Welcome to the Amiga Development Kit!
Please check out the Amiga Development Kit documentation for full context on this repository, where you'll find documentation, tutorials, & the API.
If you're just now learning about farm-ng and the Amiga robot, check out our website:
The Amiga, and accompanying development kit, is a toolset of hardware and software built by farm-ng to enable farmers, hackers, engineers, roboticists, or anyone with a vision of creating ruggedized, waterproof, outdoor robotic rover applications.
See brain/ for instructions on building the farm_ng
lib for the brain and example applications for interacting with
the farm-ng brain.
- Farm-ng's feather microcontroller kit's introduction/overview and buying page is at the Amiga Development Kit website.
- Farm-ng's github CircuitPython codebase is here: circuitpy/.
- After attaching a USB cable to the feather chip, follow instructions to get circuitpy onto the microcontroller board here.
- Hardware setup of farm-ng's feather microcontroller and running
farm-ng's codebase on the chip is here
- Once you copy your own or farm-ng's code onto the
microcontroller, you can use vscode to just open the the root
directory to actively work on the files there. Any
file in the root directory will automatically run, but in the terminal ^D will cause the microcontroller to restart code execution. - To develop on a laptop, you can enter the REPL in a number of
ways, discussed in FAQ - Using the REPL
- On linux, you can use
program such that python print statements show up. Runningcode.py
is described [here] (https://amiga.farm-ng.com/docs/mcu_kit/#loading-code-on-the-feather)
- On linux, you can use
- Once you copy your own or farm-ng's code onto the
microcontroller, you can use vscode to just open the the root
directory to actively work on the files there. Any
Clone this repository to work with the Amiga from micro-controllers or your personal computer (Mac/Linux/Windows).
cd <to_your_base_directory>
git clone git@github.com:farm-ng/amiga-dev-kit.git
In Pycharm, you can:
- Create a new project
- Use the menu:
->Checkout From Version Control
- Enter the github SSH URL and set the directory
- Now the project will manage the github connection and venv for you