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bot: merge on green
bot: merge on green
Gatsbot will merge these PRs automatically when all tests passes
breaking change
breaking change
If implemented, this proposed work would break functionality for older versions of Gatsby
Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue
good first issue
Issue that doesn't require previous experience with Gatsby
help wanted
help wanted
Issue with a clear description that the community can help with.
Pull requests that update javascript code
Renovate rebase label
To be considered for future core sprint
Issue that may be closed soon due to the original author not responding any more.
status: accepted
status: accepted
status: awaiting author response
status: awaiting author response
Additional information has been requested from the author
status: awaiting reviewer response
status: awaiting reviewer response
A pull request that is currently awaiting a reviewer's response
status: blocked
status: blocked
This issue/PR can't be solved at the moment and shouldn't be closed/merged
status: completed
status: completed
RFCs, Discussions etc. that are implemented/completed
status: confirmed
status: confirmed
Issue with steps to reproduce the bug that’s been verified by at least one reviewer.
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This is duplicated by another issue or PR already submitted
status: needs core review
status: needs core review
Currently awaiting review from Core team member
status: needs docs review
status: needs docs review
Pull request related to documentation waiting for review
status: needs more info
status: needs more info
Needs triaging and reproducible examples or more information to be resolved
status: needs reproduction
status: needs reproduction
This issue needs a simplified reproduction of the bug for further troubleshooting.
status: rejected
status: rejected
status: triage needed
status: triage needed
Issue or pull request that need to be triaged and assigned to a reviewer
topic: a11y
topic: a11y
Related to accessibility
topic: adapters
topic: adapters
Related to Gatsby Adapters
topic: automation
topic: automation
Related to Circle CI, Peril, Renovate, scripts/*, Github Workflows, Github Actions, or Slackbot
topic: benchmarks
topic: benchmarks
Related to sites used for benchmarking (`benchmarks` directory)
topic: build
topic: build
Related to the Gatsby build process
topic: cli
topic: cli
Related to the Gatsby CLI