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ESLint Config Kit

The package was moved to @eslint-kit monorepo.

The ESLint Kit CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you to setup ESLint for your project.

It can:

  • Setup configs from eslint-config-kit automatically.
    (JSON / YAML eslint config files are supported)

  • Install and manage required dependencies.
    (NPM / Yarn)

  • Add aliases support for eslint-plugin-import.
    (both JS and TS parsers are supported)

  • Create recommended .prettierrc for kit/prettier config.


Using npx (recommended):

npx @eslint-kit/cli

Installing globally (it's good in rare cases):

npm i -g @eslint-kit/cli

Common options

  • -W, --workspace <name> - use the specified yarn workspace as the working directory.

    Currently, it installs all dependencies into the workspace's package.json. If you want to keep eslint/prettier packages in the root package.json - do it manually.


Manage configs

Select everything you want using convenient dialogs. CLI will do everything for you.

$ npx @eslint-kit/cli


$ npx @eslint-kit/cli config

Accepts all common options.

Setup aliases

Just enter aliases in JSON format and CLI will take care of it.

$ npx @eslint-kit/cli alias

Accepts all common options.


Check packages for compatibility with ESLint Kit. If some versions are not ok, CLI will offer you a way to fix it.

$ npx @eslint-kit/cli check


$ npx @eslint-kit/cli check-versions

Learn more about eslint-kit here.

Accepts all common options.