This project is basically trying to learn about the Boiler System Bus (BSB). It is inspired by BSB-LAN which is a esp32/arduino projects for servicing the BSB.
As the number of messages, values and value types is a large n dimensional issue i think it has outgrown the small embedded microntroller world.
The goal of this project is to listen on the BSB, dump messages to syslog and MQTT for graphing via telegraf, influx and grafana.
Controlling the Heating is not currently in scope.
Not much here. There is config.json which defines the Busses and some other details. Then there is messageformat.json which defines possible messages and their value decoding.
You need at least boost and nlohmann json to build this.
apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev cmake git
git clone nlohmann-json
( cd nlohmann-json ; cmake . ; make ; make install )
cmake .
bsbd --config config.json