephantRobotics Docs. Please check the ROS chapter.
Contributions are always welcome!
See CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.
mycobot 280 m5 camera flange & pump
mycobot 280 pi camera flange & pump
mycobot 280 JetsonNano Adaptive gripper
mycobot 280 JetsonNano Parallel gripper
mycobot 320 m5 2022 force control gripper
mycobot 320 pi 2022 force control gripper
This urdf model is applicable to all machines that support this accessory
mycobot Pro Adaptive gripper - old version
mycobot Pro Adaptive gripper (new version - Added more details)
Thanks goes to these people (Emoji Key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
Licensed under standard three-clause BSD license (same as ROS Core), Copyright 2020-2023 Elephant Robotics. Copy of the license.