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FSILBM3D: Fluid-structure interaction solver based on Lattice Boltzmann method

Table of contents



Clone FSIBLM3D to a local machine,

git clone

To compile FSILBM3D in linux system, run


The executable file is FSILBM3D

The default compiler is intel fortran. To use a GNU gfortran compiler gcc, you need to change the first line in the Makefile

CMP = intel# intel,gcc


CMP = gcc# intel,gcc

Run solver

prepare work direcotry and input files

Copy input parameter file (inFlow.dat in examples), body mesh file (plate.dat in examples) and create or clean directories bash script ( in examples) to the work directory.

Create data folders in the work directory by running bash script (

for folder in DatBodySpan DatInfo DatBody DatFlow 
  if [[ -d $folder ]]; then
    rm -r $folder
    mkdir $folder
    echo Clear $folder
    mkdir $folder
    echo Create $folder

for file in check.dat continue.dat log.* *.txt
  if [[ -e $file ]]; then
    rm $file
    echo Delete $file

Running on local linux machine

Run the solve using bash script

nohup /your/local/path/FSILBM3D/FSILBM3D &>log

Runing on the compute node

Submit the PBS script (2 threads for example)

#PBS -N LBM3D-Test
#PBS -e stderr.txt 
#PBS -o stdout.txt
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
#PBS -l walltime=1:59:00
#PBS -q CPU_Small
echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR
echo test is $PBS_O_HOST
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes

Input file description

  • inFlow.dat Simulation control parameters
  • plate.dat Body mesh file
  • Bash script to create/clean output directories

Simulation parameters description

(A line starting with # indicates a comment)

  • Parallel

    1. npsize : The core number used in the simulaion
  • FlowCondition

    1. isConCmpt : Determining new simulation or continue simulaion

      • 0 : Calculate from the beginning
      • 1: Calculate from last time output
    2. numsubstep: Number of sub-steps for solid time-stepping solution

    3. timeSimTotal: Dimensionless total simulation time (time/Tref <= timeSimTotl)

    4. timeContiDelta: Dimensionless time interval for writing continue (continue.dat) which used for continue simulation

    5. timeWriteBegin: Dimensionless time to start fluid mesh (in DatFlow) and body mesh (in DatBody) writing

    6. timeWriteEnd: Dimensionless time to end fluid mesh (in DatFlow) and body mesh (in DatBody) writing (timeOutBegin should less than timeOutEnd)

    7. timeWriteFlow: Dimensionless time interval for fluid mesh (in DatFlow) writing

    8. timeWriteBody : Dimensionless time interval for body mesh (in DatBody) writing

    9. timeWriteInfo : Dimensionless time interval for post procesing information (such as force, velocity et. al. in DatInfo)

    10. Re: Dimensionless Reynolds Number

    11. denIn: Fluid density (Usually it's 1 )

    12. uvwIn: The given incoming Velocity $(U_\infty, V_\infty, W_\infty)$

      (determined by the velocity control parameters velocityKind)

    13. shearRateIn, velocityKind : the velocity control parameters

    • 0 : if velocityKind equals 0 , shearRateIn are the shear rate for incoming flow

      $U_\infty = U_{in} + 0 * shearRate(1) + y * shearRate(2) + z * shearRate(3)$

      $V_\infty = V_{in} + x * shearRate(1) + 0 * shearRate(2) + z * shearRate(3)$

      $W_\infty = W_{in} + x * shearRate(1) + y * shearRate(2) + 0 * shearRate(3)$

    • 1 : if velocityKind equals 2 , shearRateIn are the oscillatory parameter for incoming flow

      $U_\infty = U_{in} + shearRate(1) * cos(2 * pi * shearRate(2) * time + shearRate(3) * pi / 180)$

      $V_\infty = V_{in}$

      $W_\infty = W_{in}$

    1. VolumeForceIn,VolumeForceAmp,VolumeForceFreq,VolumeForcePhi : Parameters for Volume Force

      According to the NS equation :

      $rho * Du/Dt = rho * f_x - dp/dx$

      The volume force is calculated as following:

      $volumeForce(1) = VolumeForceIn(1) + VolumeForceAmp * sin(2 * pi * VolumeForceFreq * time + VolumeForcePhi)$

      $volumeForce(2) = VolumeForceIn(2)$

      $volumeForce(3) = VolumeForceIn(3)$

    2. TrefType: Determining the definition of reference time

      • 0 : Caculated by referece length and reference velocity

        $Tref = Lref / Uref$

      • 1 : Caculated by the maximum frequency of the bodies

        $Tref = 1 / max(frequency)$

      • else : The input value Tref in parameter file inflow.dat

    3. UrefType: Determining the definition of reference velocity

      • 0 : X-incoming flow velocity : $U_\infty$

      • 1 : Y-incoming flow velocity : $V_\infty$

      • 2 : Z-incoming flow velocity : $W_\infty$

      • 3 : Incoming flow velocity magnitude : $\sqrt{U_\infty^2 + V_\infty^2}$

      • 4 : The velocity amplitude only for velocityKind 2 : $|shearRateIn(1)|$

      • 5 : Flapping frequency velocity : $L f$

      • 6 : Maximum plunging velocity : $2\pi f a$

      • 7 : Twice maximum plunging velocity used by Park et al. (2017) PoF : $2\pi f a * 2$

      • else : The input value Uref in parameter file inflow.dat

    4. ntolLBM: Maximum number of iterations for the LBM method

    5. dtolLBM: Error tolerance for the LBM method

    6. interpolateScheme: Interpolate Scheme for multi-block communication.

      • 1 : Linear interpolation.

      • 2 : Third-(boundary) and fourth-order(inner) mix interpolation.

  • FluidBlocks

    1. nblock: Number of fluid grid partitions
    2. ID: The ID of fluid grid
    3. iCollideModel: Determines the LBM model used in simualtion
      • 1 : SRT : Single Relaxation Time
      • 2 : TRT : Double Relaxation Time
      • 3 : MRT : Multiple Relaxation Time
      • 11 : SMAG-SRT: Single Relaxation Time With Smagorinsky Model
      • 12 : Regular-SRT: Regularised Single Relaxation Time
      • 13 : ELBM-SRT: Single Relaxation Time In ELBM
      • 14 : WALE-SRT: WALE Single Relaxation Time
      • 15 : Vremann-SRT: Vremann Single Relaxation Time
    4. offsetOutput: The computation domain moves with first body if this equals 1
    5. isoutput: Outputting the relative flow grid and body, i.e. in the moving frame of reference, if this equals 1
    6. xDim,yDim,zDim: Number of nodes in the x, y, and z directions of the fluid block
    7. dh: For uniform grid dh=dx=dy=dz
    8. xmin,ymin,zmin: Starting position of the fluid block
    9. boundaryConditions(1:6) (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax): Boundary conditions parameters on six directions
      • 0: Fluid boundary conditions
      • 101: Dirichlet boundary condition (velocity equal to a specified value)
      • 102: Dirichlet boundary condition (The value of velocity at the boundary is not a fixed constant, but a non-uniform distribution of function values)
      • 103: First order extrapolation boundary conditions
      • 104: Second-order extrapolation boundary conditions
      • 201: Fixed wall(full way bounce back)
      • 202: Moving wall, only for the top and bottom boundaries $(ymin, ymax)$
      • 203: Fixed wall(half way bounce back, good choice for turbulent in LES compute)
      • 301: Periodic Boundary(For the son block, the xDim/yDim/zDim should have have one more layer than the father block)
      • 302: Symmetric boundary
    10. params: Pending Parameters
  • SolidBody

    1. IBPenaltyalpha : Velocity correction parameter of the penalty function in the IBM method

    2. alphaf : Parameter for correcting torsion in the mass matrix

    3. NewmarkGamma, NewmarkBeta: Parameters of the Newmark method

    4. dampK, dampM : Stiffness damping K, mass damping M

    5. dtolFEM, ntolFEM : Maximum number of iterations and error tolerance for the FEM method

    6. nFish : Total number of the solid bodies

    7. nfishGroup : Numbers of the solid bodies type

    8. isKB : Determining the kind of parameters of the flexible bodies

      • 0 : KB, KS(Bending Stiffness, Stretching Stiffness)
      • 1 : EmR, TcR (Elastic Modulus Ratio, Characteristic Time Ratio)
    9. fishnum (fishGroup) : The number of the solid bodies in the specific type

    10. numX,numY,numZ : Number of arrangements of multiple bodies in the x, y, and z directions

    11. FEmeshName(iFish) : The name of the body mesh file in the specific type

    12. iBodyModel(iFish) : Choose for the body models

      • 1: rigid body
      • 2: flexible body
    13. iBodyType(iFish) : Type of virtual object

    14. isMotionGiven : Degrees of freedom in six directions

    15. denR(iFish) : Density ratio $(rho_b * h / rho_f * L)$, where $L$ is the virtual plate thickness

    16. psR(iFish) : Poisson ratio

    17. Freq(iFish) : The flapping frequence for flexible bodies

    18. firstXYZ : The initial position of the first point of the bodies

    19. deltaXYZ : If there are more than one bodies in a type, deltaXYZ determines the interval between front and rear solids

    20. initXYZVel : The given initial translatory velocity for the flexible body and the given translational velocity for the rigid body.

    21. XYZAmpl, XYZPhi : Parameters for body flapping

      • $XYZ = XYZAmpl * dcos(2.0 * pi * Freq * time + XYZPhi)$
    22. AoAo, AoAAmpl, AoAPhi : Parameters for body rotation

      • $Theta = AoAo + AoAAmpl * dcos(2.0 * pi * Freq * time + AoAPhi)$
  • ProbingFluid

    1. fluidProbingNum: The number of data detection points in flow field
    2. fluidProbingCoords : The coordinates of detection points
  • ProbingSolid

    1. solidProbingNum: The number of data detection points in bodies
    2. solidProbingNode: The serial number of each detection points in the specific body

Output file description

  • Output files and directories
  1. DatBody : Folder of body results
  2. DatBodySpan : Folder of spanwise-extension body results
  3. DatFlow : Floder of flow field results
  4. DatInfo : Floder of force and power et. al. results
  5. Check.dat : Parameters record file for checking
  6. continue.dat : Results record file for continue calculating
  • Files in DatInfo description
  1. FishAngular.plt
    • AoA : The deflection angle of the body $(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)$;
    • Ty-TH : Height difference between the first and last points $(y2 - y1)$
    • Hy : y Coordinate of the first point $(y1)$
    • Ty : y Coordinate of the last point $(y2)$
  2. FishPower.plt : The power information of the bodies
    • Ptot : Px + Py + Pz
    • Px,Py,Pz : Output power calculated by ($force * velcity$)
  3. FishEnergy.plt : The energy of the bodies
    • E_s : Streching strain energy
    • E_b : Bending strain energy
    • E_p : Total strain energy calculated by (E_s + E_b)
    • E_w : Kinetic energy
    • E_t : total energy calculated by (E_p + E_w)
    • E_k : Output energy calculated by ($E_k = E_k + t * ptot$)
  4. FishForce.plt :The forces exerted on the bodies
  5. FishNodeBegin.plt : The information of the first point of the bodies
  6. FishNodeCenter.plt : The information of the center point of the bodies
  7. FishNoEnd.plt : The information of the last point of the bodies
  8. FishNodeMean.plt : The average information of the all points of the bodies