This is the front-end of our APS-internal framework to:
- Scan the data directories given in config.ini variable
and all their subdirectories. If a directory contains files or is empty it will be listed, else not. Selected files etc can be excluded with theexclude
variable in the config file. - Generate a website based on the content of the data directory that allows to do a keyword-based search. In order for this to work well all parameters such as
- device name
- student / staff name
- measurement type should encoded in the path of the file (i.e. give your folder/file a useful name (see naming conventions below)
- Obtain the paths of the directories in which the data resides and a download link to pull the data onto your local machine for further analysis.
In order to successfully identify your measurement data it has to include keywords - similar to hastags on twitter or instagram.
Please try to include these keywords into the path to your data:
- person please stick to using your ETH username as it is unique
- sample use the manufacturer's device number e.g. C2M0080120D or another unique identifier
- measurement technique dlts, iv, cv, ccd, cl, pl, mcts, microscope, ..
- detail or Readme.txt a detail might be 'source-drain' for an IV-measurement. Of course best would be to include a Readme.txt in which you describe in a few sentences what was done and even put your analysis code there, so that other people can reproduce the results.
Example paths:
- data/smith/C2M0080120D/iv/drain-source
- data/doe/dlts/Ascatron-150µm-EPI-41
- data/roe/optical-microscope/power2power-s1
A development version of the webserver can be run on your local machine.
- First, install the necessary python packages with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the webserver for local development:
python -m flask --debug --app server run --host=
The website should then be available at: http:
On the APS webserver reachable at the code is deployed through a dedicated webserver (nginx) in combination with uwsgi.
If you have never done this you might struggle a bit, but the learning curve is steep. For easier reproducability I have followed this article on how to employ our flask application with uWSGI and Nginx.
The corresponding config files can be found in the folder server_config.
In addition the website is secured with a basic http authentication. Details on how this was setup here here. You can find the user/PW in our Wiki (Guide to the APS servers).
The (small) framework consists of several files and folders:
- config.ini: The configuration file in which the data directory as well as keywords to exclude are listed.
- Holds the code to scan the given data directory and to return a list of files that comply with the requirements we have set.
- Renders the website with flask.
- static-folder: Stores static files such as logos.
- templates-folder: Stores the html templates for rendering the website.
- data-folder: This is where the data resides.
Upon pressing the search button the data-folder is searched for all files that match the search terms. If no search terms were given all files are returned.,