An isomorphic setImmediate/setInterval/setTimeout implementation.
This package exists to smooth out differences between Node and the browser, and to clean up some nonsense.
- This library works everywhere, with the same API.
- setTimeout/setInterval don't return numbers under Node, this library eliminates that ugliness.
- setImmediate is not natively available in the browser, this library polyfills it.
- setImmediate will also return a number, for consistency.
- .ref/.unref methods are not browser functions, this library exposes dedicated functions for them.
- If the number of milliseconds is too high it would overflow, this library clamps it within the supported range.
npm install isotimer
Very similar APIs are available for setImmediate/setInterval/setTimeout.
The following code will just look at timeouts, for convenience, but they all work the same way basically.
import {setImmediate, clearImmediate, refImmediate, unrefImmediate} from 'isotimer';
import {setInterval, clearInterval, refInterval, unrefInterval} from 'isotimer';
import {setTimeout, clearTimeout, refTimeout, unrefTimeout} from 'isotimer';
// Let's schedule a timeout, which will always return us a number
const timeoutId = setTimeout ( () => {
console.log ( 'Hello' );
}, 1000 );
// Let's unref and ref it back again, just to show how to do it
unrefTimeout ( timeoutId );
refTimeout ( timeoutId );
// Let's clear it
clearTimeout ( timeoutId );
MIT © Fabio Spampinato