Simple benchmarking library with a pretty output.
npm install --save-dev benchloop
The following interface is provided:
type LogType = 'extended' | 'compact' | false;
type Hook<CTX> = ( ctx: CTX ) => void;
type HookAfter<CTX, DATA> = ( ctx: CTX, data: DATA ) => void;
type ProfileOptions<CTX> = {
name: string,
iterations: number,
log: LogType,
groups: string[],
only: boolean,
skip: boolean,
special: boolean,
before: Hook<CTX>,
beforeEach: Hook<CTX>,
after: HookAfter<CTX, ProfileData<CTX>>,
afterEach: Hook<CTX>,
ctx: () => CTX,
fn: ( ctx: CTX, iteration: number ) => void
type ProfileData<CTX> = {
options: ProfileOptions<CTX>,
iterations: number,
elapsed: number,
profiles: number[]
function benchloop<CTX = any> ( options: Partial<ProfileOptions<CTX>> | ProfileOptions<CTX>['fn'] ): void;
function group ( group: string, fn: Function ): void;
benchloop.only = benchloop;
benchloop.skip = benchloop; = group; = group; = group;
benchloop.defaultOptions: Options;
You can use this library like so:
import benchloop from 'benchloop';
benchloop ({
name: 'Example benchmark',
fn: () => {
for ( let i = 0, l = 100000 * Math.random (); i < l; i++ ) {
Math.exp ( i, 10 );
}); ( 'MyGroup', () => { // Group multiple benchmarks together
benchloop ({
name: 'Regular benchmark',
fn: () => {}
benchloop.skip ({ // Skip this benchmark
name: 'Skipped benchmark',
fn: () => {}
benchloop.only ({ // Execute only this benchmark
name: 'Only benchmark',
fn: () => {}
benchloop.summary (); // Display a summary
The benchloop
functions support the optional only
and skip
methods, useful for quickly running benchmarks selectively.
MIT © Fabio Spampinato