A tool to visualize the haplotype pattern and various information in excel. Please cite this paper when using HAPPE for your publications
Cong Feng, Xingwei Wang, Shishi Wu, Weidong Ning, Bo Song, Jianbin Yan, and Shifeng Cheng. 2022. “HAPPE: A Tool for Population Haplotype Analysis and Visualization in Editable Excel Tables.” Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (July): 927407. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.927407.
There easiest way to install HAPPE
is to use pip3.
pip3 install HAPPE
or you can clone the project to your local directory and installing it with:
python3 setup.py install --record log.txt
#if u want to uninstall the package:
#cat log.txt | xargs rm -rf
then you should have the HAPPE
command available.
$ HAPPE -h
usage: HAPPE [-h] -g CONFIG -v GZVCF [-k KEEP] [-r REGION]
[-F FUNCANN] [-f | -x | -n] [-D DEPTH] [-d DEPTHBIN]
show haplotype patterns in excel file./fengcong@caas.cn
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file.[required]
-v GZVCF, --gzvcf GZVCF
gzvcf, bcftools indexed.use to annotation and get
ref/alt basepair.[required]
-k KEEP, --keep KEEP keep sample, if u wana plot a subset of
-r REGION, --region REGION
if u wana plot a subset of --gzvcf, u can use this
option. if u use this option , ucant use -s
-s SNPLIST, --snplist SNPLIST
snp id list(format:chr_pos). if u use this option , u
cant use -r option.[optional]
How many columns do you want to occupy for this tree
-i INF, --inf INF the information of each sample.[required]
-c COLOR, --color COLOR
the color of each sample.[required]
-I SNPINF, --snpinf SNPINF
more information about SNP.[optional]
-R REF, --Ref REF change Reference and color system.[optional]
functional annotation file.[optional]
-f, --functional only functional SNP
-x, --coding only coding region SNP
-n, --noncoding only noncoding region SNP
depth dir for each sample.[optional]
Depth bin size.[optional,default:50]
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output prefix
Because some software cant deal with chromosome bigger than 512Mbp, so we need to split the chromosome into several parts.partlen
is the file that contains the length of each part. Mainly used for the depth information extraction.
- The SNP/INDEL ID must be in the format :
. - Only bi-allelic remains in vcf file.
- Compress
using bgzip - Use
bcftools index
to create an index for thevcf.gz
if you want to integrate the depth information, you need to prepare the depth file as follows:
- Create a directory for each sample with the name of the sample.
- using
to calc the depth of each position for each sample.
mosdepth -f ref.fa -Q 0 sample1/sample1.Q0 path/to/sample1.bam
"-g CONFIG", required parameter, give the paths to bcftools, bgzip and tabix in the CONFIG file.
"-v GZVCF", required parameter, input vcf file.
"-k SAMPLELIST", required parameter, list of samples to be retained, one sample per line.
"-r REGION", optional parameter, the genomic region to be displayed, format: chromosome: start-end.
"-s VARIANTLIST", optional parameter, the list of variant IDs you need to keep, using this parameter you cannot use the -r parameter.
"-w TREEWIDTH", optional parameter, the width of the tree topology.
"-i INFORMATION", optional parameter, additional sample information, the first column must be the sample ID.
"-c COLOR", optional parameter, Specify the color of each sample, the first column is the sample id and the second column is the color hex code.
"-I VARINFORMATION", optional parameter, Additional variant annotation information, such as GWAS p-value. the first colum is the variant id and each column is the annotation information with header.
"-f", optional parameter, Only the variant that changes the amino acid is retained.( Requires that the input vcf file has been annotated with SnpEff.)
"-x", optional parameter, Only the variant in the CDS region is retained.( Requires that the input vcf file has been annotated with SnpEff.)
"-n", optional parameter, Only the variant in the non-coding region is retained.( Requires that the input vcf file has been annotated with SnpEff.)
"-D DIRECTORY", optional parameter, This directory contains the depth information for each sample calculated using mosdepth, one directory per sample.
"-d WINDOWSIZE", optional parameter, window size for calculate normalized depth.
"-o PREFIX", required parameter, output prefix.
The example data covered in the publication is in the example/
-g config.ini \
-v ./data/00.annotated_vcf/SEVIR.592.SNP.ann.allele2.part.vcf.gz \
-r 5:6847970-6850236 \
-w 100 \
-d 20 \
-i ./data/02.sample_information//sample_inf.tsv \
-c ./data/02.sample_information//sample.color \
-D ./data/01.depth \
-k ./data/02.sample_information//small_example.list \
-o SEVIR_5G085400v2
## each file of the prameter
## -g config.ini
# [software]
# bgzip=path_to/bgzip
# bcftools=path_to/bcftools
# tabix=path_to/tabix
## -i ./data/02.sample_information//sample_inf.tsv
## Just make sure the first column is the sample name.
# Sample_ID ... ...
# sample1 ... ...
## -c ./data/02.sample_information//sample.color
## Just make sure the first column is the sample name and the second column is color code.
# Sample_ID color
# sample1 FF0000
# ... ...
## -F FunctionalAnnotation_v1__HCgenes_v1.0.TAB
## just make sure the first column is the gene name , and the forth column is the functional annotation.
# Gene_name XXX XXX function ... ...
# gene1 XXX XXX func1 ... ...
## -D ./data/01.depth
##Make sure that the files *mosdepth.summary.txt and *per-base.bed.gz are in the directory for each sample in this directory.