Phase 3 Project for Flatiron School
Drinkify is an application where mixologists can share their drink recipes.
This application was built for Flatiron's Software Engineering Bootcamp Phase 3 Project.
Introductory video:
Fork and clone this repository to get started. Then from the backend directory, run bundle install
to install the gems.
$ cd app-client
$ npm start
$ cd app-server
$ bundle exec rake server
- If processes are already running on the server:
$ killall -9 ruby
- You can start your server with:
$ bundle exec rake server
This will run your server on port http://localhost:9292.
This project's Sinatra API backend (app-server) uses Active Record to access and persist data in a database, which is used by a separate React frontend (app-client) that interacts with the database via the API. The models use a one-to-many relationship between the mixologists and drinks tables. Application routes (both client-side and backend) follow RESTful conventions.
Each drink belongs to a mixologist and each mixologist has many drinks. This project uses the following API routes in Sinatra:
Create and Read actions for the mixologist model (has_many)
- Create a new mixologist
- Read a list of mixologists
Full CRUD capability for the drink model (belongs_to)
- Create a new drink
- Read each mixologist's list of drinks
- Update an individual drink
- Delete a drink
OO design patterns:
- separate classes for each model
Optimal backend functionality:
- Passes JSON for related associations to the frontend from the backend
- Uses active record methods in the controller to grab data from the database and provide as JSON to the frontend
The React frontend application interacts with the API to perform CRUD actions. It utilizes proper front end state management, updating state using a setState function after receiving fetch responses from POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests.