A batched debouncing and throttling solution, for performance.
This allows you to construct debounce and throttle functions based on dettle
where multiple callbacks using the same options are scheduled together, so a single timeout is used to schedule all of them, rather than one for each.
npm install dettle-batch
import {createDebounce, createThrottle} from 'dettle-batch';
// Let's debounce multiple handlers for the same DOM event together, for performance
const debounce = createDebounce ();
document.addEventListener ( 'focusin', debounce ( onFocusChange1, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusout', debounce ( onFocusChange1, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusin', debounce ( onFocusChange2, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusout', debounce ( onFocusChange2, 50 ) );
// Let's throttle multiple handlers for the DOM event together, for performance
const throttle = createThrottle ();
document.addEventListener ( 'focusin', throttle ( onFocusChange1, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusout', throttle ( onFocusChange1, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusin', throttle ( onFocusChange2, 50 ) );
document.addEventListener ( 'focusout', throttle ( onFocusChange2, 50 ) );
MIT © Fabio Spampinato