This is the project under the university course in Data Engineering, Fall 2021.
Team: Robert Altmäe, Raul Niit, Fedor Stomakhin, Aleksandr Krylov
The pipeline is located in the dags folder, file On initial setup there also needs to be an empty graph_table_inserts.sql file (workaround for neo4j insertion) in the dags folder.
Open the command prompt/terminal
Locate the folder containing all the files
Enter the command docker-compose up --build
Find the services by entering the adress to your browser:
- http://localhost:8080/ (Airflow) Login: airflow, Password: airflow
- http://localhost:5050/ (PGAdmin) Login:, Password: airflow
- http://localhost:7474/ (Neo4j) Just connect (No authentication)
In airflow, on the tab pane locate Admin -> Connections There should be 2 connections present (if not they need to be created):
- Conn Id - postgres_default
- Conn Type - Postgres
- Host - postgres
- Schema - postgres
- Login - airflow
- Password - airflow
- Port - 5432
- Conn Id - neo4j_default
- Conn Type - Neo4j
- Host - neo
- Schema - neo4j
- Login -
- Password -
- Port - 7687
On the home page, clicking the unpause button next to the dag name runs the dag.
After the dag has finished, the data should be ready to be queried in PGAdmin and Neo4j.
PGAdmin connection
- On the left Servers -> Create server
- General -> Name: memes (can be whatever)
- Connection -> Host name/adress: postgres
- Connection -> Username: airflow
- Connection -> Password: airflow
GL HF :)