Influence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate Linear Models
Version 0.9-1
Functions in this package compute regression deletion diagnostics for multivariate linear models following methods proposed by Barrett & Ling (1992) and provide some associated diagnostic plots. The diagnostic measures include hat-values (leverages), generalized Cook’s distance, and generalized squared ‘studentized’ residuals. Several types of plots to detect influential observations are provided.
In addition, the functions provide diagnostics for deletion of subsets
of observations of size m>1
. This case is theoretically interesting
because sometimes pairs (m=2
) of influential observations can mask
each other, sometimes they can have joint influence far exceeding their
individual effects, as well as other interesting phenomena described by
Lawrence (1995). Associated methods for the case m>1
are still under
development in this package.
Documentation for the package is now available at
Get the released CRAN version or this development version:
CRAN version | install.packages("mvinfluence") |
Development version | remotes::install_github("friendly/mvinfluence") |
The design goal for this package is that, as an extension of standard methods for univariate linear models, you should be able to fit a linear model with a multivariate response,
mymlm <- lm( cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=mydata)
and then get useful diagnostics and plots with:
influencePlot(mymlm, ...)
As is done in comparable univariate functions in the car
noteworthy points are identified in printed output and graphs.
The Rohwer
data contains data on kindergarten children designed to
examine how well performance on a set of paired-associate (PA) learning
tasks can predict performance on some measures of aptitude and
achievement— SAT
(a scholastic aptitude test), PPVT
(Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Test), and Raven
( Raven Progressive Matrices Test). The PA
tasks differ in how the stimulus item was presented: n
(named), s
(still), ns
(named still), na
(named action) and ss
Here, we fit a MLM to a subset of the Rohwer data (the Low SES group).
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
Rohwer2 <- subset(Rohwer, subset=group==2)
rownames(Rohwer2)<- 1:nrow(Rohwer2)
Rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss, data=Rohwer2)
#> Type II MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic
#> Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
#> n 1 0.202 2.02 3 24 0.1376
#> s 1 0.310 3.59 3 24 0.0284 *
#> ns 1 0.358 4.46 3 24 0.0126 *
#> na 1 0.465 6.96 3 24 0.0016 **
#> ss 1 0.089 0.78 3 24 0.5173
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The default influence plot (type="stres"
) shows the squared
standardized residual against the Hat value. The areas of the circles
representing the observations are proportional to generalized Cook’s
(infl <-influencePlot(Rohwer.mod, id.n=4, type = "stres"))
#> H Q CookD L R
#> 5 0.568 0.3439 0.8467 1.316 0.7964
#> 10 0.452 0.0324 0.0634 0.824 0.0591
#> 14 0.126 0.2997 0.1643 0.145 0.3431
#> 15 0.332 0.0105 0.0152 0.498 0.0158
#> 25 0.157 0.3820 0.2601 0.186 0.4532
#> 27 0.367 0.2128 0.3387 0.580 0.3363
#> 29 0.304 0.2295 0.3026 0.437 0.3299
As you can see above, the function returns a data frame of the influence
statistics for the identified points. “Noteworthy” points are those that
are unusual on either Hat value (H) or the squared studentized
residual (Q), so more points will be shown than the id.n
value. It is
often more useful to sort these in descending order by one of the
influence measures.
infl |> dplyr::arrange(desc(H))
#> H Q CookD L R
#> 5 0.568 0.3439 0.8467 1.316 0.7964
#> 10 0.452 0.0324 0.0634 0.824 0.0591
#> 27 0.367 0.2128 0.3387 0.580 0.3363
#> 15 0.332 0.0105 0.0152 0.498 0.0158
#> 29 0.304 0.2295 0.3026 0.437 0.3299
#> 25 0.157 0.3820 0.2601 0.186 0.4532
#> 14 0.126 0.2997 0.1643 0.145 0.3431
An alternative (type="LR"
) plots residual components against leverage
components, both on log scales. Because influence is a product of
influencePlot(Rohwer.mod, id.n=4, type="LR")
#> H Q CookD L R
#> 5 0.568 0.3439 0.8467 1.316 0.7964
#> 10 0.452 0.0324 0.0634 0.824 0.0591
#> 14 0.126 0.2997 0.1643 0.145 0.3431
#> 15 0.332 0.0105 0.0152 0.498 0.0158
#> 25 0.157 0.3820 0.2601 0.186 0.4532
#> 27 0.367 0.2128 0.3387 0.580 0.3363
#> 29 0.304 0.2295 0.3026 0.437 0.3299
We observe that case 5 has the largest leverage and it is highly influential. Case 25 has the largest residual component and middling leverage, so it is moderately influential. Cases 14, 29, 27 have nearly identical residuals, and their influence increases from left to right with leverage.
If you wish to see how the observations fare on each of the the measures
(as well as Mahalanobis inflIndexPlot()
function gives you index plots.
There are extensive options for identifying and labeling “noteworthy”
observations, with various methods. These rely on car::showLabels()
where the default id.method = "y"
label points whose Y coordinate is
very large.
id.n=3, id.col = "red", id.cex=1.5, id.location="ab")
In this example, note that while case 5 stands out as influential, it
does not have an exceptionally large Mahalanobis squared distance,
Influential cases and those with large residuals can sometimes be dealt
with by fitting a robust version of the multivariate model. The
function heplots::robmlm()
uses a simple M-estimator that down-weights
cases with large residuals. Fitting is done by iterated re-weighted
least squares (IWLS), using weights based on the Mahalanobis squared
distances of the current residuals from the origin, and a scaling
(covariance) matrix calculated by MASS::cov.trob()
Rohwer.rmod <- heplots::robmlm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n + s + ns + na + ss,
The returned object has a weights
component, the weight for each case
in the final iteration. Which ones are less than 0.9 here?
which(Rohwer.rmod$weights < .9)
#> [1] 14 21 25 31
A simple index plot makes the down-weighted observations stand out. Case 5 is not among them, but I label it anyway.
par(mar = c(4,4,1,1)+.1)
wts <- Rohwer.rmod$weights
idx <- c(5, which(wts < .9))
plot(wts, type="h",
xlab = "Case index",
ylab = "Robust mlm weight",
cex.lab = 1.25)
rect(0, .9, 33, 1.1,
col=scales::alpha("gray", .25),
points(wts, pch = 16,
cex = ifelse(wts < .9, 1.5, 1),
col = ifelse(wts < .9, "red", "black"))
text(idx, wts[idx], label=idx, pos=3, cex=1.2, xpd=NA )
What’s up with case 5? It had the largest leverage, but it’s Mahalanobis
What difference do these observations make in the fitted regression?
This calculates the percentage relative difference between the
coefficients in the standard lm()
and the robust version. The largest
changes are for the coefficients of the ss
task, but there is an even
greater one for PPVT
on the n
100 * abs(coef(Rohwer.mod) - coef(Rohwer.rmod)) / abs(coef(Rohwer.mod))
#> SAT PPVT Raven
#> (Intercept) 1.001 1.27 0.755
#> n 4.001 36.32 3.874
#> s 1.195 13.01 0.401
#> ns 0.152 15.68 14.771
#> na 1.560 2.26 6.913
#> ss 15.173 26.55 21.288
To cite mvinfluence
in publications, use:
#> To cite package 'mvinfluence' in publications use:
#> Friendly M (2022). _mvinfluence: Influence Measures and Diagnostic
#> Plots for Multivariate Linear Models_. R package version 0.9.0,
#> <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Manual{,
#> title = {mvinfluence: Influence Measures and Diagnostic Plots for Multivariate Linear Models},
#> author = {Michael Friendly},
#> year = {2022},
#> note = {R package version 0.9.0},
#> url = {},
#> }
Barrett, B. E. and Ling, R. F. (1992). General Classes of Influence Measures for Multivariate Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(417), 184-191.
Barrett, B. E. (2003). Understanding Influence in Multivariate Regression. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 32, 3, 667-680.
Lawrence, A. J. (1995). Deletion Influence and Masking in Regression. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) , 57, No. 1, pp. 181-189.