An easy to use Golang package to quickly send Discord webhooks (
go get
package main
import (
wh ""
func main() {
// Create a new webhook object. Most fields are optional
webhook := wh.Webhook{
Content: "This is the webhook's content - up to 2000 characters long.",
Username: "go-webhooks",
AvatarUrl: "",
Embeds: []wh.Embed{
Title: "Embed Title with URL",
Description: "This is the embed's description",
Url: "",
Timestamp: wh.GetTimestamp(), // Returns a new timestamp matching Discords format
Color: wh.GetColor("#00ff00"), // Returns the color in decimal value matching Discords format
Footer: wh.EmbedFooter{
Text: "Sent via",
Thumbnail: wh.EmbedThumbnail{
Url: "",
Author: wh.EmbedAuthor{
Name: "eta",
Url: "",
IconUrl: "",
Fields: []wh.EmbedFields{
Name: "Field 1",
Value: "Text here",
// Send the webhook
if err := wh.SendWebhook("", webhook, true); err != nil {
For any questions feel free to add and DM me on Discord (eta#1656).
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.