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This repository contains the tools and resources for working with ERC-4337 Account Abstraction smart contracts. This includes the code for the singleton EntryPoint contract that is deployed by our team on most EVM-compatible networks.


Account abstraction allows users to interact with Ethereum using smart contract wallets instead of EOAs, without compromising decentralization, providing benefits like:

  • Social recovery
  • Batched transactions
  • Sponsored transactions (gas abstraction)
  • Signature abstraction
  • Advanced authorization logic

Repository Structure

Core Components

  • EntryPoint Contract (contracts/core/EntryPoint.sol): The central contract that processes UserOperations
  • BaseAccount (contracts/core/BaseAccount.sol): Base implementation for smart contract accounts
  • BasePaymaster (contracts/core/BasePaymaster.sol): Helper class for creating a paymaster
  • StakeManager (contracts/core/StakeManager.sol): Manages deposits and stakes for accounts and paymasters
  • NonceManager (contracts/core/NonceManager.sol): Handles nonce management for accounts
  • UserOperationLib (contracts/core/UserOperationLib.sol): Utilities for working with UserOperations
  • Helpers (contracts/core/Helpers.sol): Common constants and helper functions

Sample Implementations

  • SimpleAccount (contracts/accounts/SimpleAccount.sol): Basic implementation of an ERC-4337 account

  • Simple7702Account (contracts/accounts/Simple7702Account.sol): A minimal account to be used with EIP-7702 (for batching) and ERC-4337 (for gas sponsoring)

  • SimpleAccountFactory (contracts/accounts/SimpleAccountFactory.sol): A sample factory contract for SimpleAccount

Developer setup


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd account-abstraction
yarn install


yarn compile


yarn test

Entrypoint Deployment

The EntryPoint contract is the central hub for processing UserOperations. It:

  • Validates UserOperations
  • Handles account creation (if needed)
  • Executes the requested operations
  • Manages gas payments and refunds

The EntryPoint is deployed by using

hardhat deploy --network {net}

EntryPoint v0.8 is always deployed at address 0x4337084d9e255ff0702461cf8895ce9e3b5ff108

This repository also includes a number of audited base classes and utilities that can simplify the development of AA related contracts.


For projects integrating the library

If you are building a project that uses account abstraction and want to integrate our contracts:

yarn add @account-abstraction/contracts

For Paymaster development

import "@account-abstraction/contracts/core/BasePaymaster.sol";

contract MyCustomPaymaster is BasePaymaster {
    /// implement your gas payment logic here
    function _validatePaymasterUserOp(
        PackedUserOperation calldata userOp,
        bytes32 userOpHash,
        uint256 maxCost
    ) internal virtual override returns (bytes memory context, uint256 validationData) {
        context = “”; // specify “context” if needed in postOp call. 
        validationData = _packValidationData(

For Smart Contract Account development

import "@account-abstraction/contracts/core/BaseAccount.sol";

contract MyAccount is BaseAccount {

    /// implement your authentication logic here
    function _validateSignature(PackedUserOperation calldata userOp, bytes32 userOpHash)
    internal override virtual returns (uint256 validationData) {

        // UserOpHash can be generated using eth_signTypedData_v4
        if (owner != ECDSA.recover(userOpHash, userOp.signature))
            return SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED;
