Package extnetip
is an extension to net/netip
a few missing but important auxiliary functions for
converting IP-prefixes to IP-ranges and vice versa.
With these extensions to net/netip
, third-party IP-range
libraries become easily possible.
import ""
func Range(p netip.Prefix) (first, last netip.Addr)
func Prefix(first, last netip.Addr) (prefix netip.Prefix, ok bool)
func All(first, last netip.Addr) iter.Seq[netip.Prefix]
// Deprecated: func Prefixes(first, last netip.Addr) []netip.Prefix
// Deprecated: func PrefixesAppend(dst []netip.Prefix, first, last netip.Addr) []netip.Prefix
Hopefully some day these needed helper functions are added to netip
by the stdlib maintainers.