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Hugo Brewm

Fine-brewed Hugo theme made open.


A11y Console

Feature Highlights

  • Reader-first: Prioritizes privacy, readability and accessibility with personalized settings for colors, fonts, BionRead and focus mode (It's Tracker Free!).
  • Inclusive: Graceful degradation design oriented with improved semantic HTML structure & WAI-ARIA attribute, the site remains fully functional even when JavaScript is disabled!
  • Scalable: Support for multiple authors and languages, optional Pagefind search, external feed over RSS and Fediverse-powered commenting system.
  • Frameworkless: Lower maintenace & carbon footprint by lesser resource usage.


  1. Create a new Hugo site (for an existing hugo site, skip to step 2) :
hugo new site mysite
cd mysite
git init
  1. Add this theme as a Git submodule:
git submodule add themes/hugo-brewm
  1. Update your site's configuration in config.toml:
theme = "hugo-brewm"

Updating Theme

To update the theme to the latest changes, run the following commands:

  1. Change to your site directory
cd mysite
  1. Update the theme submodule
git submodule update --remote --merge themes/hugo-brewm
  1. Commit the changes
git add themes/hugo-brewm
git commit -m "Update hugo-brewm theme"


Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for hugo-brewm:

## Base URL for the site
baseURL = ''
## Site title
title = 'Example'
## Use hugo-brewm theme
theme = 'hugo-brewm'
## Enable Git information for pages, (e.g. lastMod date information)
enableGitInfo = true
## Convert all URLs to absolute URLs
canonifyURLs = true
## Default language for content
defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
## Put default language in subdirectory
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
## Use sections for main menu
# sectionPagesMenu = 'main'
## Files to ignore when building site
ignoreFiles = [ '\.redacted', '\.old','\.bak', '\.tmp', '\.swp', '\.DS_Store']

## Enable code fence highlighting
        codeFences = true

## Sitemap configuration
    ## Change frequency setting (will affect posts listings layout): 'always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never'
    changeFreq = 'monthly'

## Site parameters
    ## Site title
    title = "Example"
    ## Site description
    description = "An ExampleSite built with Hugo and Hugo-Brewm theme"
    ## Copyright notice, not implemented yet
    # copyright = "Copyright 2025 (c) Author"
    ## Generate a robots.txt
    enableRobotsTXT = true
    ## Enable extended metadata (social cards)
    extMeta = true
    ## Enable coffee metric
    coffeeStat = true
    ## Default social card image, recommended resolution: 1200 x 630px
    # images = "" 

    ## Author information
        ## site author's name
        name = 'Author Name'
        ## Author's email
        email = ''
        ## Other method to customize author and co-authors information
        coauthor = [
            {name = "A.N. Other", bio = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."}

    ## Comments configuration
        ## Disable comments (disable fediverse comments)
        disabled = false
        ## Comment platform selection, currently only 'fediverse' is supported, further options to be determined
        # platform = 'fediverse'

    ## Fediverse integration settings
        ## Fediverse instance URL
        instance = ''
        ## Fediverse username
        username = 'username'

    ## Logo configuration
        ## Light mode logo mark
        logoMark = ''
        ## Dark mode logo mark
        logoMarkDark = ''
        ## Enable logo type
        logoType = true

    ## Feed display settings
        ## Enable flowlines
        flowlines = true
        ## Limit number of flowlines with maximum 42
        flowlinesLimit = 21

    ## Home page display settings
        ## Disable slide carousel
        disableSlide = false
        ## Disable taxonomy listing carousel
        disableListing = false

    ## Post display settings
        ## Enable text justification
        justifying = false
        ## Disable paragraph indentation
        noIndent = false
        ## Show colophon section (including QR code)
        colophon = true
        ## disable redaction history
        disableHistory = false
        ## SHow related content
        related = true
        ## Show share buttons
        share = true

    ## Search configuration
        ## Enable search functionality, please index your site first
        enable = true
        ## Use pagefind search when javascript enabled, currently only 'pagefind' is supported, further options to be determined
        pagefind = true
        ## fallback searchbox when javascript disabled, currently the options limited to 'mojeek', otherwise duckduckgo will be used
        # fallback = 'mojeek'

    ## Typography settings
        ## Use web safe fonts (will overide font selection below)
        webSafe = false
        ## Serif font selection
        roman = 'crimson'
        ## Sans-serif font selection
        sans = 'inter'

    ## Extended Metadata and Social card configuration
        ## Enable twitter and opengraph social cards (same as .params.extMeta)
        enable = true
        ## Default social card image, same as .Params.images
        # images = "img/social-share.jpg" 
        ## Enable Twitter cards
        # twitter = true
        ## Twitter creator handle
        # twitterCreator = "@username"
        ## Twitter site handle
        # twitterSite = "@username"

        ## Enable OpenGraph
        # opengraph = true
        ## Facebook App ID
        # facebookAppID = "123456789"
        ## Facebook Admin ID
        # facebookAdmin = "USER_ID"

        ## (EXPERIMENTAL, not fully supported body tags)
        # schema = true
        ## JsonLD (EXPERIMENTAL, cannot validate permalink)
        # jsonLD = true

Configuration for GitHub Pages Deployment

To deploy your Hugo site with PageFind on GitHub Pages, simply copy the workflow file located at ./themes/hugo-brewm/github/workflows/hugo.yml into your repository's workflow directory and start the GitHub Action.

Configuration for Gitlab Pages Deployment

To deploy your Hugo site with PageFind on Gitlab Pages, copy the workflow file from ./themes/hugo-brewm/.gitlab-ci.yml to your repository's workflow directory and start the Gitlab CI/CD pipeline.


We currently only support Indonesian and English. Please feel free to contribute to additional translation.


Most of us love coffee, aren't we?

For what it's worth. This theme was originally made for my tiny coffee business that I work on myself. But things have to shifted in last two years, as coffee prices hikes due to shortages induced by climate change. I open my github sponsor if you'd love to help me. I would appreciate it too if you saved your morning brew by supporting your local coffee shop. That's maybe one of the small ethical revolutions we can do everyday if addressing our planet's issues can't be done in couple of earth's revolutions. I hope this will help you recognise.

Keep brewing! :)

Special Thanks

This project could not be made, without a lot efforts of — thank to:


This theme is released under the MIT License.