Docker version:
Dunham bush --> Tested and working
Rcool Solo --> Tested and working
Akai 9000BTU --> Tested and working
Rinnai --> Tested and working .. autodiscovery name seems to be buggy
Kenwood --> In Testing
Tornado X (2019 and up) --> Tested and working
- Tornado top wifi 12x a.c Tested and reported as working
AUX ASW-H09A4/DE-R1DI (Broadlink module) --> Tested and working
Ballu BSUI/IN-12HN8 (with intergated Wi-Fi module and AC Freedom app). --> Tested and working
In theory any Broadlink devtype == 0x4E2a (20010) using the AC Freedom APP
uses Pahoo MQTT so run :
pip install paho-mqtt
pip install pyyaml
pip install PyCrypto
- copy sample_config.yml to config.yml under /settings folder or the data-dir you speified
- Edit config to match your enviroment
- run ./ (or python
If you lazy and just want to copy and paste your devices, use the -S option and discovered devicesconfig will be printed to screen for copy/paste Example:
root@berry1:~/ac_db# ./ -S
*********** start copy below ************
- ip:
mac: b4430da741af
name: Office
port: 80
*********** stop copy above ************
Some devices (confirmed on AUX conditioner) return device name in chineese, like '奥克斯空调'.
Device renaming in 'AC Freedom' app does not affect. You can see empty name in '-S' option output or any artifacts.
So in case '-S' returns empty value and you plan to use HASS autodiscovery - the best way to configure yout device manually in config.yml and set 'self_discovery: False'.
command line arguments:
optional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-Hd, --dumphaconfig Dump the devices as a HA manual config entry
If specified, will Send the MQTT autodiscovery config
for all devices to topic
-b, --background Run in background
-S, --discoverdump Discover devices and dump config
Mqtt Server, Default:
-mp MQTTPORT, --mqttport MQTTPORT
Mqtt Port
Mqtt User
Mqtt Password
-s, --discover Discover devices
-d, --debug Set logging level to debug
-v, --version Print Versions
-dir DATA_DIR, --data_dir DATA_DIR
Data Folder -- Default to folder script is located
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Config file path -- Default to folder script is located + 'config.yml'
example: Run in background
./ -b
run with full debugging (logs to log/out.log )
./ -d
Dump all discovered devices so one can copy paste
./ -S
to set values just publish to /aircon/mac_address/option/value/set new_value :
/aircon/b4430dce73f1/temp/set 20
Home Assistant ( Options
Now MQTT autodiscovery works for HomeAsssitant (
- Edit config.yml and add below if not there. If already there, then make sure prefix matches configuration.yml file settings (in HA)
discovery: true
auto_discovery_topic: homeassistant
To add a device manually using the configuration.yml in HA you can create a easy config to copy/paste by using -Hd (--dumphaconfig) . Just make sure your config.yml is updated with correct settings before running.
This is also nice to verify the autoconfig is correct that gets sent to HA using mqtt autoconfig
root@berry1:~/ac_db# ./ -Hd
*********** start copy below ****************
- action_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/homeassistant/set
current_temperature_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/ambient_temp/value
fan_mode_command_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/fanspeed_homeassistant/set
fan_mode_state_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/fanspeed_homeassistant/value
- Auto
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Turbo
- Mute
max_temp: 32.0
min_temp: 16.0
mode_command_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/mode_homeassistant/set
mode_state_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/mode_homeassistant/value
- 'off'
- cool
- heat
- fan_only
- dry
name: Living Room
platform: mqtt
precision: 0.5
temperature_command_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/temp/set
temperature_state_topic: /aircon/b4430dce73f1/temp/value