High Performance solving suite for the Pickup and Delivery Problem and its related extensions.
IMPORTANT: This project is still under its early stage of development. So it's not recommended yet to use on real world projects.
This library has been inspired (and created) by a Final Degree Project, which you can read at: https://github.com/garciparedes/tfg-pickup-and-delivery
pip install jinete
Here is a simple example about how to run jinete
to solve a HashCode 2018 Online Qualification instance.
import jinete as jit
file_path = './res/datasets/hashcode/a_example.in'
solver = jit.Solver(
'file_path': file_path,
'formatter_cls': jit.HashCodeLoaderFormatter
result = solver.solve()
# ...
You can find the documentation at: https://garciparedes.me/jinete
First of all, you need to create a virtualenv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Then install the library and all its extra dependencies (with the all
pip intall -e .[all]
To run code style checks you can simply type:
To perform the tests with coverage you can need to type:
coverage run -m unittest discover tests
This project is licensed under MIT license.