An Erlang client for TDEngine, supporting both TDEngine Server and TDEngine Cloud.
- Support for both TDEngine Server and TDEngine Cloud
- Connection pooling
- Automatic retry on failures
- Support for both Basic auth and Cloud token auth
% Start the client with username/password authentication
Opts = [{host, <<"">>},
{port, 6041},
{username, <<"root">>},
{password, <<"taosdata">>}],
{ok, Pid} = tdengine:start_link(Opts).
% Execute SQL
{ok, _} = tdengine:insert(Pid, SQL, []).
% Start the client with cloud token
Opts = [{host, <<"">>},
{https_enabled, true},
{token, <<"your-cloud-token">>}],
{ok, Pid} = tdengine:start_link(Opts).
% Execute SQL with database name
SQL = <<"INSERT INTO readings VALUES (NOW, 23.5)">>,
{ok, _} = tdengine:insert(Pid, SQL, [{db_name, <<"iot_data">>}]).
: String or binary, TDEngine server host or cloud endpointport
: Integer, server port (optional for cloud endpoints)username
: String or binary, username for basic auth (server only)password
: String or binary, password for basic auth (server only)token
: String or binary, token for cloud authentication (cloud only)https_enabled
: Boolean, whether to use HTTPS (default: false, recommended true for cloud)pool
: Atom, connection pool name (default: default)
The client supports two authentication methods:
Basic Authentication (TDEngine Server)
- Uses username and password
- Sends credentials via HTTP Basic Auth header
Token Authentication (TDEngine Cloud)
- Uses token provided by TDEngine Cloud
- Sends token via URL query parameter (?token=...)
See LICENSE file for details.