Casino CX is a CX application featuring multiple popular casino games such as:
- Slots (Under development)
- Blackjack (Coming soon)
- Roulette (Coming soon)
- Dices (Coming soon)
CX is a general purpose, interpreted and compiled programming language, with a very strict type system and a syntax similar to Golang's. CX provides a new programming paradigm based on the concept of affordances, where the user can ask the programming language at runtime what can be done with a CX object (functions, expressions, packages, etc.), and interactively or automatically choose one of the affordances to be applied.
You can find more info on:
- The github page on CX -
- The official website of Skycoin -
Casino CX requires the latest version of CX to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server. After installing CX and all its dependencies clone this repository by running:
$ git clone
Wait for the cloning process to finish and navigate to the cloned directory...
$ cd casino-cx/casino/
The game should be ready to run.
In order to run the game type the following command:
$ cx
The navigation between menus is done using the mouse to select a button, and pressing ENTER to confirm the selection(currently CX doesn't support mouse click activities).
If you want to show your appreciation for my work fell free to send a contribution in Skycoin to the address below and/or dm me some kind words on telegram.
- Skycoin Address: vQxgd4Mq2eReLj3fhigSBGWmfNSMqQMoL3
Thank you Skycoin community!
Do NOT send funds to the app in order to gamble! Currently it is not possible to gamble in the app as CX is still not able to interact with Fiber's blockchain, CX's development roadmap is available here. I am not part of the team responsible for the development of the CX programming language.