This project is my first project published on GitHub.
I started with this after seeing a YouTube video of lowlevellearning.
Credits go to:
lowlevellearning for:
- Getting me interested in the first place;
- Giving clear instructions on how to start;
- Sharing knowledge/code.
Paul Simon as I took some of his remarks in the comments of the YouTube video.
I took some source files from
Linker script
As base, I took the linker script from lowlevellearning:
- Have a blinking LED by running baremetal on a RPI3+ (2023-03-13);
- Have code stored in GitHub (2023-03-14).
In random order, I'd like to add the following features to my code:
- Sent data from UART to the world;
- Receive data from the world on the UART;
- I.S.O.
-s withnop
instructions, use timers.- Investigate using interrupts?
- Interrupts
- Enabling/Disabling interrupts;
- Interrupt Service Routine;
- Interrupt Vector table;
- PC, running Debian (Bullseye);
- Raspberry Pi 3+, as I had one available at the time of starting;
- Power supply;
- 16GB SD card, formatted as FAT32, as storage device;
- USB-SD convertor to write files to SD.
- Debian Bullseye;
- Rust compiler, toolchain etc. etc.;
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code;
- GIT.
I'm using a Debian (Bullseye) distribution with Rust installed using:
curl -sSf | sh
rustup toolchain add armv7a-none-eabi
cargo install cargo-binutils
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
Some extra files are needed, next to kernel7.img
to run the code on the RPI.
Download: bootcode.bin
, start.elf
and fixup.dat
These are placed in the folder to_put_on_sd
cargo build
cargo objcopy -- -O binary ./to_put_on_sd/kernel7.img
Mount SD card.
Copy the files in ./to_put_on_sd/
in the root of the SDCard:
Unmount SD card.
Place SD in Raspberry Pi.
Power Raspberry Pi.
To check if the addresses (for example the start of the code) is correct:
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D target/armv7a-none-eabi/debug/my-rusty-pi|less
To disassemble a 'release' binary:
cargo objdump --release -- --disassemble --no-show-raw-insn