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KTBL Database - APIs

The KTBL Database provides information about contribution margins (including prices and yields), standard gross margins, and production process specifications for a wide variety of crops. Currently, there is no native API for the calculated data implemented on their site. This repo provides a (scraping) client aimed at filling that gap.


npm install ktbl-apis

Table of content



Returns an array of strings with all available options for the query.

  • options <object>
    • farmingType <string>
    • crop <string>
    • system <string>

Results are obtained from the KTBL Verfahrensrechner Tool.


const ktbl = require('ktbl-apis')

// Query all available farming types
.then(result => {
  // ['konventionell/integriert', 'ökologisch']
.catch(e => {

// query all crops for a certain farming type
  farmingType: 'ökologisch'
.then(result => {
  // ["Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge", "Ackerbohnen - Hafer - Gemenge", "Blumenkohl", ...]
.catch(e => {

// query all systems for a certain crop of a farming type
  farmingType: 'ökologisch',
  crop: 'Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge'
.then(result => {
  // ['nichtwendend, ohne Düngung', 'wendend, ohne Düngung']
.catch(e => {

// query all available specifications for a combination of
// farmingType, crop, and system.
// Will return an array of objects that can be chained with the cropProcedures method
  farmingType: 'ökologisch',
  crop: 'Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge',
  system: 'nichtwendend, ohne Düngung'
.then(result => {
    "type": "ökologisch",
    "crop": "Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge",
    "system": "nichtwendend, ohne Düngung",
    "size": "0",
    "yield": "mittel, leichter Boden",
    "mechanisation": "45",
    "distance": "1",
    "getIds": true
  }, {
    "type": "ökologisch",
.catch(e => {


Returns the default KTBL contribution margin for a crop.

  • options <object>
    • farmingType <string>
    • crop <string>
    • system <string>

Results are obtained from the KTBL Leistungs-Kostenrechnung Pflanzenbau Tool.


const ktbl = require('ktbl-apis')

// Query default KTBL contribution margin for a crop
  farmingType: 'ökologisch',
  crop: 'Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge',
  system: 'nichtwendend, ohne Düngung'
.then(result => {
    "revenues": [{
      "name": "Ackerbohnen, ökologisch",
      "amount": {
        "value": 1.97,
        "unit": "t/ha"
      "price": {
        "value": 451,
        "unit": "€/t"
      "total": {
        "value": 888.47,
        "unit": "€/ha"
    }, {
      "name": "Futtererbsen, ökologisch",
      "amount": {
    "directCosts": [Object],
    "variableCosts": [Object],
    "fixCosts": [Object]
.catch(err => {

standardGrossMargin(crop, region)

Returns the prices, yields, direct costs and standard gross margins from 2001 - present for a crop in a specific region. Region can be any state (Bundesland) or county (Regierungsbezirk) in Germany.
As the standard gross margin is not available for all crops that are present in the other methods, a more or less intelligent guess is made which crop (or crop group) is most suitable for the query.

  • crop <string>
  • region <string> Default: All available regions

Results are obtained from the KTBL SDB Databse Tool.


const ktbl = require('ktbl-apis')

// Query standard gross margin for a crop
ktbl.standardGrossMargin('Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge', 'Detmold')
.then(result => {
    "crop": "Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge",
    "sdbCrop": "Eiweißpflanzen",
    "year": 2017,
    "region": "Detmold",
    "mainProduct": {
      "yield": 34.1,
      "price": 17.79,
      "revenue": 607
    "byProduct": {
      "yield": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "revenue": 0
    "varCosts": {
      "seeds": 99,
      "fertilizer": 45,
      "pesticides": 115,
      "others": 79
    "total": {
      "sdb": 269,
      "revenues": 607,
      "varCosts": 338
  }, {
    "crop": "Ackerbohnen - Erbsen - Gemenge",
    "sdbCrop": "Eiweißpflanzen",
    "year": 2016,
.catch(err => {


Returns an array of objects with all standard working procedures defined for a given crop / cropping system combination.
See the cropList method for all available combinations of farmingType, crop, system and the other specifications.

  • options <object>
    • farmingType <string>
    • crop <string>
    • system <string>
    • size <string>|<integer> Default: 2
    • yield <string> Default: KTBL default value
    • distance <string>|<integer> Default: 2
    • getIds <bool> Default: false

Results are obtained from the KTBL Verfahrensrechner Tool.


const ktbl = require('ktbl-apis')

// Query crop procedures
  'crop': 'Ackergras - Anwelksilage',
  'type': 'konventionell/integriert',
  'system': 'Ballen'
.then(result => {
  /* where result yields:
	  "frequency": 0.2,
	  "month": "OKT1",
	  "name": "Bodenprobe",
	  "amount": "",
	  "steps": [{
	    "abr": "BP",
	    "description": "Entnahme von Hand; Fahrten mit Pick-up",
	    "time": 0.04,
	    "fuelCons": 0.03,
	    "deprec": 0.11,
	    "interest": 0.01,
	    "others": 0.04,
	    "maintenance": 0.03,
	    "lubricants": 0.02,
	    "services": 0
	}, {
	  "frequency": 1,
	  "month": "OKT2",
	  "name": "Gülle ausbringen, ab Hof",
	  "amount": ["20.00", "m³"],
	  "steps": [{
	    "abr": "FA",
	    "description": "Pumptankwagen, 5 m³; Schleppschlauchverteiler, 7,5 m; 45 kW",
	    "time": 2.01,
	    "fuelCons": 7.05,
	    "deprec": 19.12,
	    "interest": 4.63,
	    "others": 2.51,
	    "maintenance": 18.45,
	    "lubricants": 4.94,
	    "services": 0
.catch(err => {
  // handle errors


Returns information on a single working procedure.
The available procedureGroup, procedure, and machCombination combinations can be queried with the getIds option of the cropProcedures method.

  • options <object>
    • procedureGroup <string>|<integer>
    • procedure <string>|<integer>
    • machCombination <string>|<integer>
    • size <string>|<integer> Default: 2
    • resistance <string> Default: KTBL default value
    • distance <string>|<integer> Default: 2
    • amount <string>|<integer> Default: KTBL default value
    • workingWidth <string>|<integer> Default: KTBL default value

Results are obtained from the KTBL Feldarbeitsrechner Tool.


const ktbl = require('ktbl-apis')

// Query a single working step
  procedureGroupId: '3',
  procedureId: '290',
  machCombinationId: '2493',
  size: '1',
  resistance: 'leicht',
  distance: '1',
  amount: '130.0',
  workingWidth: '4.0',
.then(result => {
  /* result yields:
	  "procedureId": "290",
	  "machCombinationId": "2493",
	  "machCombination": "4 m; 102 kW",
	  "size": "1",
	  "resistance": "leicht",
	  "distance": "1",
	  "amount": "130.0",
	  "workingWidth": "4.0",
	  "name": "Säen von Gerste mit Kreiselegge und Sämaschine",
	  "procedureGroupId": "3",
	  "procedureGroup": "Bestellung",
	  "steps": [{
	    "description": "4 m; 102 kW",
	    "name": "Feldarbeit",
	    "time": 1.03,
	    "areaOutput": 1.49,
	    "deprec": 17.36,
	    "interest": 4.51,
	    "others": 1.72,
	    "maintenance": 17.48,
	    "lubricants": 8.41,
	    "fuelCons": 12.01,
	    "abr": "",
	    "amount": 130,
	    "workingWidth": 4
.catch(err => {
  // handle errors

Legal notice

This repo is not affiliated to KTBL and thus only shows a potential way to access the database via API.