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A plugin that introduces Docker to Vagrant as a provisioner and as a command that allows you to interact with the guest machine Docker installation. It can also be used for building other Vagrant plugins that needs interaction with a Docker instance.

NOTICE: This plugin is no longer being maintained as its functionality has been merged back into Vagrant core, if you are interested on picking up the gem name please let @fgrehm know.


Make sure you have Vagrant 1.2+ and run:

vagrant plugin install vocker


  • Automatically installs Docker on guest machines
  • Adds a command to interact with guest's Docker from the host machine
  • Allows you to provision VMs with Docker images / containers from within your Vagrantfile
  • Can be used to build other plugins (and I'm currently working on one :)


Early development. It can be useful for trying out Docker and its growing "ecosystem" but the feature set and configuration format might change rapidly.

Apart from that I've only used the plugin on the following Ubuntu 13.04 VMs:

Please note that in order to use the plugin on vagrant-lxc containers you need some extra steps described below


Currently Vocker can be used in three different ways: as a provisioner, as a command and as a foundation for other Vagrant plugins.


On the same spirit as the undocumented CFEngine provisioner, this plugin will automatically install Docker on Guest machines if you specify the provisioner on your Vagrantfile like:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = 'your-box'
  config.vm.provision :docker

Please note that only Ubuntu / Debian guests are currently capable of automatic Docker installation. For usage on other guests you'll need to manually install it prior to use this plugin.

You can also use the provisioner block to specify images to be pulled and / or containers to run:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provision :docker do |docker|
    # Things are changing pretty fast, you might want to lock the Docker
    # version on the guest VM.
    docker.version = '0.6.3' # default -> :latest

    # If you just want to pull in some base images
    docker.pull_images 'ubuntu', 'busybox'

    # Command + image 'echo ls -la --color', 'ubuntu'

    # Unique container name + other configs 'app-1',
               image:   'user/app',
               ports:   ['8080:80', '80', ':80'],
               links:   ['mysql:db'],
               # Vocker will automagically create /var/lib/docker/mysql on the
               # guest VM if it doesn't exist
               volumes: ['/var/lib/docker/app:/var/lib/app'],
               cmd:     '/usr/bin/run-app'

    # Base image (requires ENTRYPOINT / CMD) to be configured:
    #   *
    #   * 'user/mysql'

    # If you need to use some random / new parameter you can pass in additional
    # arguments as wanted. The example below is the same as:
    #  docker run -v /host:/container -p 1234:3306 -d user/patched-mysql /usr/bin/mysql mysql: {
      additional_run_args: '-v /host:/container -p 1234:3306',
      image: 'user/patched-mysql',
      cmd: '/usr/bin/mysql'

The provisioner will also ensure that a single instance of the container is running at a time and you can run vagrant provision as many times as you want without leaving lots of unused containers behind. If you are interested on understanding how it works, have a look at DockerClient#run

vagrant docker command (DEPRECATED)

The command is basically a wrapper over vagrant ssh -c that allows you to run docker commands on the guest VM:

Usage: vagrant docker [vm-name] COMMAND [ARGS]

COMMAND can be any of attach, build, commit, diff, events, export, history,
images, import, info, insert, inspect, kill, login, logs, port, top, ps,
pull, push, restart, rm, rmi, run, search, start, stop, tag, version, wait

    -h, --help                       Print this help

Please note that the support for the command will be dropped on the next version of the plugin


In case you want to build a Vagrant plugin that needs to interact with Docker you can add this plugin as a dependency and use DockerClient / DockerInstaller classes. As an example you can check out Ventriloquist that builds on top of this plugin.

Usage with vagrant-lxc

If you are on a Linux machine, you can use vagrant-lxc to avoid messing up with your working environment. While developing this plugin I was able to recreate containers that were capable of using Docker without issues multiple times on an up to date Ubuntu 13.04 host and guest.

In order to allow a vagrant-lxc container to boot nested Docker containers you'll just need to apt-get install apparmor-utils && aa-complain /usr/bin/lxc-start and add the code below to your Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
    lxc.customize 'aa_profile', 'unconfined'

  config.vm.provision :shell, inline: %[
    if ! [ -f /etc/default/lxc ]; then
      cat <<STR > /etc/default/lxc

The LXC networking configs are only required if you are on an Ubuntu host as it automatically creates the lxcbr0 bridge for you on the host machine and if you don't do that the vagrant-lxc container will end up crashing as it will collide with the host's lxcbr0.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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[DEPRECATED] Docker provisioner for Vagrant







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