Are you passionate about programming, and can not spend a day without coding.
If so, then this is a great project to contribute to. Bootcruit is an app currently
being developed to help make job hunts easier with one click solution. Instead of
you are looking for the job, but for the job to look for you. This app is for the
developer community being built by the community. If you would like to contribute
to the community, well, this is a great way to.
The team get together every Saturday at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, and go over tickets,
and challenge we all faced over the week, and discussed them.
If you need any other information or would like to join, email me at
and will get you on board as soon as
possible. Looking forward to see you on board.
### Benefits contributing
- Being to be a part of something great
- Joining a network of full stack developers with different skill set
- Newbies are assigned a mentor to help them contribute to the project.
- Meeting other developers and extend your network
- Giving back to the community
To get started on this project, follow the installations instructions below.
Before you contribute
Make sure you install all the dependencies you need for the project
Once you have Node.js installed on your computer
Navigate to the working directory and do the following in your terminal
Before you proceed, make sure you fork the repo
Note: If the below process doesn't work for you, no worries. We got you. A mentor will walk you through
#### Step 1
> npm install
The above command will install all the dependencies you need
#### Step 2
> npm install -g nodemon
The above command will install nodemon globally for you
nodemon will watch the files in the directory in which nodemon was started, and if any files c
hange, nodemon will automatically restart your node application.
#### Step 3
> Navigate in the config/config.json
> Configure it to your own database connection
#### Step 4
> nodemon server.js
The above command will start the server for you
##### Step 5
> Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/
If you see "Welcome to Tab Nabbers" in your browser, then you're good to go :thumbsup:!
Happy Contributing!
1- Node.JS
2- Express
3- MySQL
4- React.JS
5- Redux
6- Axios
7- JavaScript
8- JQuery
9- AngularJS 4
10- MVC Design patterns
11- D3.js
12- Mocha
13- Chai
There are different ways to contribute
- Front End (React.js, Redux, JavaScript, Axios, D3)
- Back End (Node.js, express, building API, etc )
- Designers
- Genius Idea's
- Unit Testers
- etc.
- Esterling Accime
- Cody Brannon
- Ashley MacWhirter
- Eric Gaupp