FolderSync is an automation script aimed to synchronize two folders in Windows using Python, Git and Bash scripting. It is neither a synchronizing tool that creates a copy of one folder to another nor a version controlling system. Instead, it applies the changes that took place in each folder onto another. If I modify fileX in folderA, and deleted fileY in folderB, the script will delete fileY in folderA, and copy the modified fileX from folderA to folderB. Also, I want to leave some folders untouched in either folderA or folderB, and do not want to synchronize.
- Git repos are needed for both of the folders to track the changes.
- Bash Script will generate Git status reports and folder trees.
- Generated files will be read by Python script ( to determine which operations to execute.
- Python script will then execute these operations. When the operations are executed, then the folders are in sync.
- Remove Git repos at this point, and create new Git repos (Why? Because I do not want to have version history of large video files, raw images etc, I just want to know if these files are modified or deleted or newly added.).
- Add a GUI to ask user for clashing cases, i.e. a file with the same name but different content add to both of the folders etc).
- Add detailed design document.